Estimates outdoor illuminance based on current weather conditions and time of day. At night the value is 10. From a little before sunrise to a little after the value is ramped up to whatever the current conditions indicate. The same happens around sunset, except the value is ramped down. Below is an example of what that might look like over a three day period.
The following sources of weather data are supported:
- Dark Sky Sensor (icon)
- Dark Sky Weather
- Weather Underground
- YR (symbol)
See Installing and Updating to use Custom Updater. The name of this "element"
is "sensor.illuminance"
Alternatively, place a copy of:
at <config>/custom_components/illuminance/
where <config>
is your Home Assistant configuration directory.
NOTE: Do not download the file by using the link above directly. Rather, click on it, then on the page that comes up use the
Then add the desired configuration. Here is an example of a typical configuration:
- platform: illuminance
entity_id: sensor.yr_symbol
For manual installation, place a copy of:
at <config>/custom_components/sensor/
- api_key: Weather Underground API key. Required when using WU.
- entity_id: Entity ID of Dark Sky or YR entity. See examples below. Required when using Dark Sky or YR.
- name (Optional): Name of the sensor. Default is
. - scan_interval (Optional): Polling interval. For non-WU configs only applies during ramp up period around sunrise and ramp down period around sunset. Minimum is 5 minutes. Default is 5 minutes.
- query: Weather Underground query. See Required when using WU.
- platform: darksky
api_key: !secret ds_api_key
- icon
- platform: illuminance
name: DSS Illuminance
entity_id: sensor.dark_sky_icon
- platform: darksky
api_key: !secret ds_api_key
- platform: illuminance
name: DSW Illuminance
entity_id: weather.dark_sky
- platform: yr
- symbol
- platform: illuminance
name: YRS Illuminance
entity_id: sensor.yr_symbol
- platform: illuminance
name: WU Illuminance
api_key: !secret wu_api_key
query: !secret wu_query
minutes: 30
Weather Underground no long provides free API keys. In fact, as of this writing they have notified that the REST API will be discontinued.
Date | Version | Notes |
20180907 | 1.0.0 | Initial support for Custom Updater. |
20181028 | 2.0.0 | Add support for using Dark Sky or YR entity as source of weather conditions. For WU, no longer get sunrise/sunset data from the server, just use HA’s sun data. |
20190111 | 2.0.1 | Adapt to change in Dark Sky Sensor in HA 0.85 release (see PR #19492.) |
20190307 | 2.0.2 | Adapt to change in Yr Sensor in HA 0.89 release (see PR #21069.) |