copyright | lastupdated | ||
2018-12-07 |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:pre: .pre} {:screen: .screen} {:tip: .tip}
{: #about}
Welcome to the {{}} service.
With {{}} (CFEE) you can instantiate multiple, isolated, enterprise-grade Cloud Foundry platforms on-demand. Instances of the {{}} Foundry Enterprise service run within your own account in the {{}}. The environment is deployed on isolated hardware (Kubernetes clusters). You have full control over the environment, including access control, capacity, version updates, resource usage and monitoring. Furthermore, CFEE integration into the {{}} allows developers to leverage services available in their {{}} account. Users can add those services to a CFEE and bind them to applications deployed into CFEE spaces.
Find out how you can get started creating and using a CFEE instance.
{: #key-elements}
The following table provides a summary of the key elements of the {{}} service:
Element | Description |
IBM Cloud Account | CFEE instances are created under a specific IBM Cloud account, making it available to users in that account according to the roles and access policies defined for those users. |
The account under which CFEE instances are created must be Pay-As-You-Go or a Subscription account type (not a Trial account). | |
CFEE | IBM Cloud Foundry Enterprise Environment service for hosting applications. |
Is available in the IBM Cloud catalog. | |
CFEE instance | An instance of the IBM Cloud Foundry Enterprise Environment service created under an IBM Cloud account by a user in with an administrator or editor role in that account. |
There can be multiple CFEE instances in an IBM Cloud Account. | |
Can have one or more organizations. | |
Organization | Includes one or more spaces. |
Includes one or more org managers. | |
Includes one or more team members. Each team member can be granted one or more roles. | |
The usage charges, which are generated by a deployed application within a space, are reported at the organization level. | |
Space | Includes one or more resources. |
Includes one or more apps. | |
Includes one or more space managers. | |
Includes one or more team members. Each user must already be a team member in the owning organization. Each team member can be granted one or more roles. | |
Team member | Can be added to one or more organizations and spaces across different accounts. |
Can be given more than one role within the same organization, space, or both. | |
Service alias | An alias of a service instance in the IBM Cloud. |
Allows developers to bind existing service instances available in their IBM Cloud account to their applications deployed in a space within a CFEE. | |
{:caption="Table 1. Description of key elements" caption-side="top"} |
{: #provisioning-targets}
Following are the geographies, locations and data centers where the CFEE service and the dependent services (Kubernetes service, Compose for PostgreSQL and Cloud Object Storage services) are available for provisioning:
Geography | CFEE instance & Kubernetes Cluster | Cloud Object Storage | Compose for PostgreSQL (CF Region) |
North America | Montreal (mon01) | us-geo | us-east |
North America | Toronto (tor01) | us-geo | us-east |
North America | Washington DC (wdc04) | us-geo | us-east |
North America | Washington DC (wdc06) | us-geo | us-east |
North America | Washington DC (wdc07) | us-geo | us-east |
North America | Dallas (dal10) | us-geo | us-south |
North America | Dallas (dal12) | us-geo | us-south |
North America | Dallas (dal13) | us-geo | us-south |
North America | San Jose (sjc03) | us-geo | us-south |
North America | San Jose (sjc04) | us-geo | us-south |
South America | Sao Paolo (sao01) | us-geo | us-south |
Europe | London (lon02) | eu-geo | eu-gb |
Europe | London (lon04) | eu-geo | eu-gb |
Europe | London (lon06) | eu-geo | eu-gb |
Europe | Amsterdam (ams03) | eu-geo | eu-de |
Europe | Oslo (osl01) | eu-geo | eu-de |
Europe | Paris (par01) | eu-geo | eu-de |
Europe | Frankfurt (fra02) | eu-geo | eu-de |
Europe | Frankfurt (fra04) | eu-geo | eu-de |
Europe | Frankfurt (fra05) | eu-geo | eu-de |
Europe | Milan (mil01) | eu-geo | eu-de |
Asia Pacific | Melbourne (mel01) | ap-geo | au-syd |
Asia Pacific | Sydney (syd01) | ap-geo | au-syd |
Asia Pacific | Sydney (syd04) | ap-geo | au-syd |
Asia Pacific | Hong Kong (hkg02) | ap-geo | au-syd |
Asia Pacific | Hong Kong (seo01) | ap-geo | au-syd |
Asia Pacific | Singapore (sng01) | ap-geo | au-syd |
Asia Pacific | Tokyo (tok02) | ap-geo | au-syd |
Asia Pacific | Tokyo (tok04) | ap-geo | au-syd |
Asia Pacific | Tokyo (tok05) | ap-geo | au-syd |
Asia Pacific | Chennai (che01) | ap-geo | au-syd |
{: caption="Table 2. Provisioning targets for CFEE and supporting services" caption-side="top"} |
As an example, the CFEE service can provisioned in three data centers in Europe: Amsterdam (1 data center), Frankfurt (3 data centers), London (3 data centers), Oslo (1 data center), and Paris (1 data center). If the CFEE is provisioned in Frankfurt, the Cloud Object Store service instance will be deployed in the eu-geo region, and the Compose for PostgreSQL service instance will be deployed in the eu-de public Cloud Foundry region.
You can find videos with detailed information and demonstrations for working with services in CFEE in the CFEE video playlist{: new_window} .