Create 3D SceneKit scenes from files imported by assimp library with support for skeletal animations.
AssimpKit currently supports 30 file formats that allows you to use these files directly in SceneKit without having to convert these to any of the files that SceneKit or Model IO supports thereby saving an extra step in your asset pipeline.
You can use the AssimpKit API to easily load, view and inspect such files with just few lines of code, including skeletal animations.
Table I-1 lists the important classes in AssimpKit.
Table I-1 Important classes in AssimpKit.
Class/Category | Description |
SCNScene(AssimpImport) | The container for all SceneKit content, loaded with assimp. |
SCNNode(AssimpImport) | The node category to add animation to a node. |
You can use the AssimpImport category defined on SCNScene to load scenes. The post processing steps that the assimp library can apply to the imported data are listed at AssimpKitPostProcessSteps.
The imported SCNAssimpScene contains a model SCNScene which represents the 3D model and the skeleton if it contains one, in addition to the array of animations each represented by an SCNScene object. The SCNAssimpScene also contains the key names for the animations which can be used when adding, removing animations.
You can load a scene which is a part of your app bundle, as in Listing I-1 below.
Listing I-1 Load a scene which is part of your app bundle
#import <AssimpKit/PostProcessing.h>
#import <AssimpKit/SCNScene+AssimpImport.h>
NSString *spider = @"spider.obj";
// Start the import on the given file with some example postprocessing
// Usually - if speed is not the most important aspect for you - you'll
// probably request more postprocessing than we do in this example.
SCNAssimpScene* scene =
[SCNScene sceneNamed:spider
postProcessFlags:AssimpKit_Process_FlipUVs |
// retrieve the SCNView
SCNView *scnView = (SCNView *)self.view;
// set the model scene to the view
scnView.scene = scene.modelScene;
You can load a scene by specifying a file URL, as in Listing I-2 below.
Listing I-2 Load a scene with a file URL
#import <AssimpKit/PostProcessing.h>
#import <AssimpKit/SCNScene+AssimpImport.h>
// The path to the file path must not be a relative path
NSString *soldierPath = @"/assets/apple/attack.dae";
// Start the import on the given file with some example postprocessing
// Usually - if speed is not the most important aspect for you - you'll
// probably request more postprocessing than we do in this example.
SCNAssimpScene *scene =
[SCNScene assimpSceneWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:soldierPath]
postProcessFlags:AssimpKit_Process_FlipUVs |
// retrieve the SCNView
SCNView *scnView = (SCNView *)self.view;
// set the model scene to the view
scnView.scene = scene.modelScene;
AssimpKit builds on top of the skeletal animation support provided by SceneKit. For any scene that contains skeletal animation data, it creates a skinner and sets it to the node whose geometry the skinner deforms. The animated scene after importing will contain a set of animations each with a unique animation key. You only have to add the animation to the scene to play it.
AssimpKit supports skeletal animations irrespective of whether they are defined in one animation file or multiple animation files.
AssimpKit supports CAMediaTiming, animation attributes and animating scene kit content with an SCNAssimpAnimSettings class which you can (optionally) pass when adding an animation. You can set animation events and a delegate as well.
You can load an animation which is defined in the same file as the model you are animating, using the listing I-3 below.
Listing I-3 Load and play an animation which is defined in the same file
#import <AssimpKit/PostProcessing.h>
#import <AssimpKit/SCNScene+AssimpImport.h>
#import <AssimpKit/SCNAssimpAnimSettings.h>
// The path to the file path must not be a relative path
NSString *boyPath = @"/of/assets/astroBoy_walk.dae";
// Start the import on the given file with some example postprocessing
// Usually - if speed is not the most important aspect for you - you'll
// probably request more postprocessing than we do in this example.
SCNAssimpScene *scene =
[SCNScene assimpSceneWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:boyPath];
postProcessFlags:AssimpKit_Process_FlipUVs |
// add the walk animation to the boy model scene
// add an animation event as well as a delegate
SCNAssimpAnimSettings *settings =
[[SCNAssimpAnimSettings alloc] init];
settings.repeatCount = 3;
NSString *key = [scene.animationKeys objectAtIndex:0];
SCNAnimationEventBlock eventBlock =
^(CAAnimation *animation, id animatedObject,
BOOL playingBackward) {
NSLog(@" Animation Event triggered ");
// You can remove the animation
// [scene.rootNode removeAnimationSceneForKey:key];
SCNAnimationEvent *animEvent =
[SCNAnimationEvent animationEventWithKeyTime:0.9f
NSArray *animEvents =
[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:animEvent, nil];
settings.animationEvents = animEvents;
settings.delegate = self;
// get the animation which is defined in the same file
SCNScene *animation = [animScene animationSceneForKey:key];
[scene.modelScene.rootNode addAnimationScene:animation
// retrieve the SCNView
SCNView *scnView = (SCNView *)self.view;
// set the model scene to the view
scnView.scene = scene.modelScene;
You can load an animation which is defined in a separate file from the model you are animating, using the listing I-5 below.
Listing I-4 Load and play an animation which is defined in a separate file
#import <AssimpKit/PostProcessing.h>
#import <AssimpKit/SCNScene+AssimpImport.h>
// The path to the file path must not be a relative path
NSString *explorer = @"/assets/apple/explorer_skinned.dae";
// Start the import on the given file with some example postprocessing
// Usually - if speed is not the most important aspect for you - you'll
// probably request more postprocessing than we do in this example.
SCNAssimpScene *scene =
[SCNScene assimpSceneWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:explorer]
postProcessFlags:AssimpKit_Process_FlipUVs |
// load an animation which is defined in a separate file
NSString *jumpAnim = @"/explorer/jump_start.dae"];
SCNAssimpScene *jumpStartScene =
[SCNAssimpScene assimpSceneWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:jumpAnim]
postProcessFlags:AssimpKit_Process_FlipUVs |
// get the aniamtion with animation key
NSString *jumpId = @"jump_start-1";
SCNScene *jumpStartAnim = [jumpStartScene animationSceneForKey:jumpId];
// add the jump animation to the explorer scene
// use the default settings, for custom settings see previous listing I-4
[scene.modelScene.rootNode addAnimation:jumpStartAnim
// retrieve the SCNView
SCNView *scnView = (SCNView *)self.view;
// set the model scene to the view
scnView.scene = scene.modelScene;
The SCNNode+AssimpImport category simulates the SCNAnimatable protocol and provides methods to attach, remove, pause and resume animations.
You can serialize the model and animation scenes in SCNAssimpScene using the write(to:options:delegate:progressHandler:) defined in SCNScene
to export to either .scn
or .dae
file. See the discussion section of write(to:options:delegate:progressHandler:) for more details.
By exporting using the above serialization method, you can both edit the exported assets in XCode's scene editor and also integrate the assets imported into your application's asset pipeline.
Currently AssimpKit supports the following file formats:
3d, 3ds, ac, b3d, bvh, cob, dae, dxf, ifc, irr, md2, md5mesh, md5anim, m3sd, nff, obj, off, mesh.xml, ply, q3o, q3s, raw, smd, stl, wrl, xgl, zgl, fbx, md3