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toxi.color - colorutils

Ported to JavaScript by Kyle Phillips original library by Karsten Schmidt. Parts of colorutils were inspired and bits ported from Tom De Smedt & Frederik De Bleser for the "colors" library of

read original javadocs for complete documentation


TColor (source) is the cornerstone of colorutils. It represents any 32-bit color in 3 simultaneous spaces with number values between 0 - 1. It provides many convenient methods for conversion to other colors and output into other formats.

//make a new color with RGB values:
var c1 = toxi.color.TColor.newRGB( 1.0, 0.5, 0.75 );
//get a new random color:
var c2 = toxi.color.TColor.newRandom();
//get a 3rd color that is a blend of the two:
var c3 = c1.getBlended( c2, 0.5 );
//adjust the hue, saturation, brightness, relatively
c3.adjustHSV( 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 );
//set the saturation absolutely
c2.setSaturation( 1.0 );

//set a css attribute on a dom element = c1.toRGBCSS();
//=> 'rgb(255,127,191)'

//make a TColor from a css attribute
var c4 = toxi.color.TColor.newCSS( );


NamedColor (source) is a convenient way to get a TColor based on the name of any x11 color.

//get a TColor by name
var color = toxi.color.NamedColor.getForName('bark');
//get an array of all names
var allNames = toxi.color.NamedColor.getNames();


ColorList (source) is a collection of colors. You can simply #add( tcolor ), apply adjustments such as #adjustBrightness( step ) or #adjustSaturation( step ) to all of them at once, sort them by a criteria or distance and much more.

var list = new toxi.color.ColorList("my-palette");
list.add( toxi.color.TColor.newRGB( 0.8, 0.5, 0.2) );
//fancy way to add all of the colors to the list using Array#map 	list.addAll([

list.contains( toxi.color.NamedColor.getForName('burgundy') );
//=> true
list.contains( toxi.color.TColor.newRGB( 0.8, 0.5, 0.2) );
//=> true
list.contains( toxi.color.TColor.newRGB( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) );
//=> false

var aquamarine = list.get(1);
var rand = list.getRandom();


ColorTheme (source) is a weighted collection of ColorRange's used to define custom palettes with a certain balance between individual colors/shades. New theme parts can be added via textual descriptors referring to one of the preset ColorRange's and/or NamedColor's, e.g. "warm springgreen". For each theme part a weight has to be specified. The magnitude of the weight value is irrelevant and is only important in relation to the weights of other theme parts.

view the ColorRange descriptors here

//make a theme
var theme = new toxi.color.ColorTheme("myTheme");
	.addRange("soft aliceblue", 1)
	.addRange("bright aquamarine", 0.5)
	.addRange("warm brown", 1)
	.addRange("intense indianred", 1)
	.addRange( toxi.color.ColorRange.BRIGHT, toxi.color.NamedColor.GOLD, 0.5)
	.addRange( toxi.color.ColorRange.BRIGHT, toxi.color.TColor.newRandom(), 0.25 );
//get a ColorList with 200 colors
var list = theme.getColors(200);
//get a random color that is within the theme
var tcolor = theme.getColor();

Strategies - toxi.color.theory.*

The toxi.color.theory.* package has several strategies for generating harmonious color palettes from a single color. Instances of these strategies, such as AnalagousStrategy, ComplementaryStrategy, TriadTheoryStrategy, etc. all define a function createListFromColor( sourceTColor ) that returns a ColorList of harmonious colors.

//make a ColorList based off the TriadTheoryStrategy
var color = toxi.color.NamedColor.getForName('aquamarine');
var colorList = new toxi.color.theory.TriadTheoryStrategy().createListFromColor(color);

//a 2nd way of doing this (with analagous)
colorList = toxi.color.theory.ColorTheoryRegistry.ANALAGOUS.createListFromColor(color);

//a 3rd way of doing the same thing (this time with complementary)
colorList = toxi.color.createListUsingStrategy("complementary", color);

// => [ 'complement', 'complementary','splitComplementary','leftSplitComplementary','rightSplitComplementary','analagous','monochrome','triad','tetrad','compound' ]


var list = new toxi.color.createUsingStrategy("rightSplitComplementary", toxi.color.NamedColor.LIME);
range = new toxi.color.ColorRange(list).addBrightnessRange(0,1);
var longList = range.getColors(100);
//specify a custom variance, getColors( [tcolor], [numToGenerate], [variance] );
var customVarianceList = range.getColors( undefined, 100, 0.5);

Access Criteria and Distance Proxies

AccessCriteria (source) includes a single instance of each of the different ways to compare colors: AlphaAccessor, CMYKAccessor, HSVAccessor, LuminanceAccessor, RGBAccessor

The distance proxies, CMYKDistanceProxy, HSVDistanceProxy, RGBDistanceProxy allow you to sort colors based on their distance to each-other.

//make a list from a strategy
var list = toxi.color.createListUsingStrategy("triad", toxi.color.NamedColor.AQUAMARINE);
//sort the list by hue, true = reverse to descending order
list.sortByCriteria( toxi.color.AccessCriteria.HUE, true );

//sort the list by its relative distance to each predecessor, starting with the darkest color
list.sortByDistance( new toxi.color.HSVDistanceProxy() );


ColorGradient (source) models a multi-color gradient and allows you to receive a ColorList of the gradient at any resolution and with custom interpolators.

var grad = new toxi.color.ColorGradient(),
	numColors = 10;
for( var i=0; i<numColor; i++){
	grad.addColorAt( i, toxi.color.TColor.newHSV(i/numColors, 1.0, 1.0) );
//get a colorlist of the original gradient
var list = grad.calcGradient();
//list.length => 10
//get a gradient with the colors blended into a resolution of 20
list = grad.calcGradient(0, 20);
//list.length => 20
list = grad.calcGradient(10, 20);


ToneMap (source) allows you to map a numerical input range to a gradient of colors. In the following example the colors of a flame are mapped to a sine wave:

var grad = new toxi.color.ColorGradient();
//add these colors to the gradient, at the specified locations
[[0,'black'],[128,'red'],[196,'yellow'],[255,'white']].forEach(function(stop, i, arr){
	grad.addColorAt( stop[0], toxi.color.NamedColor.getForName(stop[1]) );
//map the gradient to the sine wave's values between 0.0-1.0
var toneMap = new toxi.color.ToneMap( 0.0, 1.0, grad)
var wave = new toxi.math.SineWave(0, 0.01);
for( var i=0; i<freq; i++{
	color = toneMap.getToneFor( wave.update() );
	//do something with color