- 10th August:
- Improve error message when out of memory, ie will say it ran out of memory, rather than say 'c++ exception' now, in many common cases
- SpatialMaxPooling can now handle pooling size and stride are different, as long as half the pooling size is no more than stride
- Added SpatialAveragePooling for case where input size equals filter size, or filter size equals stride size
- 22nd July:
- 6th July:
- lots of new activations added:
(provided by Sergey Zagoruyko) - SpatialMaxPooling:
- added implicit floor max pooling (provided by Sergey)
- added 3d forward (from Sergey)
- added tests from cunn (thank you Sergey)
- bug fixes:
- SpatialConvolutionMM updated to match current nn (Sergey)
- fixed bug in ReLU for in-place forward
- lots of new activations added:
- 27th June:
- mild perf improvement to LogSoftMax layer
- removed FullyConnected for now
- mild perf improvement to Narrow layer
- huge perf improvement :-) Please update to latest version of cltorch (should be at least commit 2f1e3e758fb or later)
- 26th June:
- fixed bug in Sigmoid, which wasnt resizing correctly
- 25th June:
- added tests for CMulTable and CAddTable, which pass
- added test for Narrow, which passes
- fix bug in cmakelists.txt, which meant that installation didnt work (it ran ok for me, so I didnt notice...)
- Dropout working now
- 24th June:
- Added ClassNLLCriterion layer (and unit tests for this)
- 23rd June:
- Added LogSoftMax layer (and unit test for this)
- 22nd June:
- Checked that SpatialConvolutionMM gives same results using clnn, compared with cunn
- Checked that SpatialMaxPooling gives same results using clnn, compared with nn
- Added ReLU, which was already marked as added but ... wasnt :-P but now is :-) )
- 21st June:
- Got SpatialConvolutionMM and SpatialMaxPooling running
- Ran Soumith benchmarks on SpatialConvolutionMM, for clnn and cunn, on NVidia 940M