# first export the correct SCRAM_ARCH
cmsrel CMSSW_12_5_2_patch1
cd CMSSW_12_5_2_patch1/src
- Checkout the release branch
git cms-checkout-topic hgc-tpg:hgc-tpg-$CMSSW_VERSION
- Create a new branch from the release branch
git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME
- Add
remote and fetch the development branch
git remote add hgctpg git@github.com:hgc-tpg/cmssw.git
git fetch hgctpg hgc-tpg-devel-CMSSW_14_0_0_pre1
- Cherry-pick the commit to be backported
git cherry-pick COMMIT_HASH
git push hgctpg BRANCH_NAME
- Make a Pull Request from this new branch to the release branch
- Once the PR is merged, pull the updated release branch locally
git checkout hgc-tpg-$CMSSW_VERSION
git pull --rebase hgctpg hgc-tpg-$CMSSW_VERSION
- Create a version tag and push it
git tag -a TAG_NAME -m "TAG_MESSAGE"
git push hgctpg TAG_NAME