Releases: hartwigmedical/hmftools
Releases · hartwigmedical/hmftools
sage v4.0 beta
Sage beta 2:
- fixed read context cigar VCF tag, affects SageAppend deserialisation
Sage beta 3:
- Parse sage version in vcf using ModuleDescriptor.Version
redux v1.0 beta
Beta 2:
- set mate unmapped for consensus read with non-human contig read
Beta 3:
- protect against ref base look-ups past end of chromosome
- synchronise calls to process completed read groups for consensus, relevant when reprocessing supplementaries
- use 'redux' in TSV output files
Beta 4:
- use supp BAMs by default, disable with config 'no_supp_bam'
- consensus ref genome end of chromosome fix
- unmap secondaries and drop from BAM
purple v4.1 beta
Purple beta 4 changes:
- write empty somatic VCF when writing other empty files
- fix writing blank purple QC and germline aberration status
pave v1.7 beta
Beta version 1:
- germline to skip gnomad filter use config 'gnomad_no_filter'
linx v2.0 beta
Linx beta 3:
- fixed INSALN parsing and use of SGL alt alignments
cobalt v2.0 beta
cobalt-v2.0_beta Version 2.0 beta
cuppa v2.2.1-beta.9
Description of release cuppa v2.2.1-beta.9
Full Changelog: cuppa-v2.2.1-beta.8...cuppa-v2.2.1-beta.9
cuppa v2.2.1-beta.8
Description of release cuppa v2.2.1-beta.8
Full Changelog: cuppa-v2.2.1-beta.7...cuppa-v2.2.1-beta.8
cuppa v2.2.1-beta.7
Description of release cuppa v2.2.1-beta.7
Full Changelog: cuppa-v2.2.1-beta.6...cuppa-v2.2.1-beta.7
cuppa v2.2.1-beta.6
Description of release cuppa v2.2.1-beta.6
Full Changelog: cuppa-v2.2.1-beta.5...cuppa-v2.2.1-beta.6