1 |
Create a Graph, print it |
2 |
Implement BFS algorithm |
3 |
Implement DFS Algo |
4 |
Detect Cycle in Directed Graph using BFS/DFS Algo |
5 |
Detect Cycle in UnDirected Graph using BFS/DFS Algo |
6 |
Search in a Maze |
7 |
Minimum Step by Knight |
8 |
flood fill algo |
9 |
Clone a graph |
10 |
Making wired Connections |
11 |
word Ladder |
12 |
Dijkstra algo |
13 |
Implement Topological Sort |
14 |
Minimum time taken by each job to be completed given by a Directed Acyclic Graph |
15 |
Find whether it is possible to finish all tasks or not from given dependencies |
16 |
Find the no. of Isalnds |
17 |
Given a sorted Dictionary of an Alien Language, find order of characters |
18 |
Implement Kruksal’sAlgorithm |
19 |
Implement Prim’s Algorithm |
20 |
Total no. of Spanning tree in a graph |
21 |
Implement Bellman Ford Algorithm |
22 |
Implement Floyd warshallAlgorithm |
23 |
Travelling Salesman Problem |
24 |
Graph ColouringProblem |
25 |
Snake and Ladders Problem |
26 |
Find bridge in a graph |
27 |
Count Strongly connected Components(Kosaraju Algo) |
28 |
Check whether a graph is Bipartite or Not |
29 |
Detect Negative cycle in a graph |
30 |
Longest path in a Directed Acyclic Graph |
31 |
Journey to the Moon |
32 |
Cheapest Flights Within K Stops |
33 |
Oliver and the Game |
34 |
Water Jug problem using BFS |
35 |
Water Jug problem using BFS |
36 |
Find if there is a path of more thank length from a source |
37 |
M-ColouringProblem |
38 |
Minimum edges to reverse o make path from source to destination |
39 |
Paths to travel each nodes using each edge(Seven Bridges) |
40 |
Vertex Cover Problem |
41 |
Chinese Postman or Route Inspection |
42 |
Number of Triangles in a Directed and Undirected Graph |
43 |
Minimise the cashflow among a given set of friends who have borrowed money from each other |
44 |
Two Clique Problem |