Releases: hyperbx/SonicNextModManager
Releases · hyperbx/SonicNextModManager
Sonic '06 Mod Manager - Version 2.5
Framework (Version 2.5):
► Redesigned the Mod Creator window.
► Fixed the Mod Creator appending a new line to the description for every edit.
Mod Loader (Version 2.1):
► Added support for custom filesystems.
Sonic '06 Mod Manager - Version 2.4
Sonic '06 Mod Manager:
► Added warning if the mods directory is in the game directory.
► Added MD5 verification for Protocol Manager updates.
► Removed Arctool source code being bundled with the pre-requisites.
► Fixed paths being left empty if the user closed the file browser.
Protocol Manager:
► Now launches Sonic '06 Mod Manager after being closed.
Sonic '06 Mod Manager - Version 2.39
► Moved GameBanana registry handling to external application.
Sonic '06 Mod Manager - Version 2.38
► Added current date to the Date field in the Mod Creator.
► Added environment username to the Author field in the Mod Creator.
► Fixed Anti-Aliasing disabled colour not changing on theme change.
► Fixed Force MSAA option not unchecking when restoring defaults.
Sonic '06 Mod Manager - Version 2.37
► Added tweaks for Multisample Anti-Aliasing.
Sonic '06 Mod Manager - Version 2.36
► Fixed the .NET WebClient not encoding GameBanana strings in UTF-8.
Sonic '06 Mod Manager - Version 2.35
► Fixed an error when deserializing the mod INI files for populating the list.
► Added outlines to some controls in Mod Info and the 1-Click Installer for better UI consistency.
► Added a Mod Updater UI to the Check for Updates button.
► Removed the close button from Unify Messenger to avoid problems with choices.
Sonic '06 Mod Manager - Version 2.34
► Fixed the mods list not calculating column width when resizing from another tab.
► Added option to enable high contrast text for the accent colour.
► Window size is now saved upon stretching the window, and is restored on launch.
Sonic '06 Mod Manager - Version 2.33
► Fixed an issue where two mods with the same name would only load the first to appear in the list.
Sonic '06 Mod Manager - Version 2.32
► Just a Christmas update.