huaweicloud-service-brocker includes Provisioning, Binding, Unbinding and Deprovisioning for every service plan, The users can find how to use the each service plan by the following instructions.
- Distributed Cache Service for Redis: dcs-redis
- Distributed Cache Service for Memcached: dcs-memcached
- Distributed Cache Service for IMDG: dcs-imdg
- Distributed Message Service for Standard: dms-standard
- Distributed Message Service for ActiveMQ: dms-activemq
- Distributed Message Service for Kafka: dms-kafka
- Distributed Message Service for RabbitMQ: dms-rabbitmq
- Object Storage Service: obs
- RDS MySQL Service: rds-mysql
- RDS SQLServer Service: rds-sqlserver
- RDS PostgreSQL Service: rds-postgresql