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127 lines (101 loc) · 3.82 KB

File metadata and controls

127 lines (101 loc) · 3.82 KB

To install the plugin, do the following:

import VueSession from 'vue-session'
const app = createApp(App); // your normal Vue 3 app code

Now you can inject this inside your component.

const $session = inject('$vsession');


VueSession can be started with some options that will change its behavior.

  • persist A Boolean value to determine whether the data stored in the session may persist between tabs and browser instances. Defaults to false.

Pass the options in the use method:

var options = {
    persist: true

app.use(VueSession, options)


  • $session.getAll(), returns all data stored in the Session.
  • $session.set(key,value), sets a single value to the Session.
  • $session.get(key), returns the value attributed to the given key.
  • $session.start(), initializes a session with a 'session-id'. If you attempt to save a value without having started a new session, the plugin will automatically start a new $session.
  • $session.exists(), checks whether a session has been initialized or not.
  • $session.has(key), checks whether the key exists in the Session
  • $session.remove(key), removes the given key from the Session
  • $session.clear(), clear all keys in the Session, except for 'session-id', keeping the Session alive
  • $session.destroy(), destroys the Session
  • $, returns the 'session-id'
  • $session.renew(session_id), allows a user to renew a previous session by manually inputting the session_id


Flash allows you to save data until you read them without having to start a regular Session.

  • $session.flash.set(key, value), sets a flash value
  • $session.flash.get(key), reads and removes a flash value
  • $session.flash.remove(key), removes a flash value


Your login method could look like this:

import { inject } from "vue";

export default {
  setup(props, { emit }) { //props, context
    // Inside vue-session we are using provide, so you can inject it further
    // app.provide('$vsession', $vsession);

    const $session = inject('$vsession');
    const handleSubmit = () => {
      // your validation code
      // your method code
      // your API logics...
      // sample code + '?_format=json', JSON.stringify(YOUR_JSON), {
          headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
            'X-CSRF-Token': sessionToken
          withCredentials: true
          .then(userResponse => {
            $session.set('token', userResponse.csrf_token)
            $session.set('isLoggedIn', true);
            $session.set('uid', userResponse.uid)
          .catch(error => {
            // handle any errors
            if (error.response.status == 403) {
              console.log('User already logged in! ' + $session.get('token'))
            let message =
    return {

In your logged-in area, you can check whether or not a session is started and destroy it when the user wants to logout.

const $session = app.config.globalProperties.$vsession
let $uid = $session.get('uid'); // if you ar setting uid while log in action

// or another way
// Helper for checking route auth. Will check if auth is needed,
// redirects to login page is page is restricted.
export const requireAuth = (to, from, next) => {
  if ($session.exists()) {
    if (!$session.get('isLoggedIn')) {
    } else {
  } else {

Hope this is helpful ! I am available for any support/consultancy :-)