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df.my_column.plot(datashade=True) gives strange graphs when my_column dtype=uint32 #670

jmakov opened this issue Oct 30, 2021 · 6 comments · Fixed by holoviz/holoviews#5149


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jmakov commented Oct 30, 2021

ALL software version info

Ubuntu 20.04

name: puma-lab
  - pyviz
  - conda-forge
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    - pymoo==
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    - sklearn==0.0
    - tensorboard==2.6.0
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    - torch==1.9.1
    - werkzeug==2.0.1
    - yarl==1.6.3

Description of expected behavior and the observed behavior

Screenshot from 2021-10-30 23-48-06

Screenshot from 2021-10-30 23-48-23

The original dtype is numpy.uint32 (which gives the second figure). To get the first figure I have to change type: my_df.my_col = my_df.my_col.astype(np.int32)

Complete, minimal, self-contained example code that reproduces the issue

The only thing I noticed is the difference in dtype of data frame's column. The original is dtype: uint32. When type is changed to e.g. dtype: int32, it works as expected. When trying to reproduce I get an empty figure instead of a half colored plot (see the picture above). So not sure what else the difference could be.

import numpy as np

# works as intended
test = pd.DataFrame([i for i in range(100)], columns=["my_column"])

# creates an empty figure
test.my_column = test.my_column.astype(np.uint32)

Stack traceback and/or browser JavaScript console output

Only a couple of warnings:

/home/toaster/PROGS/miniconda3/envs/puma-lab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/holoviews/operation/ FutureWarning: casting datetime64[ns] values to int64 with .astype(...) is deprecated and will raise in a future version. Use .view(...) instead.
  df[] = vals.astype('int64')
/home/toaster/PROGS/miniconda3/envs/puma-lab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/holoviews/operation/ FutureWarning: casting datetime64[ns] values to int64 with .astype(...) is deprecated and will raise in a future version. Use .view(...) instead.
  df[] = vals.astype('int64')
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jbednar commented Nov 1, 2021

If nothing else, at least the resulting plot is pretty! :-) Generally Datashader uses uint types for indexing and not for data, but if uint is indeed not supported, we should warn when it is supplied. Definitely needs some investigation and probably either a fix or a better error message in Datashader.

It's also possible that this is an hvPlot issue, if hvPlot is converting the data before passing it to Datashader, but my guess would be Datashader.

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jmakov commented Nov 27, 2021

@jbednar not sure I understand, do you suggest I open the issue in the Datashader project (not sure how to proceed after a month of silence :), am very open for any suggestion )?

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jbednar commented Nov 27, 2021

Someone could investigate, but no one has volunteered yet, so it's an open challenge. I am not sure it's a datashader issue, and mostly the same people work on both projects, so here is as good a place as any. For now there is a workaround, but if you'd like to investigate, the first step would be to trace though and see if the data is converted to a new type before calling datashader. Wish I had more details than that, but that's what needs investigating!

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hoxbro commented Nov 27, 2021

This is properly a HoloViews problem where unsigned integer is not converted to integer. I can fix it by adding a check and conversion here:


I will make a PR, but would like to make sure the fix works with the more advanced dataset. @jmakov Is it possible you can create some data with the same effect as the plots in your first post?

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jmakov commented Nov 27, 2021

@hoxbro hm... not sure what's in the original data but I cannot find a min example to reproduce. Instead I get a empty plot for np.uint32 (there seems to be 1 point at (0,0) though), and get your picture with np.int32:

l = [i for i in range(1000)]
df = pd.DataFrame(l)

Screenshot from 2021-11-27 15-36-22

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hoxbro commented Nov 27, 2021

Sorry if I wasn't clear, the plot I showed was with my fix in it. See the PR above my comment.

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