In a hurry? Go to Recap
We asume that the following variables are set up if you are copy&pasting the commands in this file.
You can use your own values.
# Name of the proyect. Used for virtualenv names and other stuff
# Base directory for the whole project. Helper folders and repos are inside
# The last deployed version
VERSION=$(date +%y%m%d) # like 220315
- back: Pyramid. With Server Side Rendering via Jinja2. JavaScript as static files compiled with webassets.
- front: Not used now.
- scripts: For install, deploy, ... scripts-to-rule-them-all style
- db: For sqitch
- tools: For utilities, wrangling data and so on, ...
- docs
- server: Provisioning for Vagrant (development) and VPS (production)
- SIRHAS: Utentes. Web application for water users and licenses
- SIRHA: Inventario. gvSIG based application to manage water resources cadastre
- E-R db diagrams, slides, workshops, and other doc related to the project
. principal branch. Code deployed in production. Only maintainers push here.development
. PR and development goes here. Only maintainers push here. Start your feature branch from here. After a feature is tested in staging is integrated here. Commits can be rewrited withrebase -i
before the pushstaging
. Code deployed in staging (pre production). This branch can be rewrited withpush -f
andrebase -i
. Feature branches started fromdevelopment
. Can be rewrited withpush -f
andrebase -i
Each new deployed version should be tagged with "${VERSION}"
When you start a new feature.
git branch -D staging
# git branch -D <other_branches_not_needed>
git pull --rebase
git pull --rebase origin main
git pull --rebase origin development
git remote prune origin
git co development
git co -b <xxxx>_<feature>
# Work on you branch, and before push
git branch -D staging
# git branch -D <other_branches_not_needed>
git pull --rebase
git pull --rebase origin main
git pull --rebase origin development
git remote prune origin
git co <xxxx>_<feature>
git rebase development
git push origin -u <xxxx>_<feature>
Remember that if someone pushes also to <xxxx>_<feature>
you must rebase also this changes
git pull --rebase origin <xxxx>_<feature>
The project is setup by default with strict linters and formatters that run on pre commit. But sometimes a quick fix is needed and you want to go over the linters. Use git commit --no-verify
or set it to [manual]
in .pre-commit-config.yaml
Some scripts are configured to search for locations outside the main git folder. Keeping a common structure for the whole project helps standarize processes.
| |- es.icarto.gvsig.sixhiara # SIRHA: Inventario
| |- utentes # SIRHA: Utentes
| |- Tasks
| | | - task_<xxx>_<short_name>
| |- bck-sirha
Check server/
for automatized way of configuring the tools.
This pre-requistes should be installed previous to the current user session. So if this is the first time you are installing it, Log out from the host and Log in again.
Remember to keep the used ports open and unused: 6543
, 9001
, 8000
sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN
Note: Probably, you can avoid install things in your host accessing the Vagrant guess as it should contain all the dependencies. So you can even launch the back/front inside the Vagrant just opening the appropriate ports. But, this workflow was not tested.
Most of the Development Environment setup can be done with scripts in Ubuntu 20.04. But some of then mess up with your operating system config files and ask for sudo
access. So carefully review what is being done.
A production like environment is setup with Vagrant.
We strongly recommend follow this steps before each "development phase" to ensure that the latest dependencies have been upgraded.
Check the recap section for the commands
Use the script
./scripts/ --post --version "${VERSION}" [--dir DUMP_FOLDER]
The common workflow:
workon "${PROJECT_NAME}"
code . # or your favourite IDE
Instead of
script you can open two consoles:
# Launch back
workon "${PROJECT_NAME}"
cd back
pserve development.ini --reload
workon "${PROJECT_NAME}"
git ir a la rama buena y hacer fetch
# git clean -fdx Not do it because remove the .env
cd back && pip install -r requirements.txt && cd ..
# Increase memory space for compiling client
export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=1024
cd front && npm install && npm run build && cd ..
cd back && echo -e "yes" | python collectstatic -c && cd ..
cd sqitch && sqitch deploy && cd ..
systemctl restart apache2
Launch all tests with ./scripts/
. Take care that this includes e2e tests and can be pretty slow.
# All backend tests
# -Wd to show deprecated warnings mostrar los warnings de deprecated
python -Wd -m unittest discover -s utentes.tests
# Only the tests on `api` package
python -m unittest discover -s utentes.tests.api
# Only one test
python -m unittest utentes.tests.api.test_cultivos_get.CultivosGET_IntegrationTests.test_cultivo_get_length
# -failfast. Stops executing of first failure
python -m unittest discover --failfast -s utentes.tests
It is recommend launch it from inside the Vagrant to avoid version problems.
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/bd
# Launch without -Q flag for getting more info on errors
pg_prove -Q tests/
vagrant ssh
workon "${PROJECT_NAME}"
After installing the pre-requisites.
git clone
git clone
git branch -D staging
# git branch -D <other_branches_not_needed>
git pull --rebase
git pull --rebase origin main
git pull --rebase origin development
git remote prune origin
git co development
# Clean up
source server/variables.ini
vagrant destroy
rmvirtualenv "${PROJECT_NAME}"
vagrant up
vagrant halt
vagrant up
# Set up the dependencies
# Download fixture/test databases
# Use --dir if recommended folder hierarchy is not followed
./scripts/ --post --version ${VERSION} [--dir DUMP_FOLDER]
workon "${PROJECT_NAME}"