All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Here we write upgrading notes for brands. It's a team effort to make them as straightforward as possible.
- Local Database for location suggestion, using sqlite3
- Improve the layout for the user input page.
The changes for version 0.0.1 for people to follow.
-, to keep track of the major change of each release
The requirements.txt for setting up a workable virtual environments, please keep an eye of this file, as extra package may be used during the development phrase:
To install the virtual environment on local repo, simply enter the following:
I installed my virtual env inside of the embark_web folder (i.e. /embark_web/) 1- cd embark_web 2- python -m venv venv 3- pip install -r requirements.txt
The changes for version 0.0.1 for people to follow.
- Virtual Environment venv
- Django Webframe, and some the user input form for the website.