Avec l'avènement de la programmation fonctionnelle, une série de nouvelles fonctions sont apparues, permettant des itérations d'un nouveau genre…
[ 1, 2, 3 ].forEach
function( v )
console.log( v );
Exercice pour les imprudents, réalisez l'implémentation de la fonction forEach
Petit divulgachage ES6
[ 1, 2, 3 ].forEach( v => console.log( v ) );
[ 1, 2, 3 ].map(
function( elem, index, arr )
return elem * elem;
//returns [1, 4, 9]
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ].filter(
function( elem, index, arr )
return elem % 2 === 0;
//returns [2, 4]
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ].some(
function( elem, index, arr )
return elem >= 3;
//returns true
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ].every(
function( elem, index, arr )
return elem >= 3;
//returns false
Mais aussi :
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ].reduce(
function( sum, elem, index, arr )
return sum + elem;
//returns 15
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ].reduceRight(
function( sum, elem, index, arr )
return sum + elem;
}, 10
//returns 25
* Returns an array of strings representing all the enumerable property names of the object.
// Example
var obj = { name: "Eric", url: "http://ericpriou.net/" };
print( Object.keys(obj).join(", ") );
// name, url
// Shim
Object.keys = function( obj )
var array = new Array();
for( var prop in obj )
if( obj.hasOwnProperty( prop ) )
array.push( prop );
return array;
Attention, sujet très sensible !
var prof =
name : "Eric"
prof.teach = function()
return this.name +" enseigne"; //SHAME !
Pour prévénir ces effets de bords :
var obj = {};
obj.name = "John";
print( obj.name );
// John
print( Object.isExtensible( obj ) );
// true
Object.preventExtensions( obj );
obj.url = "http://ejohn.org/"; // Exception in strict mode
print( Object.isExtensible( obj ) );
// false
Sealing an object prevents other code from deleting, or changing the descriptors of, any of the object’s properties – and from adding new properties.
Object.seal( obj );
Object.isSealed( obj );
Freezing an object is nearly identical to sealing it but with the addition of making the properties un-editable.
Object.freeze( obj );
Object.isFrozen( obj );
function User(){}
User.prototype.name = "Anonymous";
User.prototype.url = "http://google.com/";
var john = Object.create(
new User(),
value: "Eric",
writable: false
url : { value: "http://google.com/" }
print( john.name );
// Eric
john.name = "Ted"; // Exception if in strict mode
var obj = {};
value: "test",
get : callback,
set : callback,
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
obj, "value", {
value : true,
writable : false,
enumerable : true,
configurable: true
var name = "Eric";
obj, "name", {
get: function()
return name;
set: function( value )
name = value;
print( obj.value )
// true
print( obj.name );
// Eric
obj.name = "Ted";
print( obj.name );
// Ted
for( var prop in obj )
print( prop );
// value
// name
obj.value = false; // Exception if in strict mode
obj, "value", {
writable : true,
configurable: false
obj.value = false;
print( obj.value );
// false
delete obj.value; // Exception
// To get property description
// Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( obj, "value" )