This guide will help you to publish data from BigClown sensors to Microsoft IoT Central and IoT Hub. This guide is based on this Azure and Node-RED official article.
In this official Azure documentation section you can find how to connect to IoT Central over C#, Python, Node.js.
Create a new Application and Device Template in IoT Central. You can name your device push-button:0
so it corresponds with devices' MQTT topic alias.
In the Measurements tab add these telemetry items:
- battery
- push-button
- orientation
- thermometer
We suggest to use exactly these names, because in Node-RED the MQTT topics will directly transform into these names.
In the Devices tab add a new device. Copy down the:
- Device ID
- Device Key (Primary Key)
- Scope ID
Install nodejs tool to generate connection string. Detailed information can be found in official Azure IoT Central documentation.
You can also download compiled binaries for your platform of the DPS tool.
npm i -g dps-keygen
Then generate the connection string using the informaton from previous step
dps-keygen -di:dev1 -dk:devicekeyhere -si:scopeidhere
- di = Device ID
- dk = Device Key (Primary Key)
- si = Scope ID
The tool will generate the connection string. You need to find and copy HostName that will be uset later in Node-RED.
The easiest step is to use Azure IoT Hub nodes. You need to first install them in the Node-RED Menu > Manage pallete. If you cannot see Manage pallete item, you have to install npm on your system and restart Playground.
In the Install tab search and install node-red-contrib-azure-iot-hub
First, create the flow in Node-RED for your device. This example is prepared for Radio Push Button Kit. You can import the flow by copying the code below and use Menu > Import > Clipboard in Node-RED menu.
[{"id":"b43e51eb.c3ad1","type":"azureiothub","z":"3a6acd97.009432","name":"Azure IoT Hub","protocol":"mqtt","x":800,"y":320,"wires":[["8411dd2e.57b28"]]},{"id":"8411dd2e.57b28","type":"debug","z":"3a6acd97.009432","name":"","active":false,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","x":990,"y":320,"wires":[]},{"id":"e9ded786.1d5b58","type":"debug","z":"3a6acd97.009432","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"","x":810,"y":420,"wires":[]},{"id":"74b2efcb.7b6e1","type":"mqtt in","z":"3a6acd97.009432","name":"","topic":"node/push-button:0/battery/-/voltage","qos":"2","broker":"efb90626.1e64b8","x":260,"y":240,"wires":[["3289c52f.889fca"]]},{"id":"9bec0bfc.5c1aa8","type":"mqtt in","z":"3a6acd97.009432","name":"","topic":"node/push-button:0/push-button/-/event-count","qos":"2","broker":"efb90626.1e64b8","x":290,"y":300,"wires":[["3289c52f.889fca"]]},{"id":"58e5a9fc.7c3a18","type":"mqtt in","z":"3a6acd97.009432","name":"","topic":"node/push-button:0/orientation","qos":"2","broker":"efb90626.1e64b8","x":240,"y":360,"wires":[["3289c52f.889fca"]]},{"id":"9ae2ac12.3fcc5","type":"mqtt in","z":"3a6acd97.009432","name":"","topic":"node/push-button:0/thermometer/0:1/temperature","qos":"2","broker":"efb90626.1e64b8","x":300,"y":420,"wires":[["3289c52f.889fca"]]},{"id":"3289c52f.889fca","type":"function","z":"3a6acd97.009432","name":"format","func":"fieldName = msg.topic.split(\"/\")[2];\nvalue = msg.payload;\n\nmsg.payload = {};\n\nmsg.payload.deviceId = \"\";\nmsg.payload.key = \"\";\nmsg.payload.protocol = \"mqtt\";\n\ = {};\[fieldName] = value;\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":590,"y":320,"wires":[["b43e51eb.c3ad1","e9ded786.1d5b58"]]},{"id":"efb90626.1e64b8","type":"mqtt-broker","z":"","broker":"","port":"1883","clientid":"","usetls":false,"compatmode":true,"keepalive":"60","cleansession":true,"birthTopic":"","birthQos":"0","birthPayload":"","willTopic":"","willQos":"0","willPayload":""}]
You should see this flow after import
In Node-RED, double click the blue Azure IoT Hub node and configure the hostname. This addres can be found in Connection string.
Double click on orange format node and paste correct device ID and device key in the JavaScript code.
Press the red Deploy button in the top right corner.
Now you are sending data to the Azure IoT Central. This is a simple demonstration. For better scalability the orange function node should also search for device name (alias push-button:0
) in the MQTT topic and assign correct device ID and key. It is possible to name your device in IoT Central the same way it is named in MQTT topic so it's possible to map them 1:1.