A guide for using the Better Call Dev API to query and parse hic et nunc data.
Better Call Dev is a public Tezos block explorer API created by Baking Bad. BCD has a public REST endpoint and returns data in a JSON object. We can use BCD to request data on OBJKTs and tz addresses.
One of the things you need to consider when sending REST messages is to not send too many outgoing messages at once. This can cause the REST server to send an error message. At the moment this project does not implement rate-limiting. It's on the Roadmap. Please be cautious with larger chained requests.
This folder has a Node.js example that utilizes the Axios library for sending REST API messages to the Better Call Dev
- Get metadata on OBJKTs
- Get user collections
- Get user creations (limited)
- Get total number of OBJKTs held by a user
1) Get User Metadata from a Tezos Address - Get Account Info - BCD API Docs
Returns Total Number of OBJKTs collected
API Endpoint: https://api.better-call.dev/v1/account/mainnet/{address}
async function getUserInfo(user) {
try {
const res = await axios.get('https://api.better-call.dev/v1/account/mainnet/' + user + '/token_balances')
return res.data.total
} catch (error) {
return null
2) Get OBJKT Metadata from a Tezos Address - Get Token Metadata- BCD API Docs
Returns OBJKT metadata
API Endpoint: https://api.better-call.dev/v1/tokens/mainnet/metadata?token_id=
async function getTokenInfo(id){
try {
const res = await axios.get('https://api.better-call.dev/v1/tokens/mainnet/metadata?token_id=' + id.toString())
return res.data[0]
} catch (error) {
return null
3) Get OBJKTs created from a Tezos Address - Get Token Metadata- BCD API Docs
Returns OBJKTs created from passed Creator Tezos Address. Paginated API response. Function includes input to offset results.
API Endpoint: https://api.better-call.dev/v1/tokens/mainnet/metadata?creator=
async function getCreations(id,offset){
try {
const res = await axios.get('https://api.better-call.dev/v1/tokens/mainnet/metadata?creator=' + id + '&size=10&offset='+offset)
return res.data
} catch (error) {
return null
4) Get OBJKTs collected from a Tezos Address - Get Account Balances- BCD API Docs
Returns OBJKTs collected by Tezos Address. Paginated API response. Function includes input to offset results.
API Endpoint: https://api.better-call.dev/v1/account/mainnet/{address}//token_balances
async function getCollection(user,offset) {
try {
const res = await axios.get('https://api.better-call.dev/v1/account/mainnet/' + user + '/token_balances?size=10&offset=' + offset)
return res.data
} catch (error) {
return null
async function getObjkts(id){
let queue = new Array()
if(typeof id == 'object'){
id.forEach(element => {
Promise.all(queue).then((values) => {
Promise.all(queue).then((values) => {
let user = 'tz1dy6DgvAjeBZpfRE3NoL84BRm4tupyKfFf'
getUserInfo(user).then((response) => {
let collection = new Array()
for (let index = 0; index < response / 10; index++) {
Promise.all(collection).then((values) => {
let balances = new Array()
values.flat().forEach(element => {
balances = balances.concat(element.balances)
let models = balances.filter(item => item.formats)
models = models.filter(item => item.formats[0].mimeType.includes('gltf'))