For now the lib only implements static events, while this behavior is ok for large scale applications, it still lacks simpilicity.
The streams should work as simple as
client.subscribe(toWhat, withWhat, (forWhat): void);
Not sure if it should be in this lib, but maybe.
Implement proxies capabilites, so lets say central rpc
could directly forward a set of
methods/streams/events directly into a ordering rpc
Perhaps it worth of doing some sort of scheme proxifing, so the central scheme
could extend ordering rpc
while proxifing all the handlers it needs directly into some otheng rpc.
some code example
const ordering = { /* ordering rpc connection */ };
prefix: 'ordering',
client: ordering,
scheme: OrderingScheme
For now, the user has to install io-ts manually, as well to implement a lot of boilerplate stuff like optional types, errors, etc.
import { Method, types } from 'rpc-with-types';
const ServerError = types.oneOf("VALIDATION_ERROR", "SERVER_ERROR");
export default {
greet:'greet', types.string, types.result(types.string, ServerError));
Make the lib more hackable and tweakable.
Support raw unix/tcp sockets.
For now only two utils: cli client and a mitm cli proxy