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Pull Request Practices

Julia Nguyen edited this page Jul 23, 2018 · 10 revisions

If you've been added as a collaborator to the repository, please do not push unless the commit you are making is trivial i.e. doesn't require a code review. If you're unsure about this, please ask!

  • Keep pull requests as small as possible. A pull request should cover one feature or bug fix or type of refactoring. If you find yourself committing more than 500 lines of code, that's a tell-tale sign that you need to split up your branches and pull requests.
  • Please run static code analysis tools locally before you make a pull request, don't rely on Codeclimate to do that for you.
  • Make sure you run the test suite locally before you make a pull request, don't rely on CircleCI to do that for you.
  • If your PR is proposing adoption of a new gem, framework, library, or npm package. Please call that out in the PR description and justify your reasons why.
  • Make sure commit messages are clear and concise are tagged with the issue number e.g. "[#99] Fixes some sample issue".
  • The following pull request template will appear when you create your PR. Please follow the instructions there!
  • Make sure your branch is rebased off the latest version of master.

Everyone is encouraged to participate in code reviews, so please do so! Check out our Code Review Practices!

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