In my Emacs keymapping, a single key usually does the same thing in several mode-specific maps, yet it is defined all over the place (under each mode-specific settings). I also love to s(eval-when-compile (eval-when-compile (((( ))))ort my key mapping (to avoid duplicate keymaps which has got me some times).
I change my key frequently which requires me to visit different places just to change 1 single key, not to mention sorting the keys and all that. This is annoying, and I found in John Wiegly's `bind-key' package the ideas of centralizing key definitions into one form, and using eval-after-load for late-loading packages. However the package facilitates binding several keys to a keymap, while my need is the opposite hence this package.
The disadvantage of this approach is the repetition of the keymap names for each key, due to the 1-many mapping of each key to multiple maps.
I have not tested the code on older Emacs versions yet, hence the required Emacs version specified above is 26.2 (my current version), where the code runs alright.
(when (require 'keycentric nil t)
`(("<C-M-S-up>" (nil (global-map . backward-up-list)))
("<f5> b" (nil (global-map . (lambda () (interactive)
(and (revert-buffer nil t)
(message "buffer reverted."))))))
("<C-S-s>" (nil (global-map . isearch-forward-regexp))
(isearch (isearch-mode-map . isearch-repeat-forward))))))
I hope you may find this program useful.