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(DH) Deep Hash

Provides Access to nested structures using dot notation
Dot.Notation getters and setters for Nested Arrays, Objects and \Closures

Provides set of static methods and dynamic class.




     rekey("*.from.*.key:*.to.*.new_name ...")
     getW("*.from.*.key:*.to.*.new_name ...")
     get(["from" => "aaa.bbb"]) : ["aaa.bbb" => $val]
     getW("") : ["to" => ["name" => $val]]
     getW("**") - resolve all return result

     doc trait\DH

     doc iDeepHash

     no errors when asking for partially resolved method/closure : return partially resolved closure
       dh[arity3closure.a.b] : arity1closure

     couple paragraphs what does this class do DH <=> dot-notation, modification, extraction, merging, renaming

       structure (how to descend)

     flatten (dh => dot-notation, resolve=true)

     dh - array|object - no support for \Closure as a root DH object

    - idea for iterator
        public function toArray() {
          return get_object_vars($this);

    - array methods:     last, first, MD5

Basic Static Methods

DH::get($dh, "a.b.c")               ~=   $dh['a']['b']['c'] + Exceptions
DH::get($dh, "a.b.c", $default)     ~=   $dh['a']['b']['c'] ?? $default
DH::get($dh, "?a.b.c")              ~=   DH::get($dh, "a.b.c", null)
DH::set($dh, "a.b.c", $value)       ~=   $dh['a']['b']['c'] = $value
DH::getW($dh, "*.names.*.(age|sex)")  ~= extract DH subset
DH::getQ($dh, "*.name.first")       ~=   extract data from DH. ["*" => value]
DH::any($dh, "a.b.c b.c.d")         ~=   first non-empty value
DH::remove($dh, "a.b.c")            ~=   unset($dh['a']['b']['c'])
🔵 Objects and Closures Traversal Details ...

Closures Traversal            -- if closure have 0-arity, resolve apply "xxx" to result            -- if closure have 1-arity, return closure(xxx)
closure.arg1.arg2...   -- if closure have N-arity, return closure(...$n_args)
					      apply remaining path to result
variadicClosure.x.y... -- return variadicClosure(...$remaining_path)

Object Traversal

    if object support \hb\deephash\GetInterface  - GET CONTEXT
      - return object->_q($remaining_path)
    if object support \hb\deephash\SetInterface  - SET CONTEXT
      - return object->_set($remaining_path, $value)
	check for special object-only path syntax
    if object is \ArrayAccess
      - array access ONLY  - see exceptions below
      - STOP all other checks
    if object is NOT \ArrayAccess
      - method  (same logic as for closure traversal)
      - property
      - __invoke()
      - __toArray()
    NOT-FOUND-EXCEPTION (when strict and no-default value)
🔵 Path syntax extensions for objects ...
*Special "object-only" cases*
`object.@property`    	-- enforce property
`object.&method`       		-- enforce method call (only usable for \ArrayAccess case)
`object.:property`     	-- static property || CONSTANT (all upper case)

iDeepHash class

$dh = DH::i();                       iDeepHash([])
$dh = DH::i(['a' => 1, ...]);        iDeepHash(iterable)
$dh = DH::i([]);                     iDeepHash([])
$dh = DH::ref(&$existing_array);     iDeepHash by reference
$dh = DH::create(['a.b.c' => 1,..]); $dh=DH::i(); $dh->set(...)
$dh()                                @return &internal_data
echo $dh["dot.path"]		     read access deep element
echo $dh["?dot.path"]		     non-strict access
echo $dh[["a", "b", "c"]]	     array path
$dh["dot.path"] = "value"	     write access deep element
$dh->{$method} 			     all methods from DH class


all methods receive array|\hb\DH|object as first argument

DH::get($dh, string|array $path, $default) : mixed | Exception

DH::get($dh, "path", $default) : value
DH::get($dh, ["path", ...], $default) : [$value, ...]
DH::get($dh, ["key" => "path", ...], $default) : [key => $value, ...]

  $value = DH::get($dh, "a.b.c");
  [$v1, $v2] = DH::get($dh, ["path.1", "path.2"]);
  $nameFL = DH::get($dh, ["f" => "name.first", "l" => "name.last"]);

DH::first($dh, string|array $pathlist) : ?value

get first EXISTING value OR NULL

DH::first($dh, "path1 path2 ...") : value

DH::any($dh, string|array $pathlist) : ?value

get first NON-EMPTY value OR NULL

DH::any($dh, "path1 path2 ...") : value

DH::&getRef($dh, string|array $path, $autocreate = true) => &$value | Exception

get element's reference
$valueRef = &DH::getRef($dh, "a.b.c");
$valueRef = (int) $valueRef * 2 -1;
$valueRef = &DH::getRef($dh, ["a.b", "cc", "dd"]);

DH::set($dh, string|array $path, value)

same as getRef($path, autocreate) + assign

DH::set("path", value)
DH::set("path", null)  // delete key
DH::set(["path" => value, ...])

DH::remove($dh, "a.b.c") ~= unset($dh['a']['b']['c'])

same as DH::set($dh, "a.b.c", null)

🍒 Wildcard Path (wpath)

used by getW, setW, getP, setP and some other commands Set of wildcard paths delimited by space or "\n" or "\t"

"aa.*.bb" 	 - all elements in $dh["aa"] that have subkey "bb"
			   "" - included, "" - not 
"aa.**.bb" 	 - all elements and subelements in $dh["aa"] that have subkey "bb"
			   "" and "" - included
"aa bb" 	 - $dh["aa"] and $dh["cc"]
"aa.(bb|cc)"     - $dh["aa"]["bb"] && $dh["aa"]["cc"] (if present)
"aa.*"    - all subelements from "aa" with an exception of ""

DH::getW($dh, wpath) : $dh_subset

wpath - Wildcard Path - see below

DH::getW(wildcard) - extract SUBSET from $dh, @return new DH
DH::getW(wpath) : array [path => .. => value]        // DH => DH
DH::getW($dh, "path path.* path.**.name path.(k1|k2) -path") : array [path => .. => value]
$dh = [
1 => ["name" => ["first" => "Joe", "last" => "Black"], "age" => 6500], 
2 => ["name" => ["first" => "Silent", "last" => "Bob"], "age" => 28]]
DH::getW($dh, "*.name.first");
    [ 1 => ["name" => ["first" => "Joe"]], [2 => ["name" => ["first" => "Silent"]] ]
DH::getW($dh, "|last)");
    [1 => ["name" => ["first" => "Joe", "last" => "Bob"]
DH::getW($dh, " 2.*");
    [1 => ["name" => ["first" => "Joe"]], 2 => ["age" => 28]]

DH::update($dh, $dh2)

update $dh from $dh2 - @see array_replace_recursive
can use to store back values extracted by getW method

DH::setW($dh, wpath, $value)

update / remove many items

`DH::setW("*.data.ssn", "hidden")`
`DH::setW("*.data.ssn", null)`         // delete items

DH::getP($dh, wpath) : ["dot.path" => $value]

  DH::getP - "path" => value  ("path" => $value presentation of deep structure)
  DH::set($getP)  // save data back
$dh = [
1 => ["name" => ["first" => "Joe", "last" => "Black"], "age" => 6500], 
2 => ["name" => ["first" => "Silent", "last" => "Bob"], "age" => 28]]
DH::getP($dh, "*.name.first");
    [ "" => "Joe", ["" => "Silent"]
DH::getW($dh, " 2.*");
    ["" => "Joe"], "2.age" => 28]

🍒 Q-Path (qpath)

used by getQ, setQ and some other commands
syntax similar to wildcard path, but "?" used instead of "*" and only this forms supported:


DH::getQ($dh, qpath) : [? => value]

DH::getQ("path.?.name") : array [? => value, ...]
DH::getQ("path.?.path2.?.name") : array [? => ? => value]
DH::getQ("?.(name|age)") : array [? => (name|age) => value, ...]
$dh = [
1 => ["name" => ["first" => "Joe", "last" => "Black"], "age" => 6500], 
2 => ["name" => ["first" => "Silent", "last" => "Bob"], "age" => 28]]
DH::getQ($dh, "?.name.first");
    [ 1 => "Joe", 2 => "Silent"]
DH::getQ($dh, "?.name.?");
    [ 1 => ["first" => "Joe", "last" => "Black"], 2 => ["first" => "Silent", "last" => "Bob"] ]
DH::getW($dh, "|last)");
    ["first" => "Joe", "last" => "Black"]
DH::setQ($dh, "?.name.first", [1 => 'Ann', 2 => 'Jill']);

DH::setQ($dh, qpath, array $getQ) - opposite of getQ

DH::setQ($dh, "path.?.name", [? => value, ...])
Ex: DH::setQ($dh, "?.name.first", [1 => "Jim", 2 => "Loud"])

DH::getV($dh, "view 2.0 syntax path")


DH::setCB($dh, wpath, $callback(array $path, $current) : $new_value)

update DH via callback

Ex: `DH::setCB($dh, "*.name.(first|last)", fn($path, $v) => ucfirst($v))`

DH::setQCB($dh, qpath, $callback(array $qpath, $current) : $new_value)

update DH via callback

DH::getArrayRef($dh, $path) : &$array | Exception

{ getRef; if not array - initialize as array, return reference }

DH::getCallback : \Closure|null|Exception

{ getParent(); if instance return $instance->method(...); if \Closure - return it}

Array methods

similar to {DH::getArrayRef; do array_XXX on reference}

  • DH::shift
  • DH::pop
  • DH::unshift
  • DH::push

Merging datasets

  • DH::merge($dh, $dh2, callback($path, $current_value=null, $new_value=null) : ?result
    universal merge method, developers can implement any logic there
    null result considered as remove item
  • DH::update($dh, $dh2) -- override ALL nodes (existing and new) - array_recursive_replace
  • DH::updateExisting($dh, $dh2) -- override existing nodes ONLY
  • DH::mergeNew(dh, $dh2) -- import new Nodes Only

Data Caching

caching layer around your closure/instance_methods
DH::cacher(\Closure(array $path)|instance, $cacheAdapter=null, $cacheAdapterArgs = []) : \Closure
Default behaviour: cache in php memory, available cache adapters: apc, memcached, redis, mysql, json-file

Usage: $dh["path"] = DH::cacher( $my_closure );

Core DH0 methods

  DH0::q(dh, array $path, $default) => $value | RuntimeException | InvalidArgumentException
  DH0::_q(array $path) => [], [value], null     // MOST CORE METHOD
  DH0::_getRef(array $path)  => &$value | Exception
  DH0::_remove(array $path)
  DH0::wildcard($wpath) - \Generator  - $path => $value
  DH0::wildcardRef($wpath, $autocreate=1) - \Generator - iterator path => &$value
  DH0::_set(array $path, $value)