This repository contains real data and R code for reproducing the numerical study in the paper Adaptive Estimation for Weakly Dependent Functional Time Series available on arXiv.
The real data supporting the results of the study is the Individual Household Electric Power Consumption which is publicly available and also copied in the folder real_data_application
The data for the Monte Carlo study can be generated using the code provided in the simulations
The numerical study is divided into two main parts:
- Simulation: The scripts to reproduce the simulation results are in the
folder. - Real Data Application: The scripts to reproduce the real data analysis are in the
#. Make sure you have devtools package installed :
Then using devtools install the package :
repo = "hmaissoro/Adaptive_Estimation_for_Weakly_Dependent_FTS", # the repo
ref = "HEAD", # use the latest commit
subdir = "adaptiveFTS", # the package is not at the main root but inside the directory adaptiveFTS
build = TRUE,
build_manual = FALSE,
build_vignettes = FALSE
If you are using UNIX system, using z-shell :
zsh build.zsh
The compiled package should be available in
┣ out
┃ ┗ adaptiveFTS_0.1.0_arm64.tar.gz
os and architecure
else RUN
cd adaptiveFTS
R CMD check .
R CMD build .
Rscript -e "devtools::build_manual()"
# put the actual name of the compiled file
# ▽
Rscript -e 'install.packages( "./adaptiveFTS_[...].tar.gz" ,repos = NULL, type = "source")'
# put the actual name of the compiled file
# ▽
install.packages( "./adaptiveFTS_[...].tar.gz" ,repos = NULL, type = "source")
Each script in both folders is numbered from 01 to 07 and must be run in sequence.
At the beginning of each script, the functions from the R
folder need to be loaded. You will see the line:
all_func <- list.files("../R/")
You may need to adjust this line to match your working directory.
The results produced by the scripts are stored in the following folders:
: Contains the graphs used in the paper.paper_tables
: Contains the tables used in the paper.