A centralized hub to help current bootcamp students connect with bootcamp graduates, instructors, and professionals to share issues, ideas and experiences.
As bootcamp students, we are overloaded with information on the web regarding all the new technology and programming languages that we are learning.
For example, stack overflow has a plethora of information, but it can be overwhelming to filter out useful information, especially when just starting out.
It would be nice to have a forum where bootcamp students can ask specific questions and receive answers that are understandable to beginners.
Built with
- BCrypt
- Bootstrap
- Express
- Express Handlebars
- Express Session
- Passport
- Passport-heroku
- Passport-local
- Sequelize
- Create user account
- Write new post
- Make comments on posts
- Edit your account
- Edit your post
- Delete your post
- View all posts
- View just your posts
- View your network
- Clone this report to your local machine using
Go to the directory in which the repo is downloaded to and install npm packages
$ npm install
Initialize local database
$ mysql < models/schema.sql
Create .env, update as needed
$ cp .env.example .env
Run tests
$ npm test
Start node application
$ npm start
Kara Nichols - https://github.com/lnicholskara
Hamza Agharbi - https://github.com/hagharbi
Mauro Facciolla - https://github.com/Dendevpro
Bao Phan - https://github.com/btp589