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42 lines (33 loc) · 1.25 KB

File metadata and controls

42 lines (33 loc) · 1.25 KB


The application is based on Ionic Framework (Ionic 3). It also uses cordova plugins.


$ npm install -g ionic cordova
  • check for errors, if any install those packages properly.
  • Goto project folder.
$ cd Expense-Manager-Ionic/

Run, Debug or Build

  • To run the application on android Emulator/Virtual Device setup the paths for Android SDK & then run ionic.
$ export ANDROID_HOME="/Users/<username>/Library/Android/sdk"
$ export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
$ ionic cordova run android
  • or Run the app on a physical android Device. -lc option for live reloading & console logging.
$ ionic cordova run android --device -lc
  • or Simply view the app in a browser using.
$ ionic serve
  • Build a standalone debug apk. The apk can be found in <ProjectDir>/platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/.
$ ionic cordova build android --debug
  • or Quickly try the app by downloading the apk from releases.