- Name: credential-exchange-message-family
- Author: Nikita Khateev
- Start Date: 2019-01-30
- PR: (leave this empty)
- Jira Issue: (leave this empty)
Formalization and generalization of existing message formats used for credential exchange according to existing HIPEs about message formats.
We need to define standard protocols for credential issuance and presentation.
Credential exchange consists of two processes connected by data. Therefore, we need 2 message families -- one for credential issuance and another one for credential presentation.
The Credential Issuance Message Family consists of these messages:
- Credential Offer
- Credential Request
- Credential Issue
- Credential Ack
- Credential Reject
This message is sent by Issuer to Prover to initiate credential issuance. Schema:
"@type": "did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/credential-issuance/1.0/credential-offer",
"@id": "<uuid-offer>",
"cred_def_id": "KTwaKJkvyjKKf55uc6U8ZB:3:CL:59:tag1",
"comment": "some comment",
"credential_preview": <json-ld object>,
"~attach": [
"nickname": "libindy-offer",
"mime-type": "application/json",
"content": {
"base64": "<bytes for base64>"
Description of fields:
-- a field that provide some human readable information about this Credential Offer;cred_def_id
-- id cof credential definition for offered credentialcredential_preview
-- a JSON-LD object that represents the credential data that Issuer is willing to issue. It should follow the schema of Credential Preview;- attachment
-- data for libindy about credential offer. It is base64 encoded. Here is an example of what lies inside, more information is in Libindy API :
"schema_id": string,
"cred_def_id": string,
"nonce": string,
"key_correctness_proof" : <key_correctness_proof>
This message is sent by Prover in response to Credential Offer when Prover wants some fixes or changes in credential offered by Issuer. Schema:
"@type": "did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/credential-issuance/1.0/credential-proposal",
"@id": "<uuid-credential-proposal>",
"credential_proposal": <json-ld object>,
"schema_id": "Schema ID string",
"cred_def_id": "Credential Definition ID string"
Description of attributes:
-- a JSON-LD object that represents the credential data that Proverwants to receive. It should follow the schema of Credential Preview;schema_id
-- optional filter to request credential based on particular Schemacred_def_id
-- optional filter to request credential based on particular Credential Definition
This message is sent in response to Credential Offer by Prover to give needed details for credential issuance. Schema:
"@type": "did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/credential-issuance/1.0/credential-request",
"@id": "<uuid-request>",
"cred_def_id": "2hoqvcwupRTUNkXn6ArYzs:3:CL:1766",
"comment": "some comment",
"~attach": [
"nickname": "libindy_cred_req",
"mime-type": "application/json",
"content": {
"base64": "<bytes for base64>"
Description of Fields:
-- Credential Definition ID for requested credentialcomment
-- a field that provide some human readable information about this Credential Offer.- attachment
-- an attachment with data that is needed to Issuer to generate a credential. It is base64 encoded. Here is an example of what lies inside, more information is in Libindy API:
"prover_did" : string,
"cred_def_id" : string,
"blinded_ms" : <blinded_master_secret>,
"blinded_ms_correctness_proof" : <blinded_ms_correctness_proof>,
"nonce": string
This message contains the credential and sent in responce to Credential Request. Schema:
"@type": "did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/credential-issuance/1.0/credential",
"@id": "<uuid-credential>",
"rev_reg_def_id": "<rev_reg_def_id>",
"cred_def_id": "2hoqvcwupRTUNkXn6ArYzs:3:CL:1766",
"~attach": [
"nickname": "libindy-cred",
"mime-type": "application/json",
"content": {
"base64": "<bytes for base64>"
Description of fields:
-- an ID of Revocation Registry Definition for this credentialcred_def_id
-- ID of Credential Definition this credential were issued to- attachment
-- an actual credential to store, it is a json encoded in base64. Here is the schema of what lies in it and you can find more information in Libindy API:
"schema_id": string,
"cred_def_id": string,
"rev_reg_def_id": Optional<string>,
"values": <see cred_values_json above>,
"signature": <signature>,
"signature_correctness_proof": <signature_correctness_proof>
This is not a message but an inner object for other messages in this message family. It is used to make a preview of credential that is going to be issued. Schema:
"@type": "did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/credential-issuance/1.0/credential-preview",
"attributes": [
"name": "attribute name",
"mime-type": "type",
"value": "value"
The main field here is attributes
. It is an array of objects with three fields in it:
-- string with atribute name;mime-type
-- type of attributevalue
-- value of credential
The Credential Presentation Message Family consists of 4 messages:
- Presentation Request
- Presentation
- Presentation Ack
- Presentation Reject
Presentation Request is a message from Verifier to Prover that describes values that need to be revealed and predicates that need to be fulfilled. Schema:
"@type": "did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/credential-presentation/1.0/presentation-request",
"@id": "<uuid-request>",
"comment": "some comment",
"~attach": [
"nickname": "libindy-presentation-request",
"mime-type": "application/json",
"content": {
"base64": "<bytes for base64>"
Description of fields:
-- a field that provide some human readable information about this Credential Offer.- attachment
-- base64-encoded data needed for libindy to process presentation request. Here is the schema of what lies in it and you can find more information in Libindy API:
"name": string,
"version": string,
"nonce": string,
"requested_attributes": {
"<attr_referent>": <attr_info>,
"requested_predicates": {
"<predicate_referent>": <predicate_info>,
"non_revoked": Optional<<non_revoc_interval>>,
This message is a response to a Presentation Request message and contains signed presentations. Schema:
"@type": "did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/credential-presentation/1.0/presentation",
"@id": "<uuid-presentation>",
"comment": "some comment",
"~attach": [
"nickname": "libindy-presentation",
"mime-type": "application/json",
"content": {
"base64": "<bytes for base64>"
Decription of fields:
-- a field that provide some human readable information about this Credential Offer.- attachment
-- actual presentation for presentation request, represented by base64-encoded json. Here is the schema of what lies in it and you can find more information in Libindy API:
"requested_proof": {
"revealed_attrs": {
"requested_attr1_id": {sub_proof_index: number, raw: string, encoded: string},
"requested_attr4_id": {sub_proof_index: number: string, encoded: string},
"unrevealed_attrs": {
"requested_attr3_id": {sub_proof_index: number}
"self_attested_attrs": {
"requested_attr2_id": self_attested_value,
"requested_predicates": {
"requested_predicate_1_referent": {sub_proof_index: int},
"requested_predicate_2_referent": {sub_proof_index: int},
"proof": {
"proofs": [ <credential_proof>, <credential_proof>, <credential_proof> ],
"aggregated_proof": <aggregated_proof>
"identifiers": [{schema_id, cred_def_id, Optional<rev_reg_id>, Optional<timestamp>}]
This message is sent by Prover to offer another set of attributes for Verifier. Schema:
"@type": "did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/credential-presentation/1.0/presentation-proposal",
"@id": "<uuid-presentation-proposal>",
"presentation_proposal": <json-ld object>
Description of attributes:
-- a JSON-LD object that represents the presentation example that Prover wants to provide. It should follow the schema of Presentation Preview;
This is again not a message but an inner object. It is used to negotiate a presentation request sent by Verifier. Schema:
"@type": "did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/credential-presentation/1.0/presentation-request-preview",
"name": "request name",
"requested_attributes": {
"attr_name": {
"name": "attribute name",
"restrictions": <json object>,
"non_revoked": {
"from": <u64>,
"to": <u64>
"requested_predicates": {
"pred_name": {
"name": "attribute name",
"p_type": ">=",
"p_value": <u64>,
"restrictions": <json object>,
"non_revoked": {
"from": <u64>,
"to": <u64>
"non_revoc_interval": {
"from": <u64>,
"to": <u64>
Description of fields:
-- a name of presentation request;requested_attributes
-- a json object, where keys contain identifier for a requested attribute, and value is an object that describes an attribute. Fields of this object:name
-- name of needed attributerestrictions
-- restriction on a credential to get attribute from. The language for this restrictions is WQL -- wallet query language. It is described in this document. Optional field.non-revoked
-- JSON object with to fieldsfrom
. It describes precise time interval in which credential with this attribute should not be revoked. Optional field.
- requested_predicates` -- a json object, where keys contain identifier for a requested predicate, and value is an object that describes an predicate.
Fields of this object:
-- name of needed predicate;restrictions
-- same restrictions, as inrequested_attributes
-- same as inrequested_attributes
-- predicate type. Can be ">=", "<=", ">", "<", "="p_value
-- value to compare to.
-- default revocation interval for all predicates and attributes. It hasfrom
fields as well, both are optional.
This message can be sent by any side of the conversation to finish credential issuance without any proof provided. Schema:
"@type": "did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/credential-presentation/1.0/reject",
"@id": "id"
This message is sent by Verifier as he confirms that he had received the proof and validated it. Schema:
"@type": "did:sov:BzCbsNYhMrjHiqZDTUASHg;spec/credential-presentation/1.0/ack",
"@id": "id"
All of the messages require threading to be connected into a chain of messages. Using it we can mark what message we are responding to.
If you send a Credential Offer / Presentation Request, it is a start of a thread.
If you send some other message in this process, it should have a thread decorator with thid
field having the value of @id
of Credential Offer / Presentation request.
Threading may be used to initiate sub-process while credential exchange. E.g. while credential issuance the Issuer may request some Presentation from Holder to proof some basis about the Holder.
More details about threading you can find in the threading and message id HIPE
All of the messages (except Credential and Ack/Reject) can be negotiated. For these purposes you should use these fields: credential_preview
in Credential Offer and Credential Request, libindy_presentation_request
for Presentation Request and presentation_request_preview
for Presentation.
- VCX -- this implementation might not be perfect and needs to be improved, you can gather some info on parameters purpose from it
Why should we not do this?
Similar (but simplified) credential exchanged was already implemented in von-anchor.
- We might need to propose a new MIME type for credential (the same way as .docx is not processed as generic xml). The issue in W3C/vc-data-model: w3c/vc-data-model#421
- We might need to have an extra message to inform Prover about revocation of his credential.
- It is a common practise when the change of some attributes in credential we revoke the old credential and issue a new one. It might be useful to have in Credential Offer message to have at least some connection between revocation and new offer.
- We might need some explicit documentation for nested
fields. - We need to provide a way to ask for some payment with Credential Offer and send payment receipt with Credential Request. It may be described generically in separate HIPE and this HIPE will be updated.