A utility classes for WooCommerce development.
Include via composer. In your composer.json:
"require": {
"hametuha/hametwoo": "~0.9"
This library is useful for making Payment Gateways.
Composer, Node.js, and Docker are required. At first, clone GitHub repository.
git clone git@github.com:hametuha/hametwoo.git
Then install dependencies.
composer install
npm install
Run local environment.
npm start
Run test.
# PHP Unit test in Docker.
npm test
# PHP Code Sniffer
composer lint
# PHP Code Beautifier
composer format
To enable mailhog for debug, follow the instruction below.
# Get docker container ID.
# Notice: run npm start before this step.
npm run path
# You will get container ID at the base name e.g. 0597019337936df00cda1cf5a15016e0
# Save it as .wp_install_path
touch .wp_install_path
echo 0597019337936df00cda1cf5a15016e0 > .wp_install_path
# Restart docker.
npm run update
# Open http://localhost:8025
GPL 3.0 and later.
- Fix custom email to automatically fired.
- Add custom email for cancellation.
- Add dependency check
Compatibility::check_dependency( $plugin_files_array )
. - Add utility functions for get post data for Gateway API.
First release.