Day Started : Jan 19th 2020
Note that ranks keep on changing depending on virual participation of other contestants.
Day | Rank | Link | Type | Review | Upsolved |
1 | 4009 | codeforces | Real | Don't give up. You can do better. | ====== |
2 | 3917 | codeforces | Virual | Easy implementation needs to be correct | 1 |
3 | 2726 | Codeforces | Virtual | Try to use std::set less TLE AC and get better at dp. 1700 problems are not tough, don't be afraid. | 2 |
4 | 1809 | Codeforces | Real | DO NOT GIVE UP. EVEN ON LAST MINUTE. Reduce WA submissions. And get a template library rather than coding everything on the spot. Changing int to long can have severe effects MLE AC |
====== |
5 | 232 | Codeforces | Virtual | Fast + Correct attempt does magic. And yes, 1800 are easy. | ====== |
6 | 2075 | Codeforces | Virtual | These practice won't help unless you are serious. Laziness will result in catestrophe. | ====== |
7 | 1894 | Codeforces | Virtual | Again ! THE TEMPLATE !!! Get it ASAP | ====== |
8 | 610 | Atcoder | Real | ABC Contests are waste of time. Go for AGC or Codeforces | Not Required |
8 | 2715 | Codeforces | Virtual | You Know it ! | 2 |
9 | ===== | ===================== | ======= | Power Cut is just an excuse to hide laziness. | ====== |
10 | 3050 | Codeforces | Real | Literally ? Neither accurate nor fast ? Need to work lot more. | 1 |
11 | 702 | Codeforces | Virtual | Game Changes when you are accurate and fast as well. | ====== |
12 | 1758 | Codeforces | Virtual | Need to improve accuracy | 0 |
13 | 2841 | Codeforces | Real | .... | ====== |
14 | 3654 | Codeforces | Virtual | EASY MUST BE ACCEPTED | ====== |
15 | 750 | Codeforces | Real | 500+ submissions in div3 => Easy | 1 |
- log(n) is not always negligible. Especially when there is already a log(n) factor. i.e. O(n) and O(n*log(n)*log(n)) differ alot
- Try doing this by recursive dp :) Seems iterative is much more useful here. TLE to AC by changing map to array.
S. No. | Day | Link | Website |
1 | 1 | Biweekly 21 | Leetcode |
2 | 1 | Round 494 | Codeforces |
3 | 2 | Weekly 87 | Leetcode |
4 | 2 | Educational 77 | Codeforces |
6 | 4 | Weekly 84 | Leetcode |
7 | 4 | ABC 161 | Atcoder |
8 | 5 | Weekly 148 | Leetcode |
9 | 7 | Weekly 150 | Leetcode |
S. No. | Day | Link | Website |
1 | 1 | Weekly 183 | Leetcode |
2 | 2 | Weekly 91 | Leetcode |
3 | 6 | Biweekly 21 | Leetcode |
4 | 7 | Div3 629 | Codeforces |
5 | 8 | Weekly 149 | Leetcode |
5 | 10 | Div2 632 | Codeforces |
6 | 12 | Weekly 89 | Leetcode |
S. No. | Day | Link | Rank | Type | Comments |
1 | 1 | Div3 624 | 1310 | virutal | |
2 | 2 | Div2 641 | 2885 | virutal | |
3 | 3 | Div2 643 | 1160 | virutal | Ternary search |