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Serial No. Questions
1 Create a Graph, print it
2 Implement BFS algorithm
3 Implement DFS Algo
4 Detect Cycle in Directed Graph using BFS/DFS Algo
5 Detect Cycle in UnDirected Graph using BFS/DFS Algo
6 Search in a Maze
7 Minimum Step by Knight
8 flood fill algo
9 Clone a graph
10 Making wired Connections
11 word Ladder
12 Dijkstra algo
13 Implement Topological Sort
14 Minimum time taken by each job to be completed given by a Directed Acyclic Graph
15 Find whether it is possible to finish all tasks or not from given dependencies
16 Find the no. of Isalnds
17 Given a sorted Dictionary of an Alien Language, find order of characters
18 Implement Kruksal’sAlgorithm
19 Implement Prim’s Algorithm
20 Total no. of Spanning tree in a graph
21 Implement Bellman Ford Algorithm
22 Implement Floyd warshallAlgorithm
23 Travelling Salesman Problem
24 Graph ColouringProblem
25 Snake and Ladders Problem
26 Find bridge in a graph
27 Count Strongly connected Components(Kosaraju Algo)
28 Check whether a graph is Bipartite or Not
29 Detect Negative cycle in a graph
30 Longest path in a Directed Acyclic Graph
31 Journey to the Moon
32 Cheapest Flights Within K Stops
33 Oliver and the Game
34 Water Jug problem using BFS
35 Water Jug problem using BFS
36 Find if there is a path of more thank length from a source
37 M-ColouringProblem
38 Minimum edges to reverse o make path from source to destination
39 Paths to travel each nodes using each edge(Seven Bridges)
40 Vertex Cover Problem
41 Chinese Postman or Route Inspection
42 Number of Triangles in a Directed and Undirected Graph
43 Minimise the cashflow among a given set of friends who have borrowed money from each other
44 Two Clique Problem