Since iCubOS is based on Ubuntu server, we will install Ubuntu server from the default installer and then we manually customize it.
The latest version is based on Ubuntu Server 20.04.2
Please check that the BIOS configuration allows booting from a USB drive.
The first step is downloading the official Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server install media from the release page. Search for ubuntu-20.04.x-live-server-amd64.iso
Then please create the USB installer using a USB memory and a tool like Balena Etcher.
Find further information about creating a bootable USB stick on Windows, Ubuntu or macOS.
Use the following details to install Ubuntu server on icub-server. You can find further details and guides on the official Ubuntu Server installation guide
- Hostname : icub-srv
- IP address :
- Username : icub
- Password : icub
- Installed OS : Ubuntu Server 20.04.2 LTS
- Language : english
- Country : Italy
- Locale : en_US.UTF-8
- Keyboard : english (US)
- Hostname : icub-srv
- Kernel version : 5.4.0-73-generic x86_64
- Partions : single - 237Gb EXT4 (plus EFI)
!!! warning Please disable LVM configuration during the partitioning step of the installation procedure
dhcp4: true
dhcp6: false
dhcp-identifier: mac
optional: true
dhcp4: false
dhcp6: false
addresses: []
!!! note "configuration details"
See file /etc/netplan/50-icub-srv.yaml
for configuration details
Remove cloud init package
sudo apt purge cloud-guest-utils cloud-init cloud-initramfs-copymods cloud-initramfs-dyn-netconf
To enable IP forwarding edit the file /etc/sysctl.conf by modifying the below line as follows
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
The following IPTABLES rules enable the NAT
sudo iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface enp1s0 -j MASQUERADE
sudo iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface enp2s0 --out-interface enp1s0 -j ACCEPT
Install the package iptables-persistent
sudo apt install iptables-persistent
!!! note "further details"
See file /etc/iptables/rules.v4
for persistent rules details
Install package bind9
sudo apt install bind9 bind9utils
!!! note "further details"
See configuration files in /etc/bind
and /var/lib/bind
for further details
create the folder /var/log/bind/
and set correct ownership
mkdir /var/log/bind/
chown bind:bind /var/log/bind/
Edit the file /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
adding the following lines
supersede domain-name "icub.local";
prepend domain-name-servers;
Install package isc-dhcp-server
sudo apt install isc-dhcp-server
Edit the file /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server as follows
!!! note "further details"
See configurations files in /etc/dhcp
for configuration details
Create the folder /var/log/dhcpd/
and set correct ownerhip
mkdir /var/log/dhcpd/
chown bind:bind /var/log/named/
To fix the RNDC please use the following commands
sudo cp /etc/bind/rndc.key /etc/dhcp/ddns-keys/
sudo chown root:root /etc/dhcp/ddns-keys/rndc.key
sudo chmod 640 /etc/dhcp/ddns-keys/rndc.key
In order to allow DCHPD and Bind services to read in write their configuration fields and logs, you should add some lines in the local apparmod configuration
/var/log/dhcpd/** rw,
/var/log/dhcpd/ rw,
/var/log/bind/** rw,
/var/log/bind/ rw,
!!! note "further details"
See configurations files in /etc/apparmo.d
for configuration details
You should add the lograte configuration for the log files from DHCPD and Bind service by adding the following files
/var/log/dhcpd/dhcpd.log {
rotate 4
/var/log/bind/query-errors.log {
rotate 4
Change the timezone to Europe/Rome
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Rome /etc/localtime
Install the ntp package
sudo apt install ntp
add the following lines to the file /etc/ntp.conf
# the following lines make the server a master server
server # local clock
fudge stratum 10
broadcastdelay 0.008
The laptop hosts two directories and export them using nfs. Both of the are mounted by the other machines on the network, by the PC104 and by the laptop itself :
- /exports/code - this contains the robot software sources such as YARP, iCub Software.
- /local/yarp - this contains the YARP configuration files, shared by all the machine in the network
For this to work you need:
Install the package nfs-kernel-server
sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server
Create the exports target paths and change ownership to icub user
sudo mkdir -p /exports/code /exports/local_yarp
sudo chown icub:icub /exports/code
sudo chown icub:icub /exports/local_yarp
Edit the exports configuration file /etc/exports as follows
In order to avoid automatic system updates you can edit the file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades by
changing the following lines
APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "1";
APT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "0";
Alternatively you can uninstall the package unattended-upgrades
as follows
sudo apt remove unattended-upgrades
What now you need to do is to customize the installation with your hardware and environment