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How to enable/disable Epiphany repository VM

Enable for Ubuntu (default):

  1. Enable "repository" component:
      count: 1

Enable for RHEL on Azure:

  1. Enable "repository" component:
      count: 1
      machine: repository-machine-rhel
  2. Add repository VM definition to main config file:
    kind: infrastructure/virtual-machine
    name: repository-machine-rhel
    provider: azure
    based_on: repository-machine
        publisher: RedHat
        offer: RHEL
        sku: 7-RAW
        version: "7.7.2019090418"

Enable for RHEL on AWS:

  1. Enable "repository" component:
      count: 1
      machine: repository-machine-rhel
  2. Add repository VM definition to main config file:
    kind: infrastructure/virtual-machine
    title: Virtual Machine Infra
    name: repository-machine-rhel
    provider: aws
    based_on: repository-machine
      os_full_name: RHEL-7.8_HVM_GA-20200225-x86_64-1-Hourly2-GP2

Enable for CentOS on Azure:

  1. Enable "repository" component:
      count: 1
      machine: repository-machine-centos
  2. Add repository VM definition to main config file:
    kind: infrastructure/virtual-machine
    name: repository-machine-centos
    provider: azure
    based_on: repository-machine
        publisher: OpenLogic
        offer: CentOS
        sku: "7_8"
        version: "7.8.2020100700"

Enable for CentOS on AWS:

  1. Enable "repository" component:
      count: 1
      machine: repository-machine-centos
  2. Add repository VM definition to main config file:
    kind: infrastructure/virtual-machine
    title: Virtual Machine Infra
    name: repository-machine-centos
    provider: aws
    based_on: repository-machine
      os_full_name: "CentOS 7.8.2003 x86_64"


  1. Disable "repository" component:
      count: 0
  2. Prepend "kubernetes_master" mapping (or any other mapping if you don't deploy Kubernetes) with:
      - repository
      - image-registry

How to create an Epiphany cluster on existing infrastructure

Please read first prerequisites related to hostnames requirements.

Epicli has the ability to setup a cluster on infrastructure provided by you. These can be either bare metal machines or VM's and should meet the following requirements:

Note. Hardware requirements are not listed since this dependends on use-case, component configuration etc.

  1. The cluster machines/vm's are connected by a network or virtual network of some sorts and can communicate which each other and have access to the internet.
  2. The cluster machines/vm's are running one of the following Linux distributions:
    • RedHat 7.6+ and < 8
    • CentOS 7.6+ and < 8
    • Ubuntu 18.04 Other distributions/version might work but are un-tested.
  3. The cluster machines/vm`s are should be accessible through SSH with a set of SSH keys you provide and configure on each machine yourself.
  4. A provisioning machine that:
    • Has access to the SSH keys
    • Is on the same network as your cluster machines
    • Has Epicli running. Note. To run Epicli check the Prerequisites

To setup the cluster do the following steps from the provisioning machine:

  1. First generate a minimal data yaml file:

    epicli init -p any -n newcluster

    The any provider will tell Epicli to create a minimal data config which does not contain any cloud provider related information. If you want full control you can add the --full flag which will give you a configuration with all parts of a cluster that can be configured.

  2. Open the configuration file and setup the admin_user data:

      key_path: /path/to/your/ssh/keys
      name: user_name

    Here you should specify the path to the SSH keys and the admin user name which will be used by Anisble to provision the cluster machines.

  3. Define the components you want to install and link them to the machines you want to install them on:

    Under the components tag you will find a bunch of definitions like this one:

      count: 1
      - default-k8s-master

    The count specifies how much machines you want to provision with this component. The machines tag is the array of machine names you want to install this component on. Note that the count and the number of machines defined must match. If you don't want to use a component you can set the count to 0 and remove the machines tag. Finally a machine can be used by multiple component since multiple components can be installed on one machine of desired.

    You will also find a bunch of infrastructure/machine definitions like below:

    kind: infrastructure/machine
    name: default-k8s-master
    provider: any
      hostname: master

    Each machine name used when setting up the component layout earlier must have such a configuration where the name tag matches with the defined one in the components. The hostname and ip fields must be filled to match the actual cluster machines you provide. Ansible will use this to match the machine to a component which in turn will determin which roles to install on the machine.

  4. Finally start the deployment with:

    epicli apply -f newcluster.yml --no-infra

    This will create the inventory for Ansible based on the component/machine definitions made inside the newcluster.yml and let Absible deploy it. Note that the --no-infra is important since it tells Epicli to skip the Terraform part.

How to create an Epiphany cluster on existing airgapped infrastructure

Please read first prerequisites related to hostnames requirements.

Epicli has the ability to setup a cluster on airgapped infrastructure provided by you. These can be either bare metal machines or VM's and should meet the following requirements:

Note. Hardware requirements are not listed since this dependends on use-case, component configuration etc.

  1. The airgapped cluster machines/VMs are connected by a network or virtual network of some sorts and can communicate which each other.
  2. The airgapped cluster machines/vm`s are running one of the following Linux distributions:
    • RedHat 7.6+ and < 8
    • CentOS 7.6+ and < 8
    • Ubuntu 18.04 Other distributions/version might work but are un-tested.
  3. The airgapped cluster machines/vm`s should be accessible through SSH with a set of SSH keys you provide and configure on each machine yourself.
  4. A requirements machine that:
    • Runs the same distribution as the airgapped cluster machines/vm`s (RedHat 7, CentOS 7, Ubuntu 18.04)
    • Has access to the internet.
  5. A provisioning machine that:
    • Has access to the SSH keys
    • Is on the same network as your cluster machines
    • Has Epicli running. Note. To run Epicli check the Prerequisites

To setup the cluster do the following steps:

  1. First we need to get the tooling to prepare the requirements. On the provisioning machine run:

    epicli prepare --os OS

    Where OS should be centos-7, redhat-7, ubuntu-18.04. This will create a directory called prepare_scripts with the following files inside:

    • requirements.txt
    • skopeo_linux
  2. The scripts in the prepare_scripts will be used to download all requirements. To do that copy the prepare_scripts folder over to the requirements machine and run the following command: /requirementsoutput/

    This will start downloading all requirements and put them in the /requirementsoutput/ folder. Once run succesfully the /requirementsoutput/ needs to be copied to the provisioning machine to be used later on.

  3. Then generate a minimal data yaml file on the provisioning machine:

    epicli init -p any -n newcluster

    The any provider will tell Epicli to create a minimal data config which does not contain any cloud provider related information. If you want full control you can add the --full flag which will give you a configuration with all parts of a cluster that can be configured.

  4. Open the configuration file and setup the admin_user data:

      key_path: /path/to/your/ssh/keys
      name: user_name

    Here you should specify the path to the SSH keys and the admin user name which will be used by Anisble to provision the cluster machines.

  5. Define the components you want to install and link them to the machines you want to install them on:

    Under the components tag you will find a bunch of definitions like this one:

      count: 1
      - default-k8s-master

    The count specifies how much machines you want to provision with this component. The machines tag is the array of machine names you want to install this component on. Note that the count and the number of machines defined must match. If you don't want to use a component you can set the count to 0 and remove the machines tag. Finally a machine can be used by multiple component since multiple components can be installed on one machine of desired.

    You will also find a bunch of infrastructure/machine definitions like below:

    kind: infrastructure/machine
    name: default-k8s-master
    provider: any
      hostname: master

    Each machine name used when setting up the component layout earlier must have such a configuration where the name tag matches with the defined one in the components. The hostname and ip fields must be filled to match the actual cluster machines you provide. Ansible will use this to match the machine to a component which in turn will determin which roles to install on the machine.

  6. Finally start the deployment with:

    epicli apply -f newcluster.yml --no-infra --offline-requirements /requirementsoutput/

    This will create the inventory for Ansible based on the component/machine definitions made inside the newcluster.yml and let Absible deploy it. Note that the --no-infra is important since it tells Epicli to skip the Terraform part. The --offline-requirements tells Epicli it is an airgapped installation and to use the /requirementsoutput/ requirements folder prepared in steps 1 and 2 as source for all requirements.

How to create an Epiphany cluster using custom system repository and Docker image registry

Epiphany has the ability to use external repository and image registry during epicli apply execution.

Custom urls need to be specified inside the configuration/shared-config document, for example:

kind: configuration/shared-config
title: Shared configuration that will be visible to all roles
name: default
  custom_image_registry_address: ""
  custom_repository_url: ""
  use_ha_control_plane: true

The repository and image registry implementation must be compatible with already existing Ansible code:

  • the repository data (including apt or yum repository) is served from HTTP server and structured exactly as in the offline package
  • the image registry data is loaded into and served from standard Docker registry implementation

Note. If both custom repository/registry and offline installation are configured then the custom repository/registry is preferred.

Note. You can switch between custom repository/registry and offline/online installation methods. Keep in mind this will cause "imageRegistry" change in Kubernetes which in turn may cause short downtime.

By default Epiphany creates "repository" virtual machine for cloud environments. When custom repository and registry are used there is no need for additional empty VM. The following config snippet can illustrate how to mitigate this problem:

kind: epiphany-cluster
title: Epiphany cluster Config
provider: <provider>
name: default
      count: 0
      count: 1
      count: 2
kind: configuration/feature-mapping
title: "Feature mapping to roles"
provider: <provider>
name: default
      - repository
      - image-registry
      - kubernetes-master
      - helm
      - applications
      - node-exporter
      - filebeat
      - firewall
      - vault
kind: configuration/shared-config
title: Shared configuration that will be visible to all roles
provider: <provider>
name: default
  custom_image_registry_address: "<ip-address>:5000"
  custom_repository_url: "http://<ip-address>:8080/epirepo"
  1. Disable "repository" component:
      count: 0
  2. Prepend "kubernetes_master" mapping (or any other mapping if you don't deploy Kubernetes) with:
      - repository
      - image-registry
  3. Specify custom repository/registry in configuration/shared-config:
      custom_image_registry_address: "<ip-address>:5000"
      custom_repository_url: "http://<ip-address>:8080/epirepo"

How to create an Epiphany cluster on a cloud provider

Please read first prerequisites related to hostnames requirements.

Epicli has the ability to setup a cluster on one of the following cloud providers:

  • Azure
  • AWS

Under the hood it uses Terraform to create the virtual infrastructure before it applies our Anisble playbooks to provision the VM's.

You need the following prerequisites:

  1. Access to one of the supported cloud providers, aws or azure.
  2. Adequate resources to deploy a cluster on the cloud provider.
  3. A set of SSH keys you provide.
  4. A provisioning machine that:
    • Has access to the SSH keys
    • Has Epicli running. Note. To run Epicli check the Prerequisites

To setup the cluster do the following steps from the provisioning machine:

  1. First generate a minimal data yaml file:

    epicli init -p aws/azure -n newcluster

    The provider flag should be either aws or azure and will tell Epicli to create a data config which contains the specifics for that cloud provider. If you want full control you can add the --full flag which will give you a config with all parts of a cluster that can be configured.

  2. Open the configuration file and setup the admin_user data:

      key_path: /path/to/your/ssh/keys
      name: user_name

    Here you should specify the path to the SSH keys and the admin user name which will be used by Anisble to provision the cluster machines.

    On Azure the name you specify will be configured as the admin name on the VM's.

    For AWS the admin name is already specified and is dependent on the Linux distro image you are using for the VM's:

    • Username for Ubuntu Server: ubuntu
    • Username for For Redhat: ec2-user
  3. Setup the cloud specific data:

    To let Terraform access the cloud providers you need to setup some additional cloud configuration.


      region: eu-west-2
        key: aws_key
        secret: aws_secret
      use_public_ips: false

    The region lets you chose the most optimal place to deploy your cluster. The key and secret are needed by Terraform and can be generated in the AWS console. More information about that here


      region: West Europe
      subscription_name: Subscribtion_name
      use_service_principal: false
      use_public_ips: false

    The region lets you chose the most optimal place to deploy your cluster. The subscription_name is the Azure subscribtion under which you want to deploy the cluster.

    Terraform will ask you to sign in to your Microsoft Azure subscibtion when it prepares to build/modify/destroy the infrastructure on azure. In case you need to share cluster managment with other people you can set the use_service_principal tag to true. This will create a service principle and uses it to manage the resources.

    If you already have a service principle and don't want to create a new one you can do the following. Make sure the use_service_principal tag is set to true. Then before you run epicli apply -f yourcluster.yml create the following folder structure from the path you are running Epicli:


    Where the clustername is the name you specified under in your cluster yaml. Then in the terraform folder add the file named sp.yml and fill it with the service priciple information like so:

    appId: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"
    displayName: "app-name"
    name: "http://app-name"
    password: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"
    tenant: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"
    subscriptionId: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"

    Epicli will read this file and automaticly use it for authentication for resource creation and management.

    For both awsand azure there is a use_public_ips tag. When this is true the VM's will also have a direct inferface to the internet. While this is easy for setting up a cluster for testing it should not be used in production. A VPN setup should be used which we will document in a different section (TODO).

  4. Define the components you want to install:

    Under the components tag you will find a bunch of definitions like this one:

      count: 1

    The count specifies how much VM's you want to provision with this component. If you don't want to use a component you can set the count to 0.

    Note that for each cloud provider Epicli already has a default VM configuration for each component. If you need more control over the VM's, generate a config with the --full flag. Then each component will have an additional machine tag:

      count: 1
      machine: kubernetes-master-machine

    This links to a infrastructure/virtual-machine document which can be found inside the same configuration file. It gives you full control over the VM config (size, storage, provision image, security etc.). More details on this will be documented in a different section (TODO).

  5. Finally start the deployment with:

    epicli apply -f newcluster.yml

Note for RHEL / CentOS Azure images

For RHEL and CentOS, Epiphany currently supports only images with RAW partitioning and attached to standard RHEL repositories. For more details, refer to Azure documentation.

It means that actually for Azure Cloud Epiphany supports RHEL 7.6 - 7.7 and CentOS 7.6 - 7.8 versions (with RAW partitioning and attached to standard repositories). List of supported images will be extended in next releases.

Example config for RHEL:

kind: infrastructure/virtual-machine
    publisher: RedHat
    offer: RHEL
    sku: "7-RAW"
    version: "7.7.2019090418"

Example config for CentOS:

kind: infrastructure/virtual-machine
    publisher: OpenLogic
    offer: CentOS
    sku: "7_8"
    version: "7.8.2020100700"

How to delete an Epiphany cluster on a cloud provider

Epicli has a delete command to remove a cluster from a cloud provider (AWS, Azure). With Epicli run the following:

epicli delete -b /path/to/cluster/build/folder

From the defined cluster build folder it will take the information needed to remove the resources from the cloud provider.

Single machine cluster

Please read first prerequisites related to hostnames requirements.


Single machine cannot be scaled up or deployed alongside other types of cluster.

Sometimes it might be desirable to run an Epiphany cluster on a single machine. For this purpose Epiphany ships with a single_cluster component configuration. This cluster comes with the following main components:

  • kubernetes-master: Untainted so pods can be deployed on it
  • rabbitmq: Rabbitmq for messaging instead of Kafka
  • applications: For deploying the Keycloak authentication service
  • postgresql: To provide a database for Keycloak

Note that components like logging and monitoring are missing since they do not provide much benefit in a single machine scenario. Also RabbitMQ is included over Kafka since that is much less resource intensive.

To get started with a single machine cluster you can use the following template as a base. Note that some configurations are omitted:

kind: epiphany-cluster
title: Epiphany cluster Config
name: default
  prefix: dev
  name: single
    name: operations
    key_path: /user/.ssh/id_rsa
    ... # add other cloud configuration as needed
      count: 0
      count: 0
      count: 0
      count: 0
      count: 0
      count: 0
      count: 0
      count: 0
      count: 0
      count: 0
      count: 1
kind: configuration/applications
title: "Kubernetes Applications Config"
name: default
  - name: auth-service
    enabled: yes # set to yest to enable authentication service
    ... # add other authentication service configuration as needed

To create a single machine cluster using the "any" provider (with extra load_balancer config included) use the following template below:

kind: epiphany-cluster
title: "Epiphany cluster Config"
provider: any
name: single
  name: single
    name: ubuntu
    key_path: /shared/id_rsa
      count: 0
      count: 0
      count: 0
      count: 0
      count: 0
      count: 0
      count: 1
      configuration: default
      machines: [single-machine]
      count: 0
      count: 1
      configuration: default
      machines: [single-machine]
kind: configuration/haproxy
title: "HAProxy"
provider: any
name: default
  logs_max_days: 60
  self_signed_certificate_name: self-signed-fullchain.pem
  self_signed_private_key_name: self-signed-privkey.pem
  self_signed_concatenated_cert_name: self-signed-test.tld.pem
  haproxy_log_path: "/var/log/haproxy.log"

    enable: true
    uri: "/haproxy?stats"
    user: operations
    password: your-haproxy-stats-pwd
    - name: https_front
      port: 443
      https: yes
      - http_back1
  backend: # example backend config below
    - name: http_back1
      - kubernetes_node
      # servers: # Definition for server to that hosts the application.
      # - name: "node1"
      #   address: ""
      port: 30104
kind: infrastructure/machine
provider: any
name: single-machine
  hostname: x1a1

How to create custom cluster components

Epiphany gives you the ability to define custom components. This allows you define a custom set of roles for a component you want to use in your cluster and can be usefull when you for example want to maximize usage of the available machines you have at your disposal.

The first thing you will need to do is define it in the configuration/feature-mapping configuration. To get this configuration you can run epicli init ... --full command. In the available_roles roles section you can see all the available roles that Epiphany provides. The roles_mapping is where all the Epiphany components are defined and were you need to add your custom components.

Below are parts of an example configuration/feature-mapping were we define an new single_machine_new component. We want to use Kafka instead of RabbitMQ and don`t need applications and postgress since we dont want a Keycloak deployment:

kind: configuration/feature-mapping
title: Feature mapping to roles
name: default
  available_roles: # All entries here represent the available roles within Epiphany
  - name: repository
    enabled: yes
  - name: firewall
    enabled: yes
  - name: image-registry
  roles_mapping: # All entries here represent the default components provided with Epiphany
    - repository
    - image-registry
    - kubernetes-master
    - applications
    - rabbitmq
    - postgresql
    - firewall
    # Below is the new single_machine_new definition
    - repository
    - image-registry
    - kubernetes-master
    - kafka
    - firewall

Once defined the new single_machine_new can be used inside the epiphany-cluster configuration:

kind: epiphany-cluster
title: Epiphany cluster Config
name: default
  prefix: new
  name: single
    name: operations
    key_path: /user/.ssh/id_rsa
    ... # add other cloud configuration as needed
    ... # other components as needed
      count: x

Note: After defining a new component you might also need to define aditional configurations for virtual machines and security rules depending on what you are trying to achieve.

How to scale or cluster components


Not all components are supported for this action. There is a bunch of issues referenced below in this document, one of them is that disks are not removed for all components after downscale.

Epiphany has the ability to automaticly scale and cluster certain components on cloud providers (AWS, Azure). To upscale or downscale a component the count number must be increased or decreased:

    count: ...

Then when applying the changed configuration using Epicli additional VM's will be spawned and configured or removed. The following components support scaling/clustering:

  • kubernetes_master: When increased this will setup additional control plane nodes, but in the case of non-ha k8s cluster, existing control plane node must be promoted first. At the moment there is no ability to downscale.

  • kubernetes_node: When increased this will setup additional nodes with kubernetes_master. There is no ability to downscale.

  • ignite

  • kafka: When changed this will setup or remove additional nodes for the Kafka cluster. Note that there is an issue that needs to be fixed before scaling usage.

  • load_balancer

  • logging: Sometimes it works, but often there is an issue with Kibana installation that needs to be resoved

  • monitoring

  • opendistro_for_elasticsearch: Works the same as logging component, without issues if there is no kibana part in feature mapping configuration.

  • postgresql: At the moment does not work correctly, there is an issue. When changed this will setup or remove additional nodes for Postgresql. Note that extra nodes can only be setup to do replication by adding the following additional configuration/postgresql configuration:

    kind: configuration/postgresql
        enable: true
        user: postgresql-replication-user
        password: postgresql-replication-password
        max_wal_senders: 5
        wal_keep_segments: 32  
  • rabbitmq: At the moment downscaling is not supported, there is the known issue. If instance count is changed, then additional RabbitMQ nodes will be added or removed. Note that clustering requires a change in the configuration/rabbitmq document:

    kind: configuration/rabbitmq
        is_clustered: true

Multi master cluster

Epiphany can deploy HA Kubernetes clusters (since v0.6). To achieve that, it is required that:

  • the master count must be higher than 1 (proper values should be 1, 3, 5, 7):

      count: 3
  • the HA mode must be enabled in configuration/shared-config:

    kind: configuration/shared-config
      use_ha_control_plane: true
      promote_to_ha: false
  • the regular epcli apply cycle must be executed

Epiphany can promote / convert older single-master clusters to HA mode (since v0.6). To achieve that, it is required that:

  • the existing cluster is legacy single-master cluster

  • the existing cluster has been upgraded to Kubernetes 1.17 first

  • the HA mode and HA promotion must be enabled in configuration/shared-config:

    kind: configuration/shared-config
      use_ha_control_plane: true
      promote_to_ha: true
  • the regular epcli apply cycle must be executed

  • since it is one-time operation, after successful promotion, the HA promotion must be disabled in the config:

    kind: configuration/shared-config
      use_ha_control_plane: true
      promote_to_ha: false

Note: it is not supported yet to reverse HA promotion.

Epiphany can scale-up existing HA clusters (including ones that were promoted). To achieve that, it is required that:

  • the existing cluster must be already running in HA mode

  • the master count must be higher than previous value (proper values should be 3, 5, 7):

      count: 5
  • the HA mode must be enabled in configuration/shared-config:

    kind: configuration/shared-config
      use_ha_control_plane: true
      promote_to_ha: false
  • the regular epcli apply cycle must be executed

Note: it is not supported yet to scale-down clusters (master count cannot be decreased).

Build artifacts

Epiphany engine produce build artifacts during each deployment. Those artifacts contains:

  • Generated terraform files.
  • Generated terraform state files.
  • Generated cluster manifest file.
  • Generated ansible files.
  • Azure login credentials for service principal if deploying to Azure.

Artifacts contains sensitive data so it is important to keep it in safe place like private GIT repository or storage with limited access. Generated build is also important in case of scaling or updating cluster - you will it in build folder in order to edit your cluster.

Epiphany creates (or use if you don't specified it to create) service principal account which can manage all resources in subscription, please store build artifacts securely.

Kafka replication and partition setting

When planning Kafka installation you have to think about number of partitions and replicas since it is strongly related to throughput of Kafka and its reliability. By default Kafka's replicas number is set to 1 - you should change it in core/src/ansible/roles/kafka/defaults in order to have partitions replicated to many virtual machines.

  replicas: 1 # Default to at least 1 (1 broker)
  partitions: 8 # 100 x brokers x replicas for reasonable size cluster. Small clusters can be less

You can read more here about planning number of partitions.

RabbitMQ installation and setting

To install RabbitMQ in single mode just add rabbitmq role to your data.yaml for your server and in general roles section. All configuration on RabbitMQ - e.g. user other than guest creation should be performed manually.

How to use Azure availability sets

In your cluster yaml config declare as many as required objects of kind infrastructure/availability-set like in the example below, change the name field as you wish.

kind: infrastructure/availability-set
name: kube-node  # Short and simple name is preferred
# The "name" attribute is generated automatically according to Epiphany's naming conventions
  platform_fault_domain_count: 2
  platform_update_domain_count: 5
  managed: true
provider: azure

Then set it also in the corresponding components section of the kind: epiphany-cluster doc.

      count: 0
      count: 1
# This line tells we generate the availability-set terraform template
      availability_set: kube-node  # Short and simple name is preferred
      count: 2

The example below shows a complete configuration. Note that it's recommended to have a dedicated availability set for each clustered component.

# Test availability set config
kind: epiphany-cluster
name: default
provider: azure
  name: test-cluster
  prefix: test
    key_path: /path/to/ssk/key
    name: di-dev
    region: Australia East
    subscription_name: <your subscription name>
    use_public_ips: true
    use_service_principal: true
      count: 0
      count: 1
# This line tells we generate the availability-set terraform template
      availability_set: kube-node  # Short and simple name is preferred
      count: 2
      count: 1
      count: 0
      count: 0
# This line tells we generate the availability-set terraform template
      availability_set: postgresql  # Short and simple name is preferred
      count: 2
      count: 0
title: Epiphany cluster Config
kind: infrastructure/availability-set
name: kube-node  # Short and simple name is preferred
# The "name" attribute (ommited here) is generated automatically according to Epiphany's naming conventions
  platform_fault_domain_count: 2
  platform_update_domain_count: 5
  managed: true
provider: azure
kind: infrastructure/availability-set
name: postgresql  # Short and simple name is preferred
# The "name" attribute (ommited here) is generated automatically according to Epiphany's naming conventions
  platform_fault_domain_count: 2
  platform_update_domain_count: 5
  managed: true
provider: azure