It is a single page web application wherein you add individual ingredients. As we add the ingredients, it is populated on screen by css styling.
. . . . . List of user features . . . .
- Create food using different ingredients
- Dynamic price calculation
- Protected order list against unauthenticated users
- Authenticated and signed up user detail along with form data stored in Realtime DB of Firebase
- Custom Form Validation(RegeX Code used)
- Firebase app deployment
- Custom styled CSS elements.
- Orders viewable for logged in users only(obtained from Realtime DataBase)
npm install
Diagram of app's data model (see example below) AND a sample of the test data used .
Test data from Firebase
A screenshot showing the component stories from Storybook
- / - displays the FoodBuilder
- /checkout - Checkout component
- /auth - authentication
- /orders - shows all orders placed(protected)
- /logout - logs out of current user
- Custom CSS Element styling
- Added Prop type validation
- Used axios
- Custom form validation
- User sign up and login(details saved on firebase)
- React Redux for efficient state management.
- Authentication and token management.
- Redux middleware (Thunk) for asynchronous tasks
- Firebase
- prop-types
- axios
- react-redux
- redux-thunk
- Semantic-UI-React
- Redux Dev Tools
- Storybook