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History / How To: Email only sign up


  • Updated How To: Email only sign up (markdown)

    Dan Frenette committed Jul 26, 2020
  • The path after confirming email needs to be relative and not absolute therefore it is edit_password_path(...) instead of edit_password_url(...). edit_password_url(...) further produced weird bugs in production when I used it and I ended up being forwarded to a weird localhost URL which of course did not work.

    @shoeferlin shoeferlin committed Dec 27, 2019
  • Add new approach and explain old approach is deprecated

    @dan-jensen dan-jensen committed Sep 23, 2018
  • Revert latest change

    @martinbjeldbak martinbjeldbak committed Apr 19, 2018
  • Do not update user attributes if password and password_confirmation don't match (short circuit)

    @martinbjeldbak martinbjeldbak committed Apr 19, 2018
  • adjust to use new `input_html => { value: @original_token }` syntax.

    @rdunlop rdunlop committed Oct 26, 2014
  • When the user clicked the link confirmation the only parameter is the token

    @pauloschiavon pauloschiavon committed Oct 14, 2014
  • Refactor ConfirmationsController for Rails 4 and fix bug in it

    @gkopylov gkopylov committed Apr 30, 2014
  • Updated How To: Email only sign up (markdown)

    @jufemaiz jufemaiz committed Mar 17, 2014
  • Digested token only needed in the first instance unless show.html.haml is altered

    @jufemaiz jufemaiz committed Mar 17, 2014
  • Updated How To: Email only sign up (markdown)

    @phishmanx phishmanx committed Mar 11, 2014
  • fixed view and controller for Rails 4/Devise 3, now it is working

    @phishmanx phishmanx committed Mar 11, 2014
  • Missing closing parenthesis for update_attributes

    @sebastiangeiger sebastiangeiger committed Dec 19, 2013
  • Rails 4 link

    jontelm committed Nov 6, 2013
  • Minor formatting tweaks on my previous edits

    @tshedor tshedor committed Oct 11, 2013
  • Updated How To: Email only sign up (markdown)

    @tshedor tshedor committed Oct 11, 2013
  • Add Rails 4 updates

    @tshedor tshedor committed Oct 11, 2013
  • Prevent hijacking of already confirmed accounts

    @ssendev ssendev committed Mar 5, 2013
  • When working with this setup I discovered that once I person has clicked a confirmation link the token will no longer be valid and will return a nil object, this is my addition for fixing this problem.

    @rbclark rbclark committed Feb 18, 2013
  • Add syntax highlighting to code samples

    @jeffperrin jeffperrin committed Jan 23, 2013
  • re-arrange the introductory text so the credit comes last

    KevinTriplett committed Jan 19, 2013
  • re-write the introductory text for clarity

    KevinTriplett committed Jan 19, 2013
  • added except in update_attributes for confirmation_token. Writing it was triggering a mass assignment error, which arguably makes sense as the user has no reason to be setting the confirmation token.

    @seltzered seltzered committed Aug 21, 2012
  • Never mind, I guess it calls super

    @TylerRick TylerRick committed Aug 16, 2012
  • Noticed that it used resource_class.confirm_by_token rather than resource_class.find_by_confirmation_token in app/controllers/devise/confirmations_controller.rb

    @TylerRick TylerRick committed Aug 16, 2012
  • Re-write text a bit to clarify -- no change to code.

    KevinTriplett committed Jul 20, 2012
  • Filename should be confirmations_controller.rb

    @taylorbrooks taylorbrooks committed Jun 21, 2012
  • remove extraneous reference to sessions controller and remove mention of probbaly optional method in model

    KevinTriplett committed Jun 7, 2012
  • change title to more descriptive objective

    KevinTriplett committed Jun 7, 2012