Character-Level LSTM used for generating Shakespearean text.
Data source: Project Gutenberg: Shakespeare's Sonnets
Keras was used with TensorFlow backend and Google Colab was used for training and generating.
Example of generated text:
MARK ANTONY: Well, houl a strange my rustres queen we should to die That with a roy and as death to see't were: This so lived as to sleep their fave That cauld in it. ALEMAN WERCAR: I am do that thine own fair, The penipred them, like a strange with you. TAFUS IARONO: Would you Ee, the grounds. ANNE PAGE: There is mother, I cannot have the foot come. ANTONIO: He were no stay? SIR HUGH EVANS: What was fair, as I pirron. The cames By strength and grokic shall do bear. Sir, as if you shall a swop 'xpose. CHARMIAN: We I see, my lord; Ho? well been no more than a leaden renpinishile. ALBANY: By my too, I'll take mine is, and most bondly a thoughts!