# FacebookWebBot
A simple library to automatize facebook without the official API All the functions are made scrapping and parsing mbasic.facebook.com
## Available functions:
Login Logout
Post in your timeline Message friends Get post in a facebook group Post in a facebook group Comment in a post Get the members of a facebook group Send friend request Send message to any person Get all post from a profile/fanpage Send group request Get number of likes and coments in a post Post in a fanpage/friend timeline
## Basic usage example:
``` from FacebookWebBot import * bot=FacebookBot() bot.set_page_load_timeout(10) bot.login("your@email.com","yourpassword") allpost=bot.getPostInProfile("https://mbasic.facebook.com/your-gf-profile",deep=50) for p in allpost:
``` ## Installing pip install FacebookWebBot ## Know issues:
- Can't post images because PhantomJS limitations.
## Dependencies:
- Python 3.4
- Selenium
- PhantomJS