OGE is a utility package designed to prevent servers, especially free instances on hosting platforms like render.com, from going dormant due to inactivity. It offers configurable sleep windows, time zones, and additional utilities for building custom functionalities.
npm install oge
yarn add oge
import { sleepGuard } from "oge";
Prevents server dormancy by pinging a specified URL at regular intervals.
sleepGuard(config: {url: URL, intervalMinutes?: number = 14, sleepStart?: string, sleepEnd?: string, timeZone?: string = 'UTC'}): { start: () => void, stop: () => void };
: The URL to ping. This is public the url of your server instance.config.intervalMinutes
(optional): Interval in minutes between pings.config.sleepStart
(optional): Start time of the sleep window in 'HH:MM:SS:MS' format.config.sleepEnd
(optional): End time of the sleep window in 'HH:MM:SS:MS' format.config.timeZone
(optional): The standard time zone.
Free hosting providers often limit your server uptime. With sleepStart
and sleepEnd
, you can schedule your server to stay awake only when it is likely to be used .
const pinger = sleepGuard({
url: new URL("https://example.com"),
intervalMinutes: 10,
sleepStart: "22:00",
sleepEnd: "06:00",
timeZone: "America/New_York",
Checks if the specified time is within a given interval.
isTimeWithinInterval(timeToCheck: Date,interval: {start: Date, end: Date}): boolean;
const result = isTimeWithinInterval(new Date(), {
start: new Date(),
end: new Date(),
Parses a time string to a UTC date object.
parseTimeStringToUTCDate(timeString: string, timeZone: string): Date;
const date = parseTimeStringToUTCDate("22:00", "America/New_York");
Returns the UTC offset for the specified time zone.
getUTCOffset(timeZone: string): string;
const offset = getUTCOffset("America/New_York");
Returns the UTC offset in hours for the specified time zone.
getUTCOffsetInHours(timeZone: string): number;
const offsetInHours = getUTCOffsetInHours("America/New_York");
Returns the current time in the specified time zone.
getCurrentTimeInTimeZone(timezone: string): string;
const currentTime = getCurrentTimeInTimeZone("America/New_York");
Pings a URL by sending a fetch request.
pingUrl(url: string): Promise<void>;
Want to make OGE even better? Fork the repository and submit a pull request to contribute.
MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.