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How to give updates on your issues

Bonnie Wolfe edited this page May 19, 2022 · 6 revisions
  • Estimate: Copy the below and put it in the "good first issue" that you picked. Check this box when you have completed this task so that we can identify if you understood the instructions and know what to do on all subsequent issues upon assignment. Availability for this week: My estimated ETA for completing this issue:

  • Progress Reports: Copy the below and put it in the issue once you have been assigned to the issue at least 5 days (we check weekly), or sooner if you have something to report. If you finish this issue before 5 days are reached, Yeah!!, do it on your next issue. This update should be done every week for every issue. The checkbox here is meant for us to see if you understood the instructions when you end up doing your first weekly progress update. Provide Update 1. Progress 2. Blockers 3. Availability 4. ETA

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