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Contributing to Packer Plugin SDK

First: if you're unsure or afraid of anything, just ask or submit the issue or pull request anyway. You won't be yelled at for giving your best effort. The worst that can happen is that you'll be politely asked to change something. We appreciate any sort of contributions, and don't want a wall of rules to get in the way of that.

However, for those individuals who want a bit more guidance on the best way to contribute to the project, read on. This document will cover what we're looking for. By addressing all the points we're looking for, it raises the chances we can quickly merge or address your contributions.


We use GitHub for tracking bugs and feature requests related to Plugin SDK. For questions, please see relevant channels at

Reporting an Issue

  • Make sure you test against the latest released version. It is possible we already fixed the bug you're experiencing.

  • Provide a reproducible test case. If a contributor can't reproduce an issue, then it dramatically lowers the chances it'll get fixed. And in some cases, the issue will eventually be closed.

  • Respond promptly to any questions made by the Packer team to your issue. Stale issues will be closed.

Issue Lifecycle

  1. The issue is reported.

  2. The issue is verified and categorized by a Packer collaborator. Categorization is done via tags. For example, bugs are marked as "bugs" and simple fixes are marked as "good first issue".

  3. Unless it is critical, the issue is left for a period of time (sometimes many weeks), giving outside contributors a chance to address the issue.

  4. The issue is addressed in a pull request or commit. The issue will be referenced in the commit message so that the code that fixes it is clearly linked.

  5. Sometimes, if you have a specialized environment or use case, the maintainers may ask for your help testing the patch.

  6. The issue is closed.

Opening an Pull Request

Thank you for contributing! When you are ready to open a pull-request, you will need to fork Packer Plugin SDK, push your changes to your fork, and then open a pull-request.

For example, my github username is cbednarski, so I would do the following:

git checkout -b f-my-feature
# Develop a patch.
git push f-my-feature

From there, open your fork in your browser to open a new pull-request.

Note: See 'Working with forks' for a better way to use git push ....

Pull Request Lifecycle

  1. You are welcome to submit your pull request for commentary or review before it is fully completed. Please prefix the title of your pull request with "[WIP]" to indicate this. It's also a good idea to include specific questions or items you'd like feedback on.

  2. Once you believe your pull request is ready to be merged, you can remove any "[WIP]" prefix from the title and a core team member will review.

  3. One of Packer's core team members will look over your contribution and either merge, or provide comments letting you know if there is anything left to do. We do our best to provide feedback in a timely manner, but it may take some time for us to respond. We may also have questions that we need answered about the code, either because something doesn't make sense to us or because we want to understand your thought process.

  4. If we have requested changes, you can either make those changes or, if you disagree with the suggested changes, we can have a conversation about our reasoning and agree on a path forward. This may be a multi-step process. Our view is that pull requests are a chance to collaborate, and we welcome conversations about how to do things better. It is the contributor's responsibility to address any changes requested. While reviewers are happy to give guidance, it is unsustainable for us to perform the coding work necessary to get a PR into a mergeable state.

  5. Once all outstanding comments and checklist items have been addressed, your contribution will be merged! Merged PRs will be included in the next Packer Plugin SDK release. The core team takes care of updating the as they merge.

  6. In rare cases, we might decide that a PR should be closed without merging. We'll make sure to provide clear reasoning when this happens.

Tips for Working on Packer Plugin SDK

Getting Your Pull Requests Merged Faster

It is much easier to review pull requests that are:

  1. Well-documented: Try to explain in the pull request comments what your change does, why you have made the change, and provide instructions for how to produce the new behavior introduced in the pull request. If you can, provide screen captures or terminal output to show what the changes look like. This helps the reviewers understand and test the change.

  2. Small: Try to only make one change per pull request. If you found two bugs and want to fix them both, that's awesome, but it's still best to submit the fixes as separate pull requests. This makes it much easier for reviewers to keep in their heads all of the implications of individual code changes, and that means the PR takes less effort and energy to merge. In general, the smaller the pull request, the sooner reviewers will be able to make time to review it.

  3. Passing Tests: Based on how much time we have, we may not review pull requests which aren't passing our tests. (Look below for advice on how to run unit tests). If you need help figuring out why tests are failing, please feel free to ask, but while we're happy to give guidance it is generally your responsibility to make sure that tests are passing. If your pull request changes an interface or invalidates an assumption that causes a bunch of tests to fail, then you need to fix those tests before we can merge your PR.

If we request changes, try to make those changes in a timely manner. Otherwise, PRs can go stale and be a lot more work for all of us to merge in the future.

Even with everyone making their best effort to be responsive, it can be time-consuming to get a PR merged. It can be frustrating to deal with the back-and-forth as we make sure that we understand the changes fully. Please bear with us, and please know that we appreciate the time and energy you put into the project.

Working on forks

The easiest way to work on a fork is to set it as a remote of the Packer Plugin SDK project. After following the steps in "Setting up Go to work on Packer Plugin SDK":

  1. Navigate to the code:

    cd $GOPATH/src/

  2. Add the remote by running:

    git remote add <name of remote> <github url of fork>

    For example:

    git remote add $USER

  3. Checkout a feature branch:

    git checkout -b new-feature

  4. Make changes.

  5. (Optional) Push your changes to the fork:

    git push -u <name of remote> new-feature

This way you can push to your fork to create a PR, but the code on disk still lives in the spot where the go cli tools are expecting to find it.

Go modules

If you are submitting a change that requires new or updated dependencies, please include them in go.mod/go.sum. This helps everything get tested properly in CI.

Note that you will need to use go mod to do this. This step is recommended but not required.

Use go get <project> to add dependencies to the project. See go mod quick start for examples.

Code linting

Packer Plugin SDK relies on golangci-lint for linting its Go code base, excluding any generated code created by go generate. Linting is executed on new files during CircleCI builds via make ci; the linting of existing code base is only executed when running make lint. Linting a large project like Packer is an iterative process so existing code base will have issues that are actively being fixed; pull-requests that fix existing linting issues are always welcomed 😄.

The main configuration for golangci-lint is the .golangci.yml in the project root. See golangci-lint --help for a list of flags that can be used to override the default configuration.

Run golangci-lint on the entire Packer Plugin SDK code base.

make lint

Run golangci-lint on a single pkg or directory; PKG_NAME expands to multistep/...

make lint PKG_NAME=multistep

Note: linting on CircleCI uses the --new-from-rev flag to only lint new files added within a branch or pull-request. To run this check locally you can use the ci-lint make target. See golangci-lint in CI for more information.

make ci-lint

Running Unit Tests

You can run tests for individual packages using commands like this:

make test TEST=./multistep/...