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277 lines (175 loc) · 7.46 KB

File metadata and controls

277 lines (175 loc) · 7.46 KB


1.3.3 - 1.3.5

SPM Support.


Fix some issues when used with transformed views.

Update to recommanded settings.


Fix an issue when panFromLeftBorderWidth and panFromRightBorderWidth properties are used.


iOS 12 compatibility.


Update targets version to Swift 4.0.


Fix issue 34. Add Main/Left/Right View Controller to parentViewController at first call of setXXXXViewController, if initWithLeftViewController:mainViewController:rightViewController: not used.


Fix device rotation for ObjC Library and iOS < 8.0.


Swift 4 ans iOS 11 compatibility. Fix some warnings.


Swift 4 ans iOS 11 compatibility.



Add Swift 3 version of the library.


Add some properties for pan gesture.

*  The default border width allowing pan gesture from left. If > 0.0, this is the acceptable starting width for the gesture.
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat panFromLeftBorderWidth;

*  The default border width allowing pan gesture from right. If > 0.0, this is the acceptable starting width for the gesture.
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat panFromRightBorderWidth;


tvOS support.


Allow pan gesture to close left or right view.

Change the visual effect when the left or right view is revealed.

Thanks to Alain L. for his suggestions for improvement.


Fix a bug when pan gesture is used first.


Bug fixes. Add child view controllers (left, main, right) to revealViewController early.


Compatibility fixes for Xcode 8, iOS 10 and Swift 3.


Compatibility fixes for iOS < 8.0 and >= 6.0.


Allow tap gesture recognizer to be enabled on main view when userInteractionEnabled is false.



Add some credit to Joan Lluch for her class SWRevealViewController.


Add some properties:

*  Defines the left view's blur effect style, default is PBRevealBlurEffectStyleNone.
@property (nonatomic) PBRevealBlurEffectStyle leftViewBlurEffectStyle;

*  Defines the right view's blur effect style, default is PBRevealBlurEffectStyleNone.
@property (nonatomic) PBRevealBlurEffectStyle rightViewBlurEffectStyle;
Fixe a bug when PBRevealToggleAnimationTypeSpring or PBRevealToggleAnimationPushSideView animation is used when the side view is not presented on top


Add some delegate methods:

*  Called just before the left view controller is hidden.
*  @param revealController The reveal view controller object.
*  @param controller       The left view controller object.
- (void)revealController:(PBRevealViewController *)revealController willHideLeftViewController:(UIViewController *)controller;

*  Called just after the left view controller is hidden.
*  @param revealController The reveal view controller object.
*  @param controller       The left view controller object.
- (void)revealController:(PBRevealViewController *)revealController didHideLeftViewController:(UIViewController *)controller;

*  Called just before the right view controller is hidden.
*  @param revealController The reveal view controller object.
*  @param controller       The right view controller object.
- (void)revealController:(PBRevealViewController *)revealController willHideRightViewController:(UIViewController *)controller;

*  Called just after the right view controller is hidden.
*  @param revealController The reveal view controller object.
*  @param controller       The right view controller object.
- (void)revealController:(PBRevealViewController *)revealController didHideRightViewController:(UIViewController *)controller;


Bug fixe when PBRevealViewController is embedded in a navigation controller.


Add a new delegate method for asking a custom transition animations controller while replacing/pushing child view controllers. If implemented, it will be fired in response to calls setXXXViewController or pushXXXViewController child view controller.

- (id <UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning>)revealController:(PBRevealViewController *)revealController animationControllerForTransitionFromViewController:(UIViewController *)fromViewController toViewController:(UIViewController *)toViewController forOperation:(PBRevealControllerOperation)operation;

Update Example4Swift with some custom animations.


PBRevealViewController now can present the side views (left/right) below or above (default) the main view.

For this, some properties have been added:

If NO (default is YES) the left view controller will be presented below the main view controller.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL              leftPresentViewOnTop;

Defines how much displacement is applied to the left view when animating or dragging the main view, default is 40.0f.

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat           leftViewRevealDisplacement;

If NO (default is YES) the right view controller will be presented below the main view controller.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL              rightPresentViewOnTop;

Defines how much displacement is applied to the right view when animating or dragging the main view, default is 40.0f.

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat           rightViewRevealDisplacement;

Defines the radius of the main view's shadow, default is 5.0f.

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat           mainViewShadowRadius;

Defines the main view's shadow offset, default is {0.0f,5.0f}.

@property (nonatomic) CGSize            mainViewShadowOffset;

Defines the main view's shadow opacity, default is 1.0f.

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat           mainViewShadowOpacity;

Defines the main view's shadow color, default is blackColor

@property (nonatomic) UIColor           *mainViewShadowColor;

Add an example written in Swift.


  • Add an example written in swift showing all animations plus a simple custom one (see AppDelegate).
  • Minor changes in behavior. For animations toViewController is added below fromViewController instead below side view controller.


  • Git update.
  • Bug fixes.


  • Git update and add a example.
  • Bug fixes.


  • Git update


  • Add a toggle animation type: PBRevealToggleAnimationTypeSpring.

A transition that the side view move a little to right or left by the value of leftViewRevealOverdraw or rightViewRevealOverdraw before the main view push the left/right view until it is hidden.


  • Bug fixes when resizing left/right view when leftPresentViewHierarchically and/or rightPresentViewHierarchically are set to YES. Rview handling of rotations.


  • Bug fixes

  • Add some properties:

If YES (default is NO) the left view controller will be ofsseted vertically by the height of a navigation bar plus the height of status bar.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL              leftPresentViewHierarchically;

If YES (default is NO) the right view controller will be ofsseted vertically by the height of a navigation bar plus the height of status bar.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL              rightPresentViewHierarchically;


Add documentation


The fisrt stable version.