09:03:01 The transcript. 09:03:02 Good morning everybody. 09:03:04 Good. 09:03:07 We're going to share my screen and go to the board. 09:03:12 Okay, perfect. We are going to go to the agenda for internship stand up, and we're going to link everybody copy the link address and put that into the chat for everybody. 09:03:24 If everybody could make sure that you annotate your attendance at this meeting and don't forget to put your hours. 09:03:30 And now we're going to go to the very bottom of this issue. And I'm going to click on my little handy dandy auto reply thing. And, or my saved replies, and put the blocker stand up and today is the 12th. 09:03:45 So I'm going to replace that with 812 21. 09:03:53 And let's start with Jason because he was here first. 09:03:56 Hi Jason What is your progress today. Um for progress I wasn't able to work on my issue that I need to review. 09:04:04 Yesterday, so I plan to work on it today or tomorrow for like, yeah, and I'll have it done before the weekend. And is this the issue that you are doing a pull request review on or oh no I'm not doing Sorry, I'm not doing the pull request review I did 09:04:19 the issue and then I got feedback and now I need to go through them. 09:04:24 Ah, got it. Okay. Going to, going to reply to feedback. feedback on the PR. 09:04:35 Okay. And then we have a meeting later today, or one on one. Yes we do. 09:04:42 blockers availability availability. Okay, cool. And then, how you doing on the LinkedIn stuff from the LinkedIn stuff is going good on my plan to work on the rest of it before meeting. 09:04:55 So, you should be stopped by the time our meeting comes. Um, I wasn't really able to find like a good picture because like I don't really take pictures like that but I'm still like looking through. 09:05:08 And when they find one, like, read, I'll re upload it. Yeah, you can change it anytime you fact you should change it whenever you know whenever you know you're an older or whatever whatever seems appropriate, you'll know when to change it. 09:05:19 You got the guidelines so I'm confident that you'll, you'll find, you'll do the right you know you'll, you'll make it when you're ready. 09:05:25 Got some LinkedIn done and will continue to work on it, work on work on it. Sorry work on it, and prep for our meeting for our meeting, meeting later today. 09:05:41 Okay, perfect. 09:05:42 All right. Sorry. 09:05:46 me so I've been working on my large issue. 09:05:51 Talk to Dave about certain bits about certain parts of it and so we're probably going to be doing some, like having a pair programming session either during the meeting or at some other time today. 09:06:03 And so, in so that's more or less what I've been doing. 09:06:10 I see I have a meeting with the tail right now. Okay, you should go. Um yeah I'm gonna go and I'm going to try to, because it's like almost 10pm for me I'm sure I've talked to him about the timing thing. 09:06:24 I'm sorry, and Jason, I'm gonna reach out to you guys on slack regarding the timing so I think we can continue, can you just ask material to come here and let's get it. 09:06:40 Let's get you reorganized with everybody and put put you in a breakout room and you can negotiate schedules right now, just 09:06:45 to hear. Oh yeah just came me up. Okay, so, so I'll just put you on a breakout as soon as we finish off, and for soon as we finish stand up I'll just put you on a breakout and you can and you can. 09:06:56 And you can renegotiate the meeting times. 09:07:01 I've been talking to Eva will do some pair programming blockers none right. Okay. 09:07:05 Mateo Do you have an update. 09:07:09 Um, no. 09:07:11 Okay, nevermind. Okay, perfect. Now I'm going to comment this out and going to make a breakout room for y'all. I'm going to stop the recording. 09:07:20 Okay stopping the share stopping the recording and going to the transcript. 09:07:33 Visual transcript on say transcript. Okay, Sean folder and then kill the transcript.