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How to customize source before uploading

Shingo Hisakawa edited this page May 2, 2020 · 2 revisions


To customize for your hardware, modify arduino/NinjaLAMP_Arduino/NinjaLAMP_Arduino.ino

Target temperature

#define TARGET_TEMP 63


const int WELL_HEATER_PWM = 15;
const int AIR_THERMISTOR_AIN = A1;

Thermistors & resistors

Some thermistors have multiple pairs of B constants and temperature ranges. For such types of thermistors, you can define ranges as arrays of ThermistorRange struct.

/* Well */
struct ThermistorRange wellThermistorRanges[3] = {
  { 0.0, 4250, 0.0, }, /* 4250 for 0-50 deg */
  { 50.0, 4311, 0.0, }, /* 4311 for 50-85 deg */
  { 85.0, 4334, 0.0, } /* 4334 for 85-100 deg */
Thermistor wellThermistor = { 
  .bConstRangeCount = 3, /* Number of B-constant ranges */
  .bConstRanges = wellThermistorRanges, /* Pointer to the B-constant ranges array */
  .r0 = 100.0, /* Resistance at "baseTemp" (kOhm) */
  .baseTemp = 25.0,
  .useSwitching = false,
  .r = 47.0 /* kOhm */
/* Air */
struct ThermistorRange airThermistorRanges[3] = {
  { 0.0, 4250, 0.0, }, /* 4250 for 0-50 deg */
  { 50.0, 4311, 0.0, }, /* 4311 for 50-85 deg */
  { 85.0, 4334, 0.0, } /* 4334 for 85-100 deg */
Thermistor airThermistor = { 
  .bConstRangeCount = 3, /* Number of B-constant ranges */
  .bConstRanges = airThermistorRanges,  /* Pointer to the B-constant ranges array */
  .r0 = 100.0, /* Resistance at "baseTemp" (kOhm) */
  .baseTemp = 25.0,
  .useSwitching = false,
  .r = 47.0 /* kOhm */
  • bConstantRangeCount : Numbers of B-constant ranges
  • bConstantRanges : Pointer to B-constant ranges (Array of ThermistorRange)
  • r0 : Resistance value at "baseTemp"
  • baseTemp
  • place : Position of the thermistor (See below)
  • useSwitching : For advanced functionalities of switching resistors
  • r : Value of the counter resistor (unit:kOhm)

Please specify "place" value according to the position of the thermistor.


High Side


Low Side

The example above stands for the hardware composition below:

High Side

Thermistors (Well & Air)

Resistance (25℃)(ohm) B-const(25-50℃) B-const(25-80℃) B-const(25-100℃)
100k ± 1% 4250 4311 4334

PID constants

NinjaLAMP keeps its temperature by PID control. PID controller needs 3 constants for proportional, integral and derivative factors. If the temperature often exceeds the target or you find the graph is wavy, please modify the PID constants.

Note that reducing overshoots is more important than heating faster because it takes long time to cool the well after it gets too hot.

#define WELL_KP (0.11)
#define WELL_KI (0.5)
#define WELL_KD (2.0)