| 1 | +CHANGELOG - Cortex ORM |
| 2 | + |
| 3 | +1.5.1 (25.04.2018) |
| 4 | +* new: Cortex->getMapper to access the raw mapper |
| 5 | +* added has-many <> belongs-to-one inverse save handler, which was not implemented before |
| 6 | +* clear virtual fields on reset |
| 7 | +* improved mongodb support |
| 8 | +* apply auto-quoting to order statement, if not already quoted, #60 |
| 9 | +* reset internal schema cache upon setup |
| 10 | +* fix Jig sorting issue on camelCase fields |
| 11 | +* fix unit test for php7.2 |
| 12 | +* fix field matching for jig filter |
| 13 | +* fix changed field check for `_id` field |
| 14 | +* fix custom primary key with m:m relation usage, #56 |
| 15 | +* fix issue with certain whitespace in filters for mongodb |
| 16 | +* fix countRel mm-table quotation |
| 17 | +* fix jig order issue on count |
| 18 | + |
| 19 | +1.5.0 (30.06.2017) |
| 20 | +* F3 3.6.2 compatibility fixes |
| 21 | +* new: Collection->contains method |
| 22 | +* new: Collection->compare method |
| 23 | +* allow a CortexCollection to be used as bind parameter for `IN` operators |
| 24 | +* allow to optionally set a table $charset |
| 25 | +* improved field whitelisting, #23 #24 |
| 26 | +* include virtual fields in whitelist, #48 |
| 27 | +* reduced schema queries |
| 28 | +* optimized table and field escaping in queries #46 |
| 29 | +* use aliased table on join conditions |
| 30 | +* use class ttl defaults if any |
| 31 | +* added getRaw shortcut method |
| 32 | +* added space after `IN` group in query condition |
| 33 | +* added isSelf configuration existence check |
| 34 | +* Bug fix: issue with NULL-value as named bind parameter |
| 35 | +* Bug fix: table prefix on NULL comparison |
| 36 | +* Bug fix: invalid bind value on multiple rel counts |
| 37 | + |
| 38 | +1.4.3 (01.03.2017) |
| 39 | +* Bug fix: fix NULL bind value issue, #40 |
| 40 | +* Bug fix: fix NULL comparison, #40 |
| 41 | + |
| 42 | +1.4.2 (27.02.2017) |
| 43 | +* new: self-referencing m:m relations |
| 44 | +* new: support for NULL filter bind values (like `array('foo != ?',null)`) |
| 45 | +* raised error level (from NOTICE to USER_ERROR) |
| 46 | +* extended datetime recognition in fluid mode |
| 47 | +* refactored m:m reference clearing, #34 |
| 48 | +* align primary key setter |
| 49 | +* use mapper setter for countRel fields |
| 50 | +* escape fields names in where conditions, #21 |
| 51 | +* Bug fix: empty belongs-to-many relation, #35 |
| 52 | +* Bug fix: countRel on m:1 with custom foreign keys |
| 53 | +* Bug fix: touch() method data type detection |
| 54 | +* Bug fix: regex character set on group by |
| 55 | +* Bug fix: case-insensitive LIKE search in postgre |
| 56 | + |
| 57 | +1.4.1 (29.01.2016) |
| 58 | +* new: mergeFilter method, #7 |
| 59 | +* fix column rel type recognition, #13 |
| 60 | +* fix id assignments on collections, #8 |
| 61 | +* fix relation updates on changed collections, #8 |
| 62 | +* fix NULL filter arguments for Jig, #6 |
| 63 | +* keep case-insensitivity for Jig & Mongo, #5 |
| 64 | +* add return to erase method, #3 |
| 65 | +* Bug fix: missing relation fields when whitelist is active |
| 66 | +* Bug fix: sql expressions in queries |
| 67 | +* Bug fix: drop obsolete has-many fields on setup |
| 68 | +* Bug fix: table detection |
| 69 | + |
| 70 | +1.4.0 (04.06.2015) |
| 71 | +* experimental: nested has() propagation |
| 72 | +* new: nested filter() propagation (dot-style chaining) |
| 73 | +* new: composer support |
| 74 | +* new: touch() method to update date, datetime and timestamp fields |
| 75 | +* new: rel() method returns a new mapper of the given relation type |
| 76 | +* new: fine-grained option array for casting relations |
| 77 | +* refactored collection storage, uses references now |
| 78 | +* use a normal INT, not BIGINT, as default for foreign keys |
| 79 | +* allow custom local field on mm table |
| 80 | +* Bug fix: erase collections with $filter |
| 81 | +* Bug fix: getting m:m collections from dry mappers |
| 82 | +* Bug fix: return dereferenced collections on loading a subset |
| 83 | +* Bug fix: consider fieldConfig for new fluid fields |
| 84 | +* add new many-many relation with short array push syntax |
| 85 | +* and some more small fixes |
| 86 | + |
| 87 | +1.3.0 (19.01.2015) |
| 88 | +* improved count() behaviour |
| 89 | +* MS SQL Server fixes |
| 90 | +* refactor grouping and virtual fields with F3 v3.4 |
| 91 | +* clean up pivot table on deleting items with mm-relations |
| 92 | +* added support for the cursor event handlers |
| 93 | +* compatibility fixes for F3 v3.3.1 (ArrayAccess by Reference) |
| 94 | +* Bug fix: type-casting to int and bool in MongoDB |
| 95 | +* Bug fix: consider has-filter on count() method, #40 |
| 96 | +* Bug fix: has-filter used wrong column on sql many-to-many |
| 97 | +* added possibility to add own virtual fields |
| 98 | +* renamed countResults() to loaded() to follow fatfree #581 syntax |
| 99 | +* Feature: countRel() to add a counter for related records |
| 100 | +* advanced MongoId recognition/conversion in filter query |
| 101 | +* added orderBy method to collection, for subsequent sorting |
| 102 | +* unified sorting of NULL values in postgreSQL |
| 103 | +* compatibility fixed for MongoDB 2.6.x |
| 104 | +* and a lot of other small fixes and improvements |
| 105 | + |
| 106 | +1.2.0 (02.04.2014) |
| 107 | +* added whitelisting of own and related fields |
| 108 | +* added $option parameter to filter() method |
| 109 | +* support for custom primary fields in SQL |
| 110 | +* Bug fix: belongs-to-one linkage with non-primary fields |
| 111 | +* Bug fix: don't split DB functions in where condition |
| 112 | +* Bug fix: postgreSQL GROUP BY clause |
| 113 | +* compatibility fixes for F3 v.3.2.2 |
| 114 | +* added NOT LIKE operator to query parser |
| 115 | + |
| 116 | +1.1.0 (09.01.2014) |
| 117 | +* Feature: has-filter |
| 118 | +* allow case sensitive table names |
| 119 | +* addRelFilter renamed to filter |
| 120 | +* enhanced copyfrom |
| 121 | +* compatibility fixes for F3 v3.2.1 |
| 122 | +* move castAll into CortexCollection |
| 123 | +* add castField function |
| 124 | +* add inverse has-one relations |
| 125 | +* use case-sensitive table names |
| 126 | +* Bug fix: casting many-many relations |
| 127 | +* Bug fix: Jig filter bind value |
| 128 | + |
| 129 | +1.0.0 (30.11.2013) |
| 130 | +* init commit |
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