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275 lines (207 loc) · 12.4 KB

AutoPhrase + Stanford POS Tagger

My attempt to change unstable POS tagger to Stanford for AutoPhrase.

Currently only English is supported.

Please download full Stanford POS tagger with English model and provide path in


It takes much longer to process, for 2GB corpus:

Tagged 459209610 words at 111480.29 words per second.
Pos tagging took 68 minutes and 40 seconds

Please convert your source English text to ASCII first:

iconv -f UTF8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT input_txt > input_ascii.txt

Working file bash <path to txtfile with data>:

bash input_ascii.txt

All the preparations of temporary files are very inefficient and done in bash which involves creation of many copies of the data. My goal was to show it's working.

wc -l shows different length of case_tokenized_train.txt and raw_tokenized_train.txt, this might lead to errors, don't know why it is so at the moment. You may want to just check to understand what's going on and what files are prepared, and write your own less costy implementation in, say, Python.

You can run it with toy dataset (will be automatically downloaded). Output resides in models/DBLP/*.txt.

~/AutoPhrase(master)$ bash data/DBLP.txt 
mkdir -p bin
g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -O3 -msse2  -fopenmp  -I.. -pthread -lm -Wno-unused-result -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-parentheses -Wno-format -o bin/segphrase_train src/main.cpp
g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -O3 -msse2  -fopenmp  -I.. -pthread -lm -Wno-unused-result -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-parentheses -Wno-format -o bin/segphrase_segment src/segment.cpp
===Downloading Toy Dataset===
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  198M  100  198M    0     0  30.7M      0  0:00:06  0:00:06 --:--:-- 35.4M
Detected Language: EN
POS tagging...
Loading default properties from tagger stanford-postagger-full-2017-06-09/models/english-left3words-distsim.tagger
Loading POS tagger from stanford-postagger-full-2017-06-09/models/english-left3words-distsim.tagger ... done [0.7 sec].
Untokenizable: (U+1B, decimal: 27)
Tagged 105730210 words at 110827.50 words per second.
Pos tagging took 15 minutes and 56 seconds
Preparing cleaned text...
Constructing case_tokenized_train.txt...
Constructing raw_tokenized_train.txt
Constructing token conversion table
Constructing pos_tags_tokenized_train.txt
Constructing tokenized_train.txt
Tokenizing stopwords
Tokenizing Wikipedia
No provided expert labels.
=== Current Settings ===
Iterations = 2
Minimum Support Threshold = 10
Maximum Length Threshold = 6
POS-Tagging Mode Enabled
Number of threads = 10
Labeling Method = DPDN
        Auto labels from knowledge bases
        Max Positive Samples = -1
Loading data...
# of total tokens = 105730210
max word token id = 869811
# of documents = 5499432
# of distinct POS tags = 45
Mining frequent phrases...
selected MAGIC = 869819
# of frequent phrases = 2029025
Extracting features...
Constructing label pools...
        The size of the positive pool = 31712
        The size of the negative pool = 1991159
# truth patterns = 200386
Estimating Phrase Quality...
Rectifying features...
Estimating Phrase Quality...
Dumping results...

real    15m13.802s
user    78m29.288s
sys     0m26.896s
===Saving Model and Results===
===Generating Output===

Check output:

~/AutoPhrase(master)$ head -10 models/DBLP/AutoPhrase_multi-words.txt
0.9648292369    turbo equalization
0.9647017177    public-key cryptosystem
0.9644216993    boolean satisfiability
0.9638165369    kalman filters
0.9636082266    epipolar geometry
0.9635261410    mit press
0.9633463643    ultra wideband
0.9633258258    maximum entropy
0.9629881396    bundle adjustment
0.9629262437    shallow water

Notice the "Untokenized" error. ASCII convertion still lefts intact some Unicode characters like U+0008 or U+0014, and Stanford tagger complains about them (the same was with old tokenizer). Stanford allows skipping those characters or turning into a separate tags, but, I quess either way might shift the POS tags sequence compared to tokenized text, depending on whether bad character is a part of the word or not (perhaps that was the source of errors?). Therefore, for simplicity, I've chosen to create raw_tokenized_train.txt from the data already filtered by Stanford Tokenizer, i.e. create both raw_tokenized_train.txt and pos_tags_tokenized_train.txt and all other files from its output text.tag. POS tag sequence and tokenized text must be exactly equal in length now regardless of what wc -w says.

To read about the Stanford POS tagger options:

See also comments in

AutoPhrase: Automated Phrase Mining from Massive Text Corpora


Please cite the following two papers if you are using our tools. Thanks!

Recent Changes (2017.10.23)

  • Support extremely large corpus (e.g., 100GB or more). Please comment out the // define LARGE in the beginning of src/utils/parameters.h before you run AutoPhrase on such a large corpus.
  • Quality phrases (every token is seen in the raw corpus) provided in the knowledge base will be incorporated during the phrasal segmentation, even their frequencies are smaller than MIN_SUP.
  • Stopwords will be treated as low quality single-word phrases.
  • Model files are saved separately. Please check the variable MODEL in both and
  • The end of line is also a separator for sentence splitting.

New Features

(compared to SegPhrase)

  • Minimized Human Effort. We develop a robust positive-only distant training method to estimate the phrase quality by leveraging exsiting general knowledge bases.
  • Support Multiple Languages: English, Spanish, and Chinese. The language in the input will be automatically detected.
  • High Accuracy. We propose a POS-guided phrasal segmentation model incorporating POS tags when POS tagger is available. Meanwhile, the new framework is able to extract single-word quality phrases.
  • High Efficiency. A better indexing and an almost lock-free parallelization are implemented, which lead to both running time speedup and memory saving.

Related GitHub Repositories


Linux or MacOS with g++ and Java installed.


  • g++ 4.8 $ sudo apt-get install g++-4.8
  • Java 8 $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
  • curl $ sudo apt-get install curl


  • g++ 6 $ brew install gcc6
  • Java 8 $ brew update; brew tap caskroom/cask; brew install Caskroom/cask/java

Default Run

Phrase Mining Step

$ ./

The default run will download an English corpus from the server of our data mining group and run AutoPhrase to get 3 ranked lists of phrases as well as 2 segmentation model files under the MODEL (i.e., models/DBLP) directory.

  • AutoPhrase.txt: the unified ranked list for both single-word phrases and multi-word phrases.
  • AutoPhrase_multi-words.txt: the sub-ranked list for multi-word phrases only.
  • AutoPhrase_single-word.txt: the sub-ranked list for single-word phrases only.
  • segmentation.model: AutoPhrase's segmentation model (saved for later use).
  • token_mapping.txt: the token mapping file for the tokenizer (saved for later use).

You can change RAW_TRAIN to your own corpus and you may also want change MODEL to a different name.

Phrasal Segmentation

We also provide an auxiliary function to highlight the phrases in context based on our phrasal segmentation model. There are two thresholds you can tune in the top of the script. The model can also handle unknown tokens (i.e., tokens which are not occurred in the phrase mining step's corpus).

In the beginning, you need to specify AutoPhrase's segmentation model, i.e., MODEL. The default value is set to be consistent with

$ ./

The segmentation results will be put under the MODEL directory as well (i.e., model/DBLP/segmentation.txt). The highlighted phrases will be enclosed by the phrase tags (e.g., <phrase>data mining</phrase>).

Incorporate Domain-Specific Knowledge Bases

If domain-specific knowledge bases are available, such as MeSH terms, there are two ways to incorporate them.

  • (recommended) Append your known quality phrases to the file data/EN/wiki_quality.txt.
  • Replace the file data/EN/wiki_quality.txt by your known quality phrases.

Handle Other Languages

Tokenizer and POS tagger

In fact, our tokenizer supports many different languages, including Arabics (AR), German (DE), English (EN), Spanish (ES), French (FR), Italian (IT), Japanese (JA), Portuguese (PT), Russian (RU), and Chinese (CN). If the language detection is wrong, you can also manually specify the language by modify the TOKENIZER command in the bash script using the two-letter code for that language. For example, the following one forces the language to be English.

TOKENIZER="-cp .:tools/tokenizer/lib/*:tools/tokenizer/resources/:tools/tokenizer/build/ Tokenizer -l EN"

We also provide a default tokenizer together with a dummy POS tagger in the tools/tokenizer. It uses the StandardTokenizer in Lucene, and always assign a tag UNKNOWN to each token. To enable this feature, please add the -l OTHER" to the TOKENIZER command in the bash script

TOKENIZER="-cp .:tools/tokenizer/lib/*:tools/tokenizer/resources/:tools/tokenizer/build/ Tokenizer -l OTHER"

If you want to incorporate your own tokenizer and/or POS tagger, please create a new class extending SpecialTagger in the tools/tokenizer. You may refer to StandardTagger as an example.


You may try to search online or create your own list.

wiki_all.txt and wiki_quality.txt

Meanwhile, you have to add two lists of quality phrases in the data/OTHER/wiki_quality.txt and data/OTHER/wiki_all.txt. The quality of phrases in wiki_quality should be very confident, while wiki_all, as its superset, could be a little noisy. For more details, please refer to the tools/wiki_enities.


###Default Run

sudo docker run -v $PWD/results:/autophrase/results -it \
    -e MIN_SUP=30 -e THREAD=10 \


The results will be available in the results folder.

###User Specified Input Assuming the path to input file is ./data/input.txt.

sudo docker run -v $PWD/data:/autophrase/data -v $PWD/results:/autophrase/results -it \
    -e RAW_TRAIN=data/input.txt \
    -e MIN_SUP=30 -e THREAD=10 \
