diff --git a/Gruntfile.coffee b/Gruntfile.coffee
index 5c8fb0a312a..569d5587e0f 100644
--- a/Gruntfile.coffee
+++ b/Gruntfile.coffee
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ This file is generated by `grunt build`, do not edit it by hand.
'public/chosen.proto.js': ['coffee/lib/select-parser.coffee', 'coffee/lib/abstract-chosen.coffee', 'coffee/chosen.proto.coffee']
- 'spec/public/jquery_specs.js': 'spec/jquery/*.spec.coffee'
- 'spec/public/proto_specs.js': 'spec/proto/*.spec.coffee'
+ 'spec/public/jquery_specs.js': ['spec/jquery.spec.coffee', 'spec/common/*.spec.coffee']
+ 'spec/public/proto_specs.js': ['spec/proto.spec.coffee', 'spec/common/*.spec.coffee']
diff --git a/spec/common/_helpers.spec.coffee b/spec/common/_helpers.spec.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..95091bfbac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/common/_helpers.spec.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Helper to distinguish arrays from other objects
+type_is_array = Array.isArray || (value) -> {}.toString.call( value ) is '[object Array]'
+# Helper to determine if a variable is a dom element
+type_is_dom_elm = (el) -> typeof el is 'object' and el.style?
+# Helper to create HTML for the select element in most tests
+testcase_html = (options, attributes = '') ->
+ options_obj = {}
+ # If options is a simple array, convert to an object with equal keys and values
+ if type_is_array options
+ for option in options
+ options_obj[option] = option
+ else
+ options_obj = options
+ # Construct the HTML
+ tmpl = ""
+testcase = (options, settings = {}, attributes = '') ->
+ # If options is a string we're good, otherwise create the HTML
+ if typeof options is 'string'
+ tmpl = options
+ else
+ tmpl = testcase_html options, attributes
+ # Get a "testcase" that is adapted to jquery / prototype
+ obj = fw_testcase tmpl, settings
+ # Add commonly used function to the object
+ # these are just "shortcuts" making the tests a lot more readable for common
+ # operations like opening the dropdown or finding out how many results are shown
+ obj.open_drop = () -> @container.trigger('mousedown')
+ obj.get_val = () -> @select.val()
+ obj.get_results = () -> @div.find('.active-result')
+ obj.get_result_groups = () -> @div.find('.group-result')
+ obj.click_result = (n) -> @get_results()[n].trigger("mouseup")
+ obj.set_search = (v) ->
+ @search_field.val(v)
+ @search_field.trigger('keyup')
+ # Return the testcase
+ obj
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spec/common/basic.spec.coffee b/spec/common/basic.spec.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a111c03da8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/common/basic.spec.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+describe "Basic setup", ->
+ # Check existence of jQuery object / Chosen global
+ fw_basictest()
+ it "should create very basic chosen", ->
+ this_test = testcase ['', 'United States', 'United Kingdom', 'Afghanistan']
+ # very simple check that the necessary elements have been created
+ ["container", "container-single", "single", "default"].forEach (clazz)->
+ el = this_test.div.find(".chosen-#{clazz}")[0]
+ expect(type_is_dom_elm el.dom_el).toBe true
+ expect(this_test.get_val()).toBe ''
+ do this_test.open_drop
+ expect(this_test.container.hasClass('chosen-container-active')).toBe true
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 3
+ this_test.click_result 2
+ #check that the select was updated correctly
+ expect(this_test.get_val()).toBe "Afghanistan"
+ describe "data-placeholder", ->
+ it "should render", ->
+ this_test = testcase ['', 'United States', 'United Kingdom', 'Afghanistan'], {}, 'data-placeholder="Choose a Country..."'
+ expect(this_test.div.find(".chosen-single > span")[0].text()).toBe "Choose a Country..."
+ it "should render with special characters", ->
+ this_test = testcase ['', 'United States', 'United Kingdom', 'Afghanistan'], {}, 'data-placeholder="<None>"'
+ expect(this_test.div.find(".chosen-single > span")[0].text()).toBe ""
+ describe "disabled fieldset", ->
+ it "should render as disabled", ->
+ # More complicated tests need to pass the HTML directly to tmpl_testcase
+ this_test = testcase """
+ """
+ expect(this_test.container.hasClass("chosen-disabled")).toBe true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spec/common/events.spec.coffee b/spec/common/events.spec.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..976c73d1666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/common/events.spec.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+describe "Events", ->
+ it "should fire the right events", ->
+ this_test = testcase ['', 'United States', 'United Kingdom', 'Afghanistan']
+ # Track order of events
+ event_sequence = []
+ this_test.div.onEvt 'input', (evt) -> event_sequence.push evt.type
+ this_test.div.onEvt 'change', (evt) -> event_sequence.push evt.type
+ do this_test.open_drop
+ this_test.click_result 2
+ expect(event_sequence).toEqual ['input', 'change']
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spec/common/max_shown_results.spec.coffee b/spec/common/max_shown_results.spec.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9a620f45cea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/common/max_shown_results.spec.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+describe "search", ->
+ it "should display only matching items when entering a search term", ->
+ this_test = testcase ['United States', 'United Kingdom', 'Afghanistan']
+ do this_test.open_drop
+ # Expect all results to be shown
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 3
+ #Type something
+ this_test.set_search("Afgh")
+ # Expect to only have one result: 'Afghanistan'.
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 1
+ expect(this_test.get_results()[0].text()).toBe "Afghanistan"
+ it 'should only show max_shown_results items in results', ->
+ this_test = testcase ['United States', 'United Kingdom', 'Afghanistan'], {max_shown_results: 1}
+ do this_test.open_drop
+ # Expect only one result due to max_shown_results
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 1
+ # Enter some text in the search field.
+ this_test.set_search("United")
+ # Showing only one result: the one that occurs first.
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 1
+ expect(this_test.get_results()[0].text()).toBe "United States"
+ # Enter some more text in the search field.
+ this_test.set_search("United Ki")
+ # Still only one result, but not the first one.
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 1
+ expect(this_test.get_results()[0].text()).toBe "United Kingdom"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spec/common/searching.spec.coffee b/spec/common/searching.spec.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c8b489f423a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/common/searching.spec.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+describe "Searching", ->
+ it "should not match the actual text of HTML entities", ->
+ this_test = testcase {
+ '': ''
+ 'This & That': 'This & That'
+ 'This < That': 'This < That'
+ }
+ do this_test.open_drop
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 2
+ # Search for the html entity by name
+ this_test.set_search 'mp'
+ # There should be no results
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 0
+ it "renders options correctly when they contain characters that require HTML encoding", ->
+ this_test = testcase ['A & B']
+ do this_test.open_drop
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 1
+ expect(this_test.get_results()[0].html()).toBe "A & B"
+ this_test.set_search 'A'
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 1
+ expect(this_test.get_results()[0].html()).toBe "A & B"
+ it "renders optgroups correctly when they contain html encoded tags", ->
+ this_test = testcase """
+ """
+ do this_test.open_drop
+ expect(this_test.get_result_groups().length).toBe 1
+ expect(this_test.get_result_groups()[0].html()).toBe "A <b>hi</b> B"
+ it "renders optgroups correctly when they contain characters that require HTML encoding when searching", ->
+ this_test = testcase """
+ """
+ do this_test.open_drop
+ expect(this_test.get_result_groups().length).toBe 1
+ expect(this_test.get_result_groups()[0].html()).toBe "A & B"
+ this_test.set_search 'A'
+ expect(this_test.get_result_groups().length).toBe 1
+ expect(this_test.get_result_groups()[0].html()).toBe "A & B"
+ it "renders no results message correctly when it contains characters that require HTML encoding", ->
+ this_test = testcase ['Item']
+ do this_test.open_drop
+ this_test.set_search '&'
+ expect(this_test.div.find(".no-results").length).toBe 1
+ expect(this_test.div.find(".no-results")[0].html().trim()).toBe "No results match &"
+ this_test.set_search '&'
+ expect(this_test.div.find(".no-results").length).toBe 1
+ expect(this_test.div.find(".no-results")[0].html().trim()).toBe "No results match &"
+ it "matches in non-ascii languages like Chinese when selecting a single item", ->
+ this_test = testcase ['一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十', '十一', '十二']
+ do this_test.open_drop
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 12
+ this_test.set_search "一"
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 1
+ expect(this_test.get_results()[0].html()).toBe "一"
+ it "matches in non-ascii languages like Chinese when selecting a single item with search_contains", ->
+ this_test = testcase ['一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十', '十一', '十二'], {search_contains: true}
+ do this_test.open_drop
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 12
+ this_test.set_search "一"
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 2
+ expect(this_test.get_results()[0].html()).toBe "一"
+ expect(this_test.get_results()[1].html()).toBe "十一"
+ it "matches in non-ascii languages like Chinese when selecting multiple items", ->
+ this_test = testcase ['一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十', '十一', '十二'], {}, 'multi'
+ do this_test.open_drop
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 12
+ this_test.set_search "一"
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 1
+ expect(this_test.get_results()[0].html()).toBe "一"
+ it "matches in non-ascii languages like Chinese when selecting multiple items with search_contains", ->
+ this_test = testcase ['一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九', '十', '十一', '十二'], {search_contains: true}, 'multi'
+ do this_test.open_drop
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 12
+ this_test.set_search "一"
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 2
+ expect(this_test.get_results()[0].html()).toBe "一"
+ expect(this_test.get_results()[1].html()).toBe "十一"
+ it "highlights results correctly when multiple words are present", ->
+ this_test = testcase ['oh hello']
+ do this_test.open_drop
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 1
+ this_test.set_search "h"
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 1
+ expect(this_test.get_results()[0].html()).toBe "oh hello"
+ describe "respects word boundaries when not using search_contains", ->
+ this_test = testcase ['(lparen', '<langle', '[lbrace', '{lcurly', '¡upsidedownbang', '¿upsidedownqmark', '.period', '-dash', '"leftquote', "'leftsinglequote", '“angledleftquote', '‘angledleftsinglequote', '«guillemet']
+ this_test.div.find("option").forEach (option) ->
+ boundary_thing = option.dom_el.value.slice(1)
+ it "correctly finds words that start after a(n) #{boundary_thing}", ->
+ this_test.set_search boundary_thing
+ expect(this_test.get_results().length).toBe 1
+ expect(this_test.get_results()[0].text().slice(1)).toBe(boundary_thing)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spec/jquery.spec.coffee b/spec/jquery.spec.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bdbb3115763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/jquery.spec.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# The most basic test
+fw_basictest = () ->
+ it "should add chosen to jQuery object", ->
+ do expect(jQuery.fn.chosen).toBeDefined
+# A wrapper around needed "framework"-functions, so we can use the same jasmine
+# tests for jquery and prototype
+fw = (el) ->
+ {
+ # the actual element
+ dom_el: el
+ # some common dom traversal functions
+ find: (q) -> #Return an array of fw's
+ ret = []
+ $(el).find(q).each -> ret.push fw(this)
+ ret
+ # other functions needed during testing
+ hasClass: (clazz) -> $(el).hasClass clazz
+ trigger: (evt) -> $(el).trigger evt
+ val: (v) -> if v? then $(el).val v else do $(el).val
+ text: () -> do $(el).text
+ html: (v) -> if v? then $(el).html v else do $(el).html
+ onEvt: (evt, fn) -> $(el).on evt, fn
+ }
+fw_testcase = (tmpl, settings = {}) ->
+ # Wrap each test in a div and put the "template" in it
+ # (usually just the select itself)
+ div = $("
").html tmpl
+ # Find the select
+ select = div.find "select"
+ # Create the Chosen instance - possibly with specific settings for this "case"
+ select.chosen settings
+ # Return an object that has easy access (through the "framework wrapper") to
+ # the elements
+ {
+ div: fw div[0]
+ select: fw select[0]
+ container: fw div.find(".chosen-container")[0]
+ search_field: fw(div.find(".chosen-search input")[0] or div.find(".chosen-search-input")[0])
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spec/jquery/basic.spec.coffee b/spec/jquery/basic.spec.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
index c71798fbaf0..00000000000
--- a/spec/jquery/basic.spec.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-describe "Basic setup", ->
- it "should add chosen to jQuery object", ->
- expect(jQuery.fn.chosen).toBeDefined()
- it "should create very basic chosen", ->
- tmpl = "
- "
- div = $("
- select = div.find("select")
- expect(select.length).toBe(1)
- select.chosen()
- # very simple check that the necessary elements have been created
- ["container", "container-single", "single", "default"].forEach (clazz)->
- el = div.find(".chosen-#{clazz}")
- expect(el.length).toBe(1)
- # test a few interactions
- expect(select.val()).toBe ""
- container = div.find(".chosen-container")
- container.trigger("mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(container.hasClass("chosen-container-active")).toBe true
- #select an item
- container.find(".active-result").last().trigger("mouseup")
- expect(select.val()).toBe "Afghanistan"
- describe "data-placeholder", ->
- it "should render", ->
- tmpl = "
- "
- div = $("
- select = div.find("select")
- expect(select.length).toBe(1)
- select.chosen()
- placeholder = div.find(".chosen-single > span")
- expect(placeholder.text()).toBe("Choose a Country...")
- it "should render with special characters", ->
- tmpl = "
- "
- div = $("
- select = div.find("select")
- expect(select.length).toBe(1)
- select.chosen()
- container = div.find(".chosen-container")
- expect(container.hasClass("chosen-disabled")).toBe true
diff --git a/spec/jquery/events.spec.coffee b/spec/jquery/events.spec.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
index 278743be810..00000000000
--- a/spec/jquery/events.spec.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-describe "Events", ->
- it "chosen should fire the right events", ->
- tmpl = "
- "
- div = $("
- select = div.find("select")
- expect(select.length).toBe(1)
- select.chosen()
- # very simple check that the necessary elements have been created
- ["container", "container-single", "single", "default"].forEach (clazz)->
- el = div.find(".chosen-#{clazz}")
- expect(el.length).toBe(1)
- # test a few interactions
- event_sequence = []
- div.on 'input change', (evt) -> event_sequence.push evt.type
- container = div.find(".chosen-container")
- container.trigger("mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(container.hasClass("chosen-container-active")).toBe true
- #select an item
- container.find(".active-result").last().trigger("mouseup")
- expect(event_sequence).toEqual ['input', 'change']
diff --git a/spec/jquery/max_shown_results.spec.coffee b/spec/jquery/max_shown_results.spec.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
index e329e16fc8a..00000000000
--- a/spec/jquery/max_shown_results.spec.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-describe "search", ->
- it "should display only matching items when entering a search term", ->
- tmpl = "
- "
- div = $("
- select = div.find("select")
- select.chosen()
- container = div.find(".chosen-container")
- container.trigger("mousedown") # open the drop
- # Expect all results to be shown
- results = div.find(".active-result")
- expect(results.length).toBe(3)
- # Enter some text in the search field.
- search_field = div.find(".chosen-search input").first()
- search_field.val("Afgh")
- search_field.trigger('keyup')
- # Expect to only have one result: 'Afghanistan'.
- results = div.find(".active-result")
- expect(results.length).toBe(1)
- expect(results.first().text()).toBe "Afghanistan"
- it "should only show max_shown_results items in results", ->
- tmpl = "
- "
- div = $("
- select = div.find("select")
- select.chosen({max_shown_results: 1 })
- container = div.find(".chosen-container")
- container.trigger("mousedown") # open the drop
- results = div.find(".active-result")
- expect(results.length).toBe(1)
- # Enter some text in the search field.
- search_field = div.find(".chosen-search input").first()
- search_field.val("United")
- search_field.trigger("keyup")
- # Showing only one result: the one that occurs first.
- results = div.find(".active-result")
- expect(results.length).toBe(1)
- expect(results.first().text()).toBe "United States"
- # Showing still only one result, but not the first one.
- search_field.val("United Ki")
- search_field.trigger("keyup")
- results = div.find(".active-result")
- expect(results.length).toBe(1)
- expect(results.first().text()).toBe "United Kingdom"
diff --git a/spec/jquery/searching.spec.coffee b/spec/jquery/searching.spec.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
index d17f62f85bc..00000000000
--- a/spec/jquery/searching.spec.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-describe "Searching", ->
- it "should not match the actual text of HTML entities", ->
- tmpl = "
- "
- div = $("
- select = div.find("select")
- select.chosen({search_contains: true})
- container = div.find(".chosen-container")
- container.trigger("mousedown") # open the drop
- # Both options should be active
- results = div.find(".active-result")
- expect(results.length).toBe(2)
- # Search for the html entity by name
- search_field = div.find(".chosen-search input").first()
- search_field.val("mp")
- search_field.trigger("keyup")
- results = div.find(".active-result")
- expect(results.length).toBe(0)
- it "renders options correctly when they contain characters that require HTML encoding", ->
- div = $("
- """)
- div.find("select").chosen()
- div.find(".chosen-container").trigger("mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(div.find(".active-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.find(".active-result").first().html()).toBe("A & B")
- search_field = div.find(".chosen-search-input").first()
- search_field.val("A")
- search_field.trigger("keyup")
- expect(div.find(".active-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.find(".active-result").first().html()).toBe("A & B")
- it "renders optgroups correctly when they contain html encoded tags", ->
- div = $("
- """)
- div.find("select").chosen()
- div.find(".chosen-container").trigger("mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(div.find(".group-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.find(".group-result").first().html()).toBe("A <b>hi</b> B")
- it "renders optgroups correctly when they contain characters that require HTML encoding when searching", ->
- div = $("
- """)
- div.find("select").chosen()
- div.find(".chosen-container").trigger("mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(div.find(".group-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.find(".group-result").first().html()).toBe("A & B")
- search_field = div.find(".chosen-search-input").first()
- search_field.val("A")
- search_field.trigger("keyup")
- expect(div.find(".group-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.find(".group-result").first().html()).toBe("A & B")
- it "renders no results message correctly when it contains characters that require HTML encoding", ->
- div = $("
- """)
- div.find("select").chosen()
- div.find(".chosen-container").trigger("mousedown") # open the drop
- search_field = div.find(".chosen-search-input").first()
- search_field.val("&")
- search_field.trigger("keyup")
- expect(div.find(".no-results").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.find(".no-results").first().html().trim()).toBe("No results match &")
- search_field.val("&")
- search_field.trigger("keyup")
- expect(div.find(".no-results").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.find(".no-results").first().html().trim()).toBe("No results match &")
- it "matches in non-ascii languages like Chinese when selecting a single item", ->
- div = $("
- """)
- div.find("select").chosen()
- div.find(".chosen-container").trigger("mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(div.find(".active-result").length).toBe(12)
- search_field = div.find(".chosen-search-input").first()
- search_field.val("一")
- search_field.trigger("keyup")
- expect(div.find(".active-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.find(".active-result")[0].innerHTML).toBe("一")
- it "matches in non-ascii languages like Chinese when selecting a single item with search_contains", ->
- div = $("
- """)
- div.find("select").chosen({search_contains: true})
- div.find(".chosen-container").trigger("mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(div.find(".active-result").length).toBe(12)
- search_field = div.find(".chosen-search-input").first()
- search_field.val("一")
- search_field.trigger("keyup")
- expect(div.find(".active-result").length).toBe(2)
- expect(div.find(".active-result")[0].innerHTML).toBe("一")
- expect(div.find(".active-result")[1].innerHTML).toBe("十一")
- it "matches in non-ascii languages like Chinese when selecting multiple items", ->
- div = $("
- """)
- div.find("select").chosen()
- div.find(".chosen-container").trigger("mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(div.find(".active-result").length).toBe(12)
- search_field = div.find(".chosen-search-input")
- search_field.val("一")
- search_field.trigger("keyup")
- expect(div.find(".active-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.find(".active-result")[0].innerHTML).toBe("一")
- it "matches in non-ascii languages like Chinese when selecting multiple items with search_contains", ->
- div = $("
- """)
- div.find("select").chosen({search_contains: true})
- div.find(".chosen-container").trigger("mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(div.find(".active-result").length).toBe(12)
- search_field = div.find(".chosen-search-input")
- search_field.val("一")
- search_field.trigger("keyup")
- expect(div.find(".active-result").length).toBe(2)
- expect(div.find(".active-result")[0].innerHTML).toBe("一")
- expect(div.find(".active-result")[1].innerHTML).toBe("十一")
- it "highlights results correctly when multiple words are present", ->
- div = $("
- """)
- div.find("select").chosen()
- div.find(".chosen-container").trigger("mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(div.find(".active-result").length).toBe(1)
- search_field = div.find(".chosen-search-input")
- search_field.val("h")
- search_field.trigger("keyup")
- expect(div.find(".active-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.find(".active-result")[0].innerHTML).toBe("oh hello")
- describe "respects word boundaries when not using search_contains", ->
- div = $("
- """)
- div.find("select").chosen()
- div.find(".chosen-container").trigger("mousedown") # open the drop
- search_field = div.find(".chosen-search-input")
- div.find("option").each () ->
- boundary_thing = this.value.slice(1)
- it "correctly finds words that start after a(n) #{boundary_thing}", ->
- search_field.val(boundary_thing)
- search_field.trigger("keyup")
- expect(div.find(".active-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.find(".active-result")[0].innerText.slice(1)).toBe(boundary_thing)
diff --git a/spec/proto.spec.coffee b/spec/proto.spec.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4ab3f844dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/proto.spec.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# The most basic test
+fw_basictest = () ->
+ it "should expose a Chosen global", ->
+ do expect(Chosen).toBeDefined
+# A wrapper around needed "framework"-functions, so we can use the same jasmine
+# tests for jquery and prototype
+fw = (el) ->
+ {
+ # the actual element
+ dom_el: el
+ # some common dom traversal functions
+ find: (q) -> #Return an array of fw's
+ ret = []
+ for elm in el.select(q)
+ ret.push fw(elm)
+ ret
+ # other functions needed during testing
+ hasClass: (clazz) -> el.hasClassName clazz
+ trigger: (evt) -> simulant.fire el, evt
+ val: (v) -> if v? then el.value = v else $F el
+ text: () -> el.innerText || el.textContent
+ html: (v) -> if v? then el.innerHTML = v else el.innerHTML
+ onEvt: (evt, fn) -> el.addEventListener evt, fn
+ }
+fw_testcase = (tmpl, settings = {}) ->
+ # Wrap each test in a div
+ div = new Element "div"
+ document.body.insert div
+ # Put the "template" in the div (usually just the select itself)
+ div.update tmpl
+ # Find the select
+ select = div.down "select"
+ # Create the Chosen instance - possibly with specific settings for this "case"
+ new Chosen select, settings
+ # Find some elements that are needed for many tests
+ container = div.down ".chosen-container"
+ search_field = div.down(".chosen-search input") or div.down(".chosen-search-input")
+ # Return an object that has easy access (through the "framework wrapper") to
+ # the elements
+ {
+ div: fw div
+ select: fw select
+ container: fw container
+ search_field: fw search_field
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spec/proto/basic.spec.coffee b/spec/proto/basic.spec.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e7212a57b9..00000000000
--- a/spec/proto/basic.spec.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-describe "Basic setup", ->
- it "should add expose a Chosen global", ->
- expect(Chosen).toBeDefined()
- it "should create very basic chosen", ->
- tmpl = "
- "
- div = new Element("div")
- document.body.insert(div)
- div.update(tmpl)
- select = div.down("select")
- expect(select).toBeDefined()
- new Chosen(select)
- # very simple check that the necessary elements have been created
- ["container", "container-single", "single", "default"].forEach (clazz)->
- el = div.down(".chosen-#{clazz}")
- expect(el).toBeDefined()
- # test a few interactions
- expect($F(select)).toBe ""
- container = div.down(".chosen-container")
- simulant.fire(container, "mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(container.hasClassName("chosen-container-active")).toBe true
- #select an item
- result = container.select(".active-result").last()
- simulant.fire(result, "mouseup")
- expect($F(select)).toBe "Afghanistan"
- div.remove()
- describe "data-placeholder", ->
- it "should render", ->
- tmpl = "
- "
- div = new Element("div")
- document.body.insert(div)
- div.update(tmpl)
- select = div.down("select")
- expect(select).toBeDefined()
- new Chosen(select)
- placeholder = div.down(".chosen-single > span")
- expect(placeholder.innerText).toBe("Choose a Country...")
- it "should render with special characters", ->
- tmpl = "
- "
- div = new Element("div")
- document.body.insert(div)
- div.update(tmpl)
- select = div.down("select")
- expect(select).toBeDefined()
- new Chosen(select)
- placeholder = div.down(".chosen-single > span")
- expect(placeholder.innerText).toBe("")
- describe "disabled fieldset", ->
- it "should render as disabled", ->
- tmpl = "
- "
- div = new Element("div")
- document.body.insert(div)
- div.update(tmpl)
- select = div.down("select")
- expect(select).toBeDefined()
- new Chosen(select)
- container = div.down(".chosen-container")
- expect(container.hasClassName("chosen-disabled")).toBe true
diff --git a/spec/proto/events.spec.coffee b/spec/proto/events.spec.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
index 125da54e665..00000000000
--- a/spec/proto/events.spec.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-describe "Events", ->
- it "chosen should fire the right events", ->
- tmpl = "
- "
- div = new Element("div")
- document.body.insert(div)
- div.update(tmpl)
- select = div.down("select")
- expect(select).toBeDefined()
- new Chosen(select)
- event_sequence = []
- document.addEventListener 'input', -> event_sequence.push 'input'
- document.addEventListener 'change', -> event_sequence.push 'change'
- container = div.down(".chosen-container")
- simulant.fire(container, "mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(container.hasClassName("chosen-container-active")).toBe true
- #select an item
- result = container.select(".active-result").last()
- simulant.fire(result, "mouseup")
- expect(event_sequence).toEqual ['input', 'change']
- div.remove()
diff --git a/spec/proto/max_shown_results.spec.coffee b/spec/proto/max_shown_results.spec.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
index 518fa89c1b2..00000000000
--- a/spec/proto/max_shown_results.spec.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-describe 'search', ->
- it 'should display only matching items when entering a search term', ->
- tmpl = '''
- '''
- div = new Element('div')
- document.body.insert(div)
- div.update(tmpl)
- select = div.down('select')
- new Chosen(select)
- container = div.down('.chosen-container')
- simulant.fire(container, 'mousedown') # open the drop
- # Expect all results to be shown
- results = div.select('.active-result')
- expect(results.length).toBe(3)
- # Enter some text in the search field.
- search_field = div.down('.chosen-search input')
- search_field.value = 'Afgh'
- simulant.fire(search_field, 'keyup')
- # Expect to only have one result: 'Afghanistan'.
- results = div.select('.active-result')
- expect(results.length).toBe(1)
- expect(results[0].innerText).toBe 'Afghanistan'
- it 'should only show max_shown_results items in results', ->
- tmpl = '''
- '''
- div = new Element('div')
- document.body.insert(div)
- div.update(tmpl)
- select = div.down('select')
- new Chosen(select, { max_shown_results: 1 })
- container = div.down('.chosen-container')
- simulant.fire(container, 'mousedown') # open the drop
- results = div.select('.active-result')
- expect(results.length).toBe(1)
- # Enter some text in the search field.
- search_field = div.down('.chosen-search input')
- search_field.value = 'United'
- simulant.fire(search_field, 'keyup')
- # Showing only one result: the one that occurs first.
- results = div.select('.active-result')
- expect(results.length).toBe(1)
- expect(results[0].innerText).toBe 'United States'
- # Showing still only one result, but not the first one.
- search_field.value = 'United Ki'
- simulant.fire(search_field, 'keyup')
- results = div.select('.active-result')
- expect(results.length).toBe(1)
- expect(results[0].innerText).toBe 'United Kingdom'
diff --git a/spec/proto/searching.spec.coffee b/spec/proto/searching.spec.coffee
deleted file mode 100644
index 457396b95d2..00000000000
--- a/spec/proto/searching.spec.coffee
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-describe "Searching", ->
- it "should not match the actual text of HTML entities", ->
- tmpl = "
- "
- div = new Element('div')
- document.body.insert(div)
- div.update(tmpl)
- select = div.down('select')
- new Chosen(select, {search_contains: true})
- container = div.down('.chosen-container')
- simulant.fire(container, 'mousedown') # open the drop
- # Both options should be active
- results = div.select('.active-result')
- expect(results.length).toBe(2)
- # Search for the html entity by name
- search_field = div.down(".chosen-search input")
- search_field.value = "mp"
- simulant.fire(search_field, 'keyup')
- results = div.select(".active-result")
- expect(results.length).toBe(0)
- it "renders options correctly when they contain characters that require HTML encoding", ->
- div = new Element("div")
- div.update("""
- """)
- new Chosen(div.down("select"))
- simulant.fire(div.down(".chosen-container"), "mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(div.select(".active-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.down(".active-result").innerHTML).toBe("A & B")
- search_field = div.down(".chosen-search-input")
- search_field.value = "A"
- simulant.fire(search_field, "keyup")
- expect(div.select(".active-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.down(".active-result").innerHTML).toBe("A & B")
- it "renders optgroups correctly when they contain characters that require HTML encoding", ->
- div = new Element("div")
- div.update("""
- """)
- new Chosen(div.down("select"))
- simulant.fire(div.down(".chosen-container"), "mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(div.select(".group-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.down(".group-result").innerHTML).toBe("A <b>hi</b> B")
- it "renders optgroups correctly when they contain characters that require HTML encoding when searching", ->
- div = new Element("div")
- div.update("""
- """)
- new Chosen(div.down("select"))
- simulant.fire(div.down(".chosen-container"), "mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(div.select(".group-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.down(".group-result").innerHTML).toBe("A & B")
- search_field = div.down(".chosen-search-input")
- search_field.value = "A"
- simulant.fire(search_field, "keyup")
- expect(div.select(".group-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.down(".group-result").innerHTML).toBe("A & B")
- it "renders no results message correctly when it contains characters that require HTML encoding", ->
- div = new Element("div")
- div.update("""
- """)
- new Chosen(div.down("select"))
- simulant.fire(div.down(".chosen-container"), "mousedown") # open the drop
- search_field = div.down(".chosen-search-input")
- search_field.value = "&"
- simulant.fire(search_field, "keyup")
- expect(div.select(".no-results").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.down(".no-results").innerHTML.trim()).toBe("No results match &")
- search_field.value = "&"
- simulant.fire(search_field, "keyup")
- expect(div.select(".no-results").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.down(".no-results").innerHTML.trim()).toBe("No results match &")
- it "matches in non-ascii languages like Chinese when selecting a single item", ->
- div = new Element("div")
- div.update("""
- """)
- new Chosen(div.down("select"))
- simulant.fire(div.down(".chosen-container"), "mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(div.select(".active-result").length).toBe(12)
- search_field = div.down(".chosen-search-input")
- search_field.value = "一"
- simulant.fire(search_field, "keyup")
- expect(div.select(".active-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.select(".active-result")[0].innerHTML).toBe("一")
- it "matches in non-ascii languages like Chinese when selecting a single item with search_contains", ->
- div = new Element("div")
- div.update("""
- """)
- new Chosen(div.down("select"), {search_contains: true})
- simulant.fire(div.down(".chosen-container"), "mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(div.select(".active-result").length).toBe(12)
- search_field = div.down(".chosen-search-input")
- search_field.value = "一"
- simulant.fire(search_field, "keyup")
- expect(div.select(".active-result").length).toBe(2)
- expect(div.select(".active-result")[0].innerHTML).toBe("一")
- expect(div.select(".active-result")[1].innerHTML).toBe("十一")
- it "matches in non-ascii languages like Chinese when selecting multiple items", ->
- div = new Element("div")
- div.update("""
- """)
- new Chosen(div.down("select"))
- simulant.fire(div.down(".chosen-container"), "mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(div.select(".active-result").length).toBe(12)
- search_field = div.down(".chosen-search-input")
- search_field.value = "一"
- simulant.fire(search_field, "keyup")
- expect(div.select(".active-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.select(".active-result")[0].innerHTML).toBe("一")
- it "matches in non-ascii languages like Chinese when selecting multiple items with search_contains", ->
- div = new Element("div")
- div.update("""
- """)
- new Chosen(div.down("select"), {search_contains: true})
- simulant.fire(div.down(".chosen-container"), "mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(div.select(".active-result").length).toBe(12)
- search_field = div.down(".chosen-search-input")
- search_field.value = "一"
- simulant.fire(search_field, "keyup")
- expect(div.select(".active-result").length).toBe(2)
- expect(div.select(".active-result")[0].innerHTML).toBe("一")
- expect(div.select(".active-result")[1].innerHTML).toBe("十一")
- it "highlights results correctly when multiple words are present", ->
- div = new Element("div")
- div.update("""
- """)
- new Chosen(div.down("select"))
- simulant.fire(div.down(".chosen-container"), "mousedown") # open the drop
- expect(div.select(".active-result").length).toBe(1)
- search_field = div.down(".chosen-search-input")
- search_field.value = "h"
- simulant.fire(search_field, "keyup")
- expect(div.select(".active-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.select(".active-result")[0].innerHTML).toBe("oh hello")
- describe "respects word boundaries when not using search_contains", ->
- div = new Element("div")
- div.update("""
- """)
- new Chosen(div.down("select"))
- simulant.fire(div.down(".chosen-container"), "mousedown") # open the drop
- search_field = div.down(".chosen-search-input")
- div.select("option").forEach (option) ->
- boundary_thing = option.value.slice(1)
- it "correctly finds words that start after a(n) #{boundary_thing}", ->
- search_field.value = boundary_thing
- simulant.fire(search_field, "keyup")
- expect(div.select(".active-result").length).toBe(1)
- expect(div.select(".active-result")[0].innerText.slice(1)).toBe(boundary_thing)