All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.2 (2021-08-20)
- add button component (f21967e)
- add classname util (5dc5027)
- add commitlint and husky (8ee4ab8)
- add custom theme color (1a720fd)
- add eslint and prettier (633b768)
- add import/order into lint (da63c20)
- add new readme (3262d8a)
- add new rule for import alias (84a3230)
- add no result component (acadd13)
- add page header in the top of pages (4c6b160)
- add pages (faf03ba)
- add react router and implement paths (a14f37e)
- add react-testing-library (185ffe1)
- add select form control (f48b4a0)
- add splash screen component and suspense (6d8acbf)
- add standard version (a3b1d78)
- add task card component (a6dee0a)
- add text field component (417a13b)
- add type files (48697ce)
- add type for status (7773a18)
- change status type and use getPossibleTaskStatus and mapStatusStateToName (e2e0622)
- implement add new task component (a73552b)
- implement add new task components (1066dd0)
- implement add task and taskslist with context (9a8d579)
- implement add/edit form test with valid/invalid data (3aa8e16)
- implement add/edit task form component (1bf512d)
- implement edit task route and page (de37e00)
- implement get possible task status function (2e4d4c3)
- implement get possible task status test (7fd0125)
- implement get status label test (4c2dd31)
- implement map for mapping status state to name (3bb2af8)
- implement page and container and wrong page components (c6e91d3)
- implement page header component (0f0576b)
- implement splash screen page (c10116a)
- implement task context and provider (74c25a6)
- implement task list component (33f0797)
- implement taskslist components (53948db)
- implement ui for task card (f664672)
- implement update task function inside context (5b68628)
- install classnames package and use it in components style (31a8a80)
- install material ui core and makeStyles (42d5cf2)
- install react hooks eslint plugin (615771f)
- install react icons (87d4bd4)
- install react-hook-form (8337f27)
- install uuid package for generate id (887202c)
- move onSubmitTask into edit task component (0de4331)
- use mapStatusStateToStatusName inside components (99c02d7)
- use task form in edit task and add task components (595ff8e)
- add custom scroll style and fix reset form after submit (f015ca1)
- add into begin of tasks array (a98078f)
- add size to button (367af47)
- add storage util with test (f04734f)
- change chevron icon and use material icons (bdf67cd)
- change home tasklist style and add scroll inside box (1d8c530)
- change import url and remove unused */../ (639d500)
- change link href for cancel button (019a285)
- change mobile 340px with task card (f1c35ad)
- change not found page (9c0c5ab)
- change prop types in page header component (f684a90)
- change select id (f45b0da)
- change status service folders (7e01763)
- change task card max width (4fed617)
- change task form validation rule (f2e5427)
- change theme str (f8d7034)
- change update task argumants and add id (06b8a8b)
- change wrongpage component props (4c4f19e)
- clean home style (42b69ca)
- clean task context types (0314721)
- disable typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types (e4823c9)
- fix edit button wrapper in tasks list component (98c026d)
- fix task card grid in tasks list (f7c3e8f)
- handle select status using react hook form (a638721)
- implement task card small devices ui (f420052)
- import routes with lazy (b8b3b22)
- improve styles (f9ff205)
- move status list object into constants (a5b432e)
- refactor add and edit task folders (4f81a60)
- refactor add and update task functions (34d7ab1)
- refactor get/set storage functions (7a78764)
- refactor splash to error and add ...otherProps (1075639)
- refactor style names and attributes (4028632)
- refctor get status functions (e2961bd)
- remove log (7115249)
- remove log (ba9fcb5)
- remove page header unused semicolon (91dc648)
- remove react icons and install material icons (6fc3b95)
- remove storage utils (5a102bb)
- remove storage utils (61d0237)
- remove unused semicolon in add components (5a88bec)
- remove unused semicolon in page header component (4b61c1a)
- remove unused test (860cbc9)
- rename taskslist route to home (c97c31b)
- resolve conflicts and remove yarn.lock (a36259f)
- resolve prettierrc and eslintrc conflict about semicolon (8e268b7)
- use container component instead of box (aca417b)
- use new components and remove duplicate styles (46ef890)