Removing casing per feedback
Removing casing per feedback
Add prefix copy to twitter submissions to make it more human-like
Add prefix copy to twitter submissions to make it more human-like
Add level storage clearing in loading veil (TODO: Clean up CSS) and a…
Add level storage clearing in loading veil (TODO: Clean up CSS) and a…
Fixes issue where expression override for puzzles is not respected
Fixes issue where expression override for puzzles is not respected
Support puzzle level payloads and social scoring submissions via twitter
Support puzzle level payloads and social scoring submissions via twitter
Support query param override of ticksPerSecond and drawModulo for sco…
Support query param override of ticksPerSecond and drawModulo for sco…
Working around victory stop button issue
Working around victory stop button issue
Force push
Decouple main::tickDelta from main::ticksPerSecond, and decouple main…
Decouple main::tickDelta from main::ticksPerSecond, and decouple main…
Null completion time initially
Null completion time initially
Calculate the completion time inside the game publish it via hidden div
Calculate the completion time inside the game publish it via hidden div