[🎅 Santa] Sadly, she's no longer a 10.
[🎩 Bernard] Are we talking about the same thing??
[🎅 Santa] Huh? Oh. Right, you were talking about the reindeer.
[🎩 Bernard] Yeah, what were you talking about?
[🎅 Santa] Nothing, nothing. So just tell them they'll get their raise when they can show some dedication to this business.
[🎩 Bernard] The thing is they feel like they've more than accomplished that over the last 15 years since they last got a pay increase.
[🎅 Santa] Tell them we'll review it during the next performance review.
[🎩 Bernard, facepalming] And when is that?
[🎅 Santa] When their performance improves! You think I just give raises to anyone who pulls a sleigh? This isn’t charity.
We need a type for a function that represents the performance review cycle. With this function in hand, perhaps 🎩 Bernard will be able to convince 🎅 Santa to take the reindeer's demands more seriously.
Learn some more about how to create and type async functions that are also iterable (generators).async function* numberAsyncGenerator() {
yield 1
yield 2
yield 3
type Actual01 = PerfReview<ReturnType<typeof numberAsyncGenerator>> // 1 | 2 | 3
async function* stringAsyncGenerator() {
yield '1%'
yield '2%'
type Actual02 = PerfReview<ReturnType<typeof stringAsyncGenerator>> // '1%' | '2%'
Prompt by Dimitri Mitropoulos of Michigan TypeScript.
Code by Dimitri Mitropoulos of SquiggleConf.