framequery.execute(q, scope, model, scope=None, model='pandas', basepath='.')
Execute queries against the provided scope.
scope (dict): a mapping of table names to dataframes. If not provided the globals and locals of the calling scope are used.
model (Union[str,Model]): the datamodel to use. Currently
are supported as string values. For better customization create the model instances independently and pass them as arguments.See framequery.PandasModel and framequery.DaskModel for further information.
basepath (str): the basepath of
copy from
andcopy to
operations. This argument is only when constructing the models. For independently constructed models, the basepath can be set via their__init__
framequery.Executor(scope, model, basepath, scope=None, model='pandas', basepath='.')
A persistent executor - to allow reusing scopes and models.
- scope (any): a mapping of table-names to dataframes. If not given, an empty scope is created.
- model (any): the model to use, see framequery.execute.
- basepath (str): the basepath of the model.
framequery.Executor.add_lateral_function(name, meta=None)
Add a table-function that supports lateral joins.
- name (str): the name of the function.
- func (callable): the function. It should take any number of positional arguments and return a dataframe.
- meta (Optional[List[Tuple[str,type]): an optional meta data list of name-type-pairs. The dask excecutor requires meta data information to handle lateral joins.
A framequery model for dask.dataframe.DataFrame
For a list of keyword arguments see framequery.PandasModel.
The dask executor supports scopes with both pandas and dask dataframes. The former will be converted into later automatically, as needed.
framequery.PandasModel(basepath, strict, basepath='.', strict=False)
A framequery model for pandas.DataFrame
- basepath (str):
the path relative to which any
copy from
andcopy to
statements are interpreted. - strict (bool): if True, mimic SQL behavior in group-by and join.
Extract the executor from a framequery sqlalchemy engine or connection.
executor = get_executor(engine)
framequery.parser.parse(query, what=None)
Parse a query into an framequery.ast
- query (str): the query to parse
Tokenize the query string.
Module of ast classes.
framequery.parser.ast.Select(columns, from_clause, where_clause, group_by_clause, having_clause, order_by_clause, limit_clause, quantifier, cte)
The ast node of a select statement.
- columns (Sequence[Column]): the list of selected columns
- cte (Sequence[SubQuery]): a list of comment tables, each given a framequery.parser.ast.SubQuery.
framequery.parser.ast.SubQuery(query, alias)
A subquery or CTE.
query (Select):
alias (Name):