v1.0.10 - 2022-08-25
- ci: explicit branch so it also works in detached mode pt2
v1.0.9 - 2022-08-25
- ci: explicit branch so it also works in detached mode
v1.0.8 - 2022-08-25
- ci: reusable workflows can only run as separate jobs
v1.0.7 - 2022-08-25
- reusable workflows can run as a job only
- downgrade actions to checkout@v2
- ci: gh event syntax
- add changelog workflow standalone
- revert back to master branch
- pull order to prevent dirty stage
- pull before pushing changelog
- add origin remote if not available
- reset actions
- add label event test
- add reusable changelog
- move debugging session to caller
- add rebase before pushing
- move head ref to master
- ci: update changelog with latest changes
- ci: update changelog with latest changes
- ci: update changelog with latest changes
- ci: update changelog with latest changes
- ci: test gh exp operators 2
- ci: test gh exp operators
- ci: disable debugging
- ci: allow all versions to be picked up
- ci: update changelog with version 1.0.6
v1.0.6 - 2022-07-13
- ci: add debugging to list tags and refs
v1.0.5 - 2022-07-13
- ci: remove debugging
- ci: add interactive debugging 2
- ci: update changelog with version 1.0.4
v1.0.4 - 2022-07-13
- ci: add interactive debugging
v1.0.3 - 2022-07-13
- ci: add changelog generation part 2
v1.0.2 - 2022-07-13
- ci: fix syntax
v1.0.1 - 2022-07-13
- action syntax
- actions: graphql type (#10)
- actions: type mismatch query
- ci: action syntax #2
- workflow: async await syntax in anonymous fn
- auto-merge debug 1
- linting
- linting #2
- linting rome #3
- linting rome #4
- linting rome #5
- on pr merge test
- dummy add (#4)
- dummy add 2 (#5)
- dummy add 3
- dummy add 3 (#6)
- dummy add 4 (#7)
- dummy add 5 (#8)
- dummy add 6 (#9)
- blah (#11)
- dummy remove (#12)
- last try (#13)
- auto-merge trial 1
- auto-merge trial 2
- move env to constants file
- move conditional to code
- sync workflows
- auto-merge auth
- auto-merge debug
- auto-merge debug 2
- auto-merge debug 3
- auto-merge action-script
- trigger ci (#19)
- auto-merge action-script 2
- auto-merge action-script 3
- replicate workflow_run related pr
- trigger ci (#18)
- troubleshoot invalid json 1
- stringify nested workflow_run obj
- remove leftover
- action: debug workflow
- action: add links
- actions: add gh-script
- actions: add gh-script
- ci: export entire pr event
- ci: include encoding in filesync
- ci: re-add raw event
- ci: remove newline from foreign object
- ci: enforce obj recursion
- ci: export full PR object as JSON str
- ci: trigger pr 2 (#15)
- ci: exp graphql
- ci: fix reserved gql var name
- ci: debug array logic
- ci: debug array logic 2 with old syntax
- ci: debug array logic 3
- ci: debug array logic 4
- ci: debug array logic 5
- ci: include pr key only in event
- ci: debug array logic 6
- ci: test hypothesis for env resolve
- ci: trigger PR (#14)
- ci: test hypothesis for env resolve 2
- ci: fix readfilesync
- ci: re-add array logic
- ci: re-add array logic 2
- ci: trigger part 3 (#16)
- ci: re-add array logic 3 new env
- ci: final solution to strip gh actions additional quotes
- ci: test hypothesis of esm resolution
- ci: try array inside module
- ci: try hard code value
- ci: log PR_AUTHOR value as-is
- ci: remove any special chars from author
- ci: strip excess quotes
- ci: add changelog generation
- workflow: use pr api url
- add action post-release script