function precisions = precision_plot(positions, ground_truth, title, show) %PRECISION_PLOT % Calculates precision for a series of distance thresholds (percentage of % frames where the distance to the ground truth is within the threshold). % The results are shown in a new figure if SHOW is true. % % Accepts positions and ground truth as Nx2 matrices (for N frames), and % a title string. % % Joao F. Henriques, 2014 % max_threshold = 50; %used for graphs in the paper precisions = zeros(max_threshold, 1); if size(positions,1) ~= size(ground_truth,1), % fprintf('%12s - Number of ground truth frames does not match number of tracked frames.\n', title) %just ignore any extra frames, in either results or ground truth n = min(size(positions,1), size(ground_truth,1)); positions(n+1:end,:) = []; ground_truth(n+1:end,:) = []; end %calculate distances to ground truth over all frames distances = sqrt((positions(:,1) - ground_truth(:,1)).^2 + ... (positions(:,2) - ground_truth(:,2)).^2); distances(isnan(distances)) = []; %compute precisions for p = 1:max_threshold, precisions(p) = nnz(distances <= p) / numel(distances); end %plot the precisions if show == 1, figure('Number','off', 'Name',['Precisions - ' title]) plot(precisions, 'k-', 'LineWidth',2) xlabel('Threshold'), ylabel('Precision') end end