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Grzegorz edited this page Feb 10, 2023 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the homebridge-denon-tv wiki!


  • For homebridge-denon-tv versions 3.6.0 and above the minimum required version of Homebridge is 1.3.x.
  • If update to 3.15.0 need remove the accessory frome HomeKit app and add it again.


  • If for some reason the device is not displayed in HomeKit app try this procedure:
    • Go to ./homebridge/persist macOS or /var/lib/homebridge/persist for RPI.
    • Remove file which contain Your device data: {"displayName":"AV Receiver"}.
    • Next remove file with same name as
    • Restart Homebridge and try add it to the HomeKit app again.

Adding to HomeKit

  • Each accessory needs to be manually paired.
    • Open the Home app on your device.
    • Tap the Home tab, then tap .
    • Tap Add Accessory, and select I Don't Have a Code, Cannot Scan or More options.
    • Select Your accessory and press add anyway.
    • Enter the PIN or scan the QR code, this can be found in Homebridge UI or Homebridge logs.
    • Complete the accessory setup.


  • That maximum Services for 1 accessory is 100. If Services > 100, accessory stop responding.
  • To solve this problem the plugin counts the number of Services and not allow add more as 100.
  • If You have configured more as 100 Services some inputs or buttons will not be available in the HomeKit app.
  • The Services in this accessory are:
    • Information, 1 service.
    • Speaker, 1 service.
    • Lightbulb, 1 service.
    • Fan, 1 service.
    • Television, 1 service.
    • Sensors, each sensor is 1 service.
    • Inputs, each input is 1 service.
    • Buttons, each button is 1 service.


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