This is the repository for the Income Tax View and Change frontend.
Feature switch info:
This service is written in Scala and Play, so needs at least a [JRE] to run.
To start all Service Manager services from the latest RELEASE version instead of snapshot execute the following:
sm2 --start ITVC_ALL --appendArgs '{"CITIZEN_DETAILS":["-Dmongodb.cid-sautr-cache.enabled=false"]}'
sbt 'run 9081'
sbt "run 9081 -Dplay.http.router=testOnlyDoNotUseInAppConf.Routes"
To test the application execute:
sbt clean scalastyle coverage test it/test coverageOff coverageReport
To generate scoverage report for the unit tests execute:
sbt clean coverage test coverageOff coverageReport
To generate scoverage report for the integration tests execute:
sbt clean coverage it/test coverageOff coverageReport
To generate aggregated scoverage report for the unit and integration tests in one go execute:
sbt clean coverage test it/test coverageOff coverageReport
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License
To access Opt Out Custom Data testOnly page to see current data, first log in as a whitelisted opt out user (e.g: OP000001A) and then go to:
Individual: http://localhost:9081/report-quarterly/income-and-expenses/view/test-only/showOptOutCurrentData
To access income-tax-session-data testOnly page to test the income-tax-session-data service, first log in as an agent and then go to:
Local: http://localhost:9081/report-quarterly/income-and-expenses/view/agents/test-only/session-storage Staging:
Functionality for getting this working with individuals will be added soon.